"I love her, but I cannot tolerate the fact that she is pregnant being leaked. I am afraid that the child will affect my status and reputation." Liu Yu said weakly.

Qi Lin and Lu Yunfei lamented the distortion of human nature and the occurrence of evil. Through their own efforts, they uncovered the truth behind the love murder case and brought justice and peace to Li Wanwan. After Li Wanwan's family learned the truth, although they were deeply saddened, they were also grateful to Qi Lin and Lu Yunfei for seeking justice for them.

The cracking of this murder case did not end the cooperation between Qi Lin and Lu Yunfei. They decided to continue working together to investigate whether Liu Yu had committed other crimes and to protect Li Wanwan's family from further harm.

After a period of investigation, they discovered that Liu Yu was also involved in multiple economic crimes. He took advantage of his position to engage in illegal activities such as corruption and money laundering. Qi Lin and Lu Yunfei handed the evidence to the police and assisted them in launching a comprehensive investigation.

In the end, Liu Yu was sentenced to a severe sentence and justice was fully realized. The cooperation between Qi Lin and Lu Yunfei also attracted public attention, and they became high-profile heroes in society.

In this process, Qi Lin and Lu Yunfei established a deep friendship. They support each other and always stand together in difficult times. The challenges they experienced together also tempered their wisdom and courage, making them more mature and determined.

In the eyes of everyone, Qi Lin has become an upright, smart and brave detective. His name draws a strong line between crime and justice. Lu Qufei was also praised for his loyalty to his friends and his indomitable spirit.

Qi Lin was in his office in the city center, carefully studying the piles of case files on his desk. This is a commercial espionage case related to national security, involving an important technology company-Xingchen Technology. He had spent weeks investigating and had many clues, but he still didn't have enough evidence to bring the criminal to justice.

Suddenly, the office phone rang. Qi Lin picked up the receiver, and a strange man's voice came from the other end, "Hello, Mr. Qi, I know you are investigating the spy case of Xingchen Technology."

Qi Lin asked nervously: "Who are you? How do you know about this?"

"I am an anonymous person. I have key information that can help you solve the case." The other party said.

Qi Lin thought for a moment and decided to meet the anonymous person. They agreed to meet in a quiet cafe to make sure no one could overhear their conversation.

When Qi Lin walked into the cafe, he found the man sitting in a corner, wearing sunglasses and looking mysterious. Qi Lin walked over and sat opposite.

"Hello, I'm Qi Lin. Do you have any information about Xingchen Technology?" Qi Lin asked.

The anonymous person nodded and then whispered: "The chairman of Xingchen Technology, Li Wenming, is actually an undercover agent. He once worked for the State Secret Intelligence Service and engaged in espionage activities overseas before establishing Xingchen Technology .”

Qi Lin stared at the other party in shock, almost unable to believe his ears. "Are you sure? This is incredible!"

The anonymous source continued: "Not only that, Xingchen Technology's core research projects have been leaked to competitors. They are planning to steal the company's trade secrets and sell them to foreign buyers. You need to find conclusive evidence to expose this conspiracy .”

Qi Lin was dumbfounded and filled with doubts. Chairman Li Wenming seems to have always been a highly respected figure, but no one knows his true identity. Qi Lin felt like he was trapped in a complicated mystery.

He decided to start from another angle and obtain more information by investigating the employees of Xingchen Technology. Qi Lin found Martin, a senior engineer of the company, who was shocked after hearing the news about the espionage case.

"I can't believe this is true. Chairman Li is actually a spy?" Martin said dumbfounded.

Qi Lin nodded seriously. "Yes, I have received reliable information. We need your help, Mr. Martin. If you have any clues or evidence that you can provide

Please do tell me. "

Martin thought for a moment, and then said: "Actually, some strange things have happened in the company recently. I noticed strange relationships between some employees, and they seemed to have a certain connection.

Moreover, a few months ago, Chairman Li suddenly became very interested in a certain project and participated in it personally instead of entrusting it to other senior managers as usual.

Qi Lin listened with all ears and quickly wrote down the key information. "These clues are very useful. Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Martin." He encouraged, "If you can collect more relevant evidence or learn about any suspicious activities, please tell me as soon as possible."

Martin nodded in agreement, and then continued: "In addition, I have also noticed that there have been abnormalities in the company's network security recently. Our firewall has been attacked frequently and some unknown IP addresses have been secretly accessing our servers. These may be related to Espionage activities are free. 17

Qi Lin frowned. "This is really serious. We must investigate as soon as possible to ensure that the company's confidentiality is no longer at risk."

After returning to the office, Qi Lin began to analyze all the collected information. He decided to conduct an in-depth investigation into the background of Chairman Li Wenming and conduct a thorough inspection of Xingchen Technology's network system. In addition, he also needs to find other people related to the case to get more clues about espionage activities.

A few days later, during a secret operation, Qi Lin successfully found a former Intelligence Agency agent (Li's) who had had contact with Chairman Li. The agent disclosed some key information and confirmed the clues obtained previously.

Based on the clues provided by the agents, Qi Lin launched a series of investigative actions, including tracking suspicious IP addresses and monitoring the persons involved. As time passed, conspiracies emerged one after another, revealing the fact that Li Wenming and his spy network were behind the scenes.

In the end, Qi Lin successfully collected enough evidence to make this huge commercial espionage case public. The police quickly intervened and arrested Li Wenming and his men. Star Technology was also protected and restored to safety.

Detective Qi Lin is studying the latest case intently in his office. This case was a hit-and-run incident that occurred on the outskirts of the city. According to reports, a tow truck escaped after colliding with a small car at night. The two passengers in the car were seriously injured and are still receiving treatment in the hospital. .

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