Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

870: Li Wei Is Worried About Being Arrested For Drunk Driving

Qi Lin's assistant Wang Bing walked into the office. "Mr. Qi, I have compiled some eyewitness testimonies." She handed Qi Lin a stack of paper. "Based on witness descriptions, the trailer was black and possibly a pickup truck. However, due to the darkness, no one could provide further details."

Qi Lin took the paper and examined it for a while. "Although there are not many eyewitness descriptions, at least we have a clue. We need to find this black pickup truck and the driver who is not afraid of death," he said.

The next morning, Qi Lin and Wang Bing went to the scene of the accident to investigate. They left the city and came to a quiet countryside. A black pickup truck was parked on the side of the road, separated by police tape.

Qi Lin approached the pickup truck and began to inspect it carefully. "It seems that this car is relatively new without too many scratches and dents." He touched the body of the car with his hand. "Maybe we can find some useful clues from the car."

Wang Bing handed Qi Lin a plastic bag. "I've prepared the forensic tools for you," she said.

Qi Lin put on his gloves and carefully searched the car. "110 Look here!" He suddenly shouted and found a piece of paper with slight blood stains. There is an address written on it: "No. 445 Dongfang Road".

"This is the clue we need." Qi Lin said excitedly. "We need to go to this address as soon as possible to investigate."

Qi Lin and Wang Bing hurriedly left the scene of the accident and headed to No. 445 Dongfang Road. It's a run-down apartment building on the edge of the city. They walked into the corridor and smelled a strong odor as they went up the stairs.

A knock on the door attracted the attention of a middle-aged woman. She opened the door and asked dissatisfiedly: "What's going on?"

"We are the police, investigating hit-and-run cases." Qi Lin showed his ID. "Did you know there was a black pickup truck parked here?"

The woman hesitated, then nodded. "Yes, the car is parked in my husband's name. But he went out last night and hasn't come back yet."

"Do you know where he went?" Wang Bing asked.

The woman shook her head. "He didn't tell me or leave any message." She sighed. "He has become more and more strange recently, and he is mysterious all day long." (bfbg)

Qi Lin thought for a while and then asked: "Has your husband had any quarrels or disputes with anyone recently?"

The woman frowned. "He has been a little irritable lately, but I don't know if he had an argument with anyone," she said. "We have also had some financial difficulties recently, and he may be feeling stressed by that."

"Okay, thank you very much for your cooperation." Qi Lin thanked him politely. "If your husband comes back, please contact us as soon as possible."

Qi Lin and Wang Bing left the woman's home and returned to the police station. They began to research other clues in the case and communicated with their colleagues.

"This case seems to be getting more and more complicated." Wang Bing frowned. "We need to find the driver of that black pickup truck and understand why he fled."

Qi Lin nodded. "Yes, we need more clues to solve the mystery." He thought about his next move. "We can interview the witnesses again to see if they remember any other details. Additionally, we can trace the owner of the vehicle to see if he had contact with other suspicious individuals."

A few days later, Qi Lin and Wang Bing returned to the witnesses again. Through careful questioning, they discovered that a witness had seen a red sticker on the car.

"This is an important clue!" Qi Lin said excitedly. "We can ask nearby auto repair shops to see if anyone has repaired a black pickup truck with a red sticker."

They immediately went to a nearby repair shop and started asking questions one by one. After a patient search [I finally found the mechanic who had repaired the black pickup truck and put a red sticker on it.

"I remember that car," the mechanic said. "It belonged to a guy named Li Wei. He sent me the car for repair a few days ago and then disappeared."

"Li Wei? We need to find him as soon as possible." Qi Lin said seriously.

Qi Lin and Wang Bing took action quickly, and through investigation and tracking, they finally found Li Wei's hiding place. They quietly approached an abandoned warehouse.

"We must be careful not to attract his attention." Qi Lin warned in a low voice. "We don't know if he is armed, so we have to be vigilant.

The two quietly approached the warehouse, and Qi Lin suddenly heard a deep voice: "Who are you?"

They turned around and saw Li Wei standing at the door of the warehouse with a knife in his hand. He stared at them with anger on his face.

"Li Wei, we are the police!" Qi Lin tried to stay calm. "You need to cooperate with our investigation."

Li Wei laughed and said: "Investigation? You are just here to catch me! I didn't do anything illegal.

Qi Lin raised his hand and signaled Wang Bing not to move. "Li Wei [we are not here to arrest you. We just want to know the truth of the matter. Can you explain to us the hit-and-run case that happened last night?"

Li Wei held the handle of the knife tightly and stared at Qi Lin and Wang Bing. "How did you know that I was related to that case?" He hesitated, then sighed. "Okay, I'll tell you the truth.

He sat on the steps of the warehouse door and began to talk. "That night, I was driving my car home, but I was a little drunk. When I was driving across the road, I suddenly saw a car rushing out from the side and hitting my car. I was scared It broke, thinking that if I called the police, I might be arrested for drunk driving.

"So you chose to escape." Qi Lin interjected.

Li Wei nodded. "Yes, I knew it was wrong, but I didn't think too much at the time. I feel very regretful, especially after hearing that the passenger was seriously injured."

Wang Bing asked: "Then why didn't you surrender?"

Li Wei smiled bitterly. "I'm scared, I don't know how to face my behavior. I hid in this warehouse trying to get rid of the guilt in my heart. But in the end you found me."

Qi Lin stood up and walked to Li Wei. "Li Wei, you made a mistake, but now you have a chance to make up for it. We will convey your situation to the court, and you can take the initiative to explain and bear due responsibility."

Li Wei nodded silently. "Thank you. I am willing to cooperate with the investigation, apologize to the passengers and pay the medical expenses."

Qi Lin and Wang Bing calmed Li Wei's emotions and took him back to the police station. In the next few days, they communicated with the injured passengers and their families. Li Wei expressed deep regret and raised money for medical expenses. .

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