The leader frowned and noticed the shadow of the policeman behind Qi Lin. He understood that this contest had entered the final stage.

Qi Lin stood up and asked: "Tell me, who is the mastermind behind you? I know you have this news."

The leader was silent for a moment, and finally threw out a name: "Liang Yunhua."

A light of determination flashed in Qi Lin's eyes: "Okay, you did a good job. But I will find Liang Yunhua, expose his true face and bring him to justice. Your challenge will only make me stronger." After finishing speaking, , Qi Lin turned around and left the cafe, leaving the leader with a pensive expression.

Returning to the police station, Qi Lin immediately shared the important clues he had obtained with other police officers. After in-depth investigation, they discovered that Liang Yunhua was the leader of a dark force hidden behind society and controlled multiple criminal organizations.

In order to arrest Liang Yunhua, Qi Lin and the police launched a difficult and dangerous operation. They secretly collected evidence, tracked Liang Yunhua's whereabouts, and carefully planned a large-scale raid.

On a quiet night, the action began. The police dispatched a large number of police cars and SWAT teams and surrounded the luxury villa where Liang Yunhua was hiding. Qi Lin led the team and quickly broke into the villa with accurate intelligence.

During the search, they found a large number of black market transaction records, illegal funds and smuggled items. At the same time, Liang Yunhua was captured and brought to the police station.

During the interrogation process, Qi Lin and Liang Yunhua started a psychological contest. He used facts and evidence to force Liang Yunhua to confess his crimes. After a long period of cross-examination, Liang Yunhua finally admitted his criminal behavior and revealed the dark network behind him.

This successful operation not only destroyed the smuggling group, but also hit the entire structure of dark forces. Liang Yunhua was sentenced, and other relevant personnel also received due legal sanctions.

However, Qi Lin did not stop. He knows that the dark forces will never disappear completely, and there will always be new criminal groups rising. He vowed to continue fighting to protect the interests of innocent people and guard the path of justice.

Qi Lin was sitting in the office, tapping his fingers on the desktop, thinking about the recent love murder. The love-murder case attracted his attention because it was filled with many mysteries.

The case took place in a luxurious villa, and the victim was a young and beautiful woman named Li Wanwan. Her body was cold when it was found, and there was a strong smell of blood surrounding it. The murderer did not leave any obvious clues, which made Qi Lin confused.

At this moment, the office phone rang. Qi Lin answered the phone and heard the voice of a strange man.

"Hello, Mr. Qi, I know you are investigating Li Wanwan's case. I have some important information that I need to tell you.

Qi Lin asked alertly: "Who are you? How do you know that I am investigating this case?"

"My identity is not important, but I can help you find the real murderer. We can meet and I will tell you everything.

Qi Lin thought about it and decided to meet this stranger. They agreed to meet in a quiet cafe to ensure privacy and safety.

Qi Lin came to the cafe and found a corner to sit down. Soon after, a man wearing a black coat walked in. His eyes are sharp and he looks like he has experienced a lot

"Are you Mr. Qi?" the stranger asked.

"Yes, do you have any important information to tell me?" Qi Lin asked doubtfully.

"Don't rush to ask questions, listen to me first. My name is Lu Yunfei, and I am Li Na's friend. I know that her death is related to a malicious conspiracy.

Qi Lin showed a hint of interest and began to listen carefully to Lu Yunfei's narrative. Lu Yunfei said that he received an anonymous letter on the night of the incident, which wrote: "Li Wanwan's life is in danger, come and save her!

After receiving the letter, he immediately rushed to Li Wanwan's villa, only to find that she had been killed. He suspected that there was a huge conspiracy hidden behind this case.

Qi Lin became interested in Lu Yunfei's story and decided to investigate the source of the anonymous letter and track down the real culprit. The two agreed to cooperate and jointly uncover this mystery.

Qi Lin and Lu Yunfei came to Li Wanwan's villa and began to search the scene carefully. Inside the house, they found some compelling clues. First, there was a pool of blood on the ground, which looked like it had been cleaned. There is an open notebook on the desk next to it, which is full of messy writing. Qi Lin carefully looked through the names, places and dates listed in the notebook, trying to find connections among them.

"Mr. Lu, have you noticed this notebook?" Qi Lin asked, pointing to the notebook on the desk.

Lu Yunfei walked over and frowned. He stared at the handwriting and fell into deep thought.

"What do these names and places have to do with Li Wanwan?" Qi Lin asked.

"Li Wanwan was once a celebrity in a social circle. These names and places should be her contacts. Maybe we can find some clues by investigating these people." Lu Yunfei suggested.

Therefore, Qi Lin and Lu Yunfei began to investigate. They first found the address book and chat records related to these names from Li Wanwan's mobile phone and computer. By analyzing this information, they gradually figured out the relationship between Li Nini and these people.

During the investigation, Qi Lin and Lu Yunfei discovered an important clue. All the people listed in the notebook have close ties with a man named Liu Yu. Liu Yu is a senior employee of a large company and has a certain influence in the social circle.

The two decided to focus their investigation on Liu Yu. They sneaked into Liu Yu's office and found some documents about Li Wanwan. These documents revealed a shocking truth: Li Wanwan was once Liu Yu's lover, and she was pregnant.

"It turns out that the whole case was because of the secret of Li Wanwan's pregnancy. In order to cover up this fact, Liu Yu did not hesitate to pay the price of murder." Qi Lin mused.

"We must reveal the truth as soon as possible and give Li Wanwan a fair explanation." Lu Yunfei said firmly.

Qi Lin and Lu Yunfei decided to tell the police the truth and provided all the evidence. As the investigation deepened, the police finally located Liu Yu's location and launched a raid.

In a fierce confrontation, the police finally arrested Liu Yu. He was charged with murder and destruction of evidence. When the interrogation began [Liu Feng finally admitted his crime. .

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