Qi Lin understands their pain and dissatisfaction, but he also firmly believes that rights and interests should be fought for and society improved through peaceful and legal means. He realized that solving these problems required more communication and understanding.

Therefore, Qi Lin decided to cooperate with government officials, social institutions and human rights organizations to promote attention and reform on these issues. He organized an open forum, inviting people from all walks of life to participate and discuss solutions to social injustice.

This forum attracted widespread attention and participation. Government officials, activists, scholars and ordinary citizens spoke one after another to express their views and suggestions on social issues. The forum became a platform that promoted dialogue and consensus among different interest groups.

Under the guidance of Qi Lin, this forum formed an initiative called "Equal Future", which aims to find effective ways to solve social problems through cooperation and inclusiveness. This initiative has received support from more and more people, triggering a series of changes and improvements.

A few years later, the city has undergone earth-shaking changes. The government has increased protection and support policies for disadvantaged groups, inequalities in education and employment opportunities have been alleviated, and the overall stability and fairness of society have improved.

Looking back on the past, Qi Lin and Xiao Yang feel deeply proud. Their efforts not only solved the bombing case, but also promoted social progress and change. They understand that a detective's responsibility is not only to track criminals, but also to bring justice and equality to society.

Qi Lin and Xiao Yang continue to work at their posts and are committed to fighting for social justice. They believe that only through cooperation, understanding and tolerance can we create ten better futures.

Qi Lin discovered a series of clues during the investigation of smuggling. He embarks on a journey to solve this mystery, determined to bring Tuan to justice.

Qi Lin first came to a dock suspected of being a smuggling location. He quickly found the person in charge there, a man who looked fierce. Qi Lin walked towards him calmly

Asked: "Are you the person in charge of this terminal? I heard there are some suspicious activities here."

The person in charge stared at Qi Lin warily and replied: "Yes, I am the person in charge of this terminal. But we are only doing legitimate business and are not involved in any illegal activities.

Qi Lin smiled and said: "I am detective Qi Lin, and I am investigating a smuggling case. Can you tell me what happened at this dock recently?"

The person in charge replied slightly nervously: "I don't know what you are talking about. We are only responsible for loading and unloading goods. The specific transportation arrangements are not decided by me."

Qi Lin glanced around with sharp eyes [Ning Jue noticed some unusual details. He pointed to ten ships loaded with cargo next to the dock and said, "What kind of cargo is loaded on that ship?"

The person in charge responded hesitantly: "This is a batch of textiles that we are going to ship overseas."

Qi Lin smiled coldly and asked, "Are you sure there are only textiles in there? I suspect you are smuggling drugs.

The person in charge's expression changed, but he still insisted: "You are thinking too much, we are a legal company!"

Qi Lin was not intimidated. He showed a photo of a man suspected of smuggling, wearing work clothes, who was one of the employees of the terminal. He asked: "Do you know this guy? Does he work for your company?"

The person in charge seemed even more nervous, but still tried to deny: "I have never seen him! This may be a misunderstanding.

Qi Lin took a deep breath, knowing that he needed more evidence to reveal the truth. He asked the person in charge to let him check the cargo on the ship and asked other employees to cooperate.

When Qi Lin entered the cabin, he found a large amount of drugs hidden under the textiles. He took photos and placed the evidence in a safe. Just as he was about to leave the pier, a police car drove up and parked next to the pier.

A uniformed policeman got out of the car and walked up to Qi Lin and asked: "Detective Qi Lin, I heard that you have clues about the smuggling case, can you share it with me?"

Qi Lin nodded and told the policeman his investigation results. The police expressed their gratitude and invited Qi Lin to go to the police station for further discussions and action plans.

In the conference room of the police station, Qi Lin sat around with the police officers and discussed plans on how to crack down on this huge smuggling group. Qi Lin showed the evidence he found to the police present and explained how the smuggling group operates and its possible main members...

The police expressed appreciation for Qilin's investigation results and decided to take immediate action to arrest the members of the smuggling group and the masterminds behind them. They developed a detailed action plan that would target multiple locations and key figures simultaneously.

Early the next morning, Qi Lin and a team of elite police officers arrived at the first target location, a company suspected of being the front line of a smuggling group. They conducted raids, arrested all persons involved and successfully seized a large amount of smuggled items. Qi Lin searched the office with the police and found more evidence, further revealing the organization of the smuggling group.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and the police jointly launched a series of operations, destroying the hidden strongholds of multiple smuggling groups and capturing criminals. Every action was closely coordinated and precise, plunging the entire smuggling group into panic and chaos.

During one of the operations, Qi Lin accidentally discovered the core members of a criminal organization. He decided to use secret means to meet with this person alone to obtain more key information

Qi Lin agreed to meet in a quiet cafe. When they sat face to face, Qi Lin broke the silence: "You are the leader of the smuggling group, right? Why don't you tell me everything?

Otherwise you will soon face severe legal 5.0 sanctions. "

The leader sneered and replied: "Do you think you have won? What you police have caught are just small fish and shrimps in our entire organization.

Qi Lin looked deeply into the leader's eyes and said firmly: "No matter how many people you have, I will expose your crimes and protect the safety and justice of society."

The leader showed an arrogant smile: "Our strength is far beyond your imagination, and your efforts will only be in vain. You know, you are not the first detective to try to attack us, but everyone who dares to challenge us has We were eventually wiped out.”

Qi Lin responded unwaveringly: "I am not afraid of you, because I believe that justice and truth will eventually defeat evil. Moreover, I am not fighting alone, I have the support of the entire police force."

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