Qi Lin found an email backup that could prove that Li Hua and Wang Ming colluded to commit the crime, in which they clearly discussed the arrangements and division of labor for false sales.

In the end, Qi Lin had enough evidence to expose the false sales conspiracy. He is preparing to submit a report to the company's top management and present Li Hua and Wang Ming's criminal behavior to legal agencies.

This investigation revealed the corruption within the company and also demonstrated Qi Lin's intelligence and decisive decision-making as an investigator. Through unremitting efforts, he successfully exposed the behind-the-scenes conspiracy behind the false sales and maintained the company's image of justice and integrity.

Qi Lin is a detective, but the challenges he encountered this time were unprecedented. On a cold winter night, a major explosion occurred, and the whole city fell into panic. Qi Lin received the emergency notice and immediately rushed to the scene to investigate.

When he arrived at the scene, it was a mess. Wrecks were scattered on the ground, flames were still flaring, and choking smoke filled the air. Police are clearing the scene and protecting surrounding residents. Qi Lin crossed the blockade and met with the police officer in charge of the case.

"Mr. Qi, this is a serious explosion. We quickly determined that the explosive device was placed in a public place, but so far we have not found any valuable clues." Police officer - reported to Qi Linhui.

Qi Lin observed the scene carefully and noticed a mark on the wall. He walked over to examine it carefully and found a tiny piece of metal. He put it in his bag and thought about possible clues.

"This metal piece is very likely to be part of an explosive device. We should analyze it as soon as possible to see if we can find more relevant information." Qi Lin reminded the police officer.

Back in the office, Qi Lin invited his assistant Xiao Yang. They carefully inspected and photographed the metal pieces and used a variety of tools for analysis. After several hours of hard work, they made some interesting discoveries.

"Xiao Yang, this metal piece is a very rare alloy material. Based on its composition and structure, I suspect it was made by ten professional gangs." Qi Lin explained.

"So, do you think there may be a bigger conspiracy behind this case?" Xiao Yang asked.

"It's very possible. We need to further investigate to see if there are other similar explosions and find any people or organizations related to them. Now, we first have to figure out what the motive was for placing the explosive device." Qi Lin said .

The next day, Qi Lin and Xiao Yang began to conduct a more in-depth investigation of the case. They reviewed a large amount of information and analyzed the explosion cases that occurred in the past few years. One night, they found a clue.

"Xiao Yang, I found an important thing in common. These bombings all occurred near government institutions, and each time there was a direct or indirect attack on the government. This may mean that we are facing an extremist organization." Qi Lin said.

As the clues gradually became clear, Qi Lin and Xiao Yang decided to infiltrate the organization in depth. They collect intelligence through various channels and exchange information secretly. In the process, they encountered many dangers and challenges. They continued to work hard and were determined to uncover the truth behind it.

After a period of hard work, they finally obtained an important clue - this extremist organization may be hidden in the city's underground network.

Qi Lin and Xiao Yang delved into the workings of the underground network and found several potential suspects. They launched a secret investigation and formulated a plan to identify these people one by one.

The first suspect is a hacker active on the Internet who specializes in intruding government systems. Qi Lin and Xiao Yang successfully found his hiding place by tracking the IP address. That night, they sneaked into the hacker's residence.

"You are under arrest!" Qi Lin suddenly broke into the hacker's room and said to him seriously.

The hacker was startled, but quickly calmed down and laughed sarcastically.

"Do you think catching me will solve the problem? We are a huge organization, and you can't destroy our power at all!" the hacker said confidently.

Qi Lin responded calmly: "Our finding you is just the beginning. We will destroy your organizations one by one. Tell me, who are you? Why are you carrying out these malicious attacks on the government?"


The hacker was silent for a while, then suddenly burst into laughter.

"The government is harming people! They control everything and oppress the people! We are fighting for justice and to liberate the people! You will never understand our beliefs!" he said excitedly.

…Please give me flowers…

Qi Lin looked at the hacker's eyes and thought deeply. Although he understands people's dissatisfaction with unfairness and corruption, he cannot accept violent means to solve problems.

"Every society has problems, but we cannot respond in the same way. Violence will only lead to more harm and pain. Believe me, only through legal channels can we achieve real change." Qi Lin tried to convince the hackers.

The hacker's expression gradually became complicated, and he fell into an inner struggle. Finally, he let out a long sigh.

"Maybe you are right. But, even so, I can't give up my beliefs easily. If you want to destroy us, then come on!" the hacker said provocatively.

Qi Lin shook his head. He knew that this hacker firmly believed in his cause and would not give in easily. But he wasn't about to give up.

"I will not stop pursuing justice. If you choose to take an extreme path, you must be responsible for your actions." Qi Lin replied calmly.

Over the next few months, Qi Lin and Xiao Yang continued their investigation and arrested more suspects. Step by step, they uncovered the structure and workings of the entire organization. Eventually, they succeeded in destroying the extremist organization and handed its members over to the police.

After the efforts of Qi Lin and Xiao Yang, the explosion case was finally solved. Their investigation results provided important clues to the case and helped the police track down and arrest the persons involved. With the organization's destruction, the city returned to calm and residents felt at ease.

However, for Qi Lin and Xiao Yang, solving this case is only part of their work. They know that prevention is better than cure, so they decided to further explore the motivations and root causes to avoid similar incidents from happening again.

Through conversations with the arrested persons, Qi Lin and Xiao Yang obtained more information. It turns out that the members of this extremist organization are a group of individuals who have been treated unfairly and harbor anger and disappointment. They believe that the government is an oppressor and that only through violent means can it cause little social change. .

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