Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

874: The Poisoning Case Caused An Uproar

Recently, a poisoning case caused an uproar in the city.

There is a complex mystery hidden behind this case, leaving the entire police at a loss. Several people were poisoned and died one after another, but the murderer never left any trace. Despite this, Qi Lin was unmoved and believed that his keen insight would be able to uncover the truth of this case.

The next morning, Qi Lin came to the police station and met with his friend and assistant Xiaoling. Xiaoling is a young and smart police officer who respects Qilin and is always willing to help him.

"Mr. Qi Lin, you are here!" Xiaoling greeted with a smile.

"Good morning, Xiaoling. Are there any new clues?" Qi Lin asked.

Xiaoling handed Qi Lin a document that recorded detailed information on several recent poisoning cases. Qi Lin read quietly, his eyes focused and thoughtful.

"Do the poisoners in these cases have anything in common?" Qi Lin asked.

Xiaoling thought for a moment and replied: "Their social circles seem to overlap. However, other than that, no other obvious connection was found.

"The social circles overlap..." Qi Lin whispered to himself. He began to ponder the possibility of this clue.

"Maybe we should investigate the background of these people in depth. Maybe someone has a grudge against them." Qi Lin suggested.

Xiaoling nodded in agreement, and they decided to focus on the poisoned person's social circle. After some investigation, they discovered a common figure——Li Ting. This woman was once an influential business leader, but she has recently been in trouble and her business has serious problems.

Qi Lin and Xiaoling decided to meet with Li Ting to see if she was related to the poisoning case.

When the two entered Li Ting's luxurious villa, they discovered a suspicious point. There was a strange smell in the house that made people shudder. Qi Lin immediately realized that this might be a key clue to the poisoning case.

When they found Li Ting, she was sitting on the sofa in the living room, looking nervous and worried. Qi Lin and Xiaoling revealed their identities to her and explained that they had a strong interest in the poisoning case.

"I know nothing about these cases!" Li Ting explained hurriedly. "My business has problems, but I have never touched anything illegal!"

Qi Lin looked at Li Ting deeply, trying to understand her true feelings. He decided to take a bold move.

"Ms. Li Ting, please cooperate with us to conduct a test...

Qi Lin's words confused Li Ting, and she asked doubtfully: "Test? What kind of test?"

Qi Lin smiled and explained: "We suspect that there may be toxic substances in your villa. In order to ensure your safety and prove your innocence, we need to conduct a simple

Although Li Ting was a little dissatisfied, she finally agreed after seeing Qi Lin's firm gaze.

Qi Lin and Xiaoling led Li Ting to the kitchen of the villa. They began checking food, water and air quality for any suspicious clues. Suddenly, Qi Lin's eyes fell on an unopened bottle of red wine.

"Is this your red wine?" Qi Lin asked, pointing to the bottle on the table.

Li Ting nodded in astonishment, indicating that it belonged to her.

"Please cooperate with our investigation, open this bottle of red wine and pour it into this test tube." Qi Lin handed Li Ting a test tube.

Li Ting hesitated for a moment, but finally acted according to Qi Lin's request. She poured the red wine into the test tube and handed it to Qi Lin.

Qi Lin picked up the test tube and carefully observed the liquid in it. Suddenly, he discovered that there were shimmering particles in the red wine.

"This is poison!" Qi Lin's voice was filled with certainty.

Li Ting looked at the liquid in the test tube in surprise, and asked herself in a low voice in disbelief: "Who would do it to me?

Qi Lin stared deeply at Li Ting, showing sympathy and understanding in his eyes.

"Ms. Li Ting, we will investigate clearly, but before that, please tell us about your enemies or people who may have a grudge against you.

Li Ting raised her head, a trace of hesitation flashed in her eyes, and then she said slowly: "There is a business competitor named Zhang Wenyuan, and we once had a dispute over project cooperation. However, I never thought that he would take Such extreme measures!"

Qi Lin nodded, understanding that the direction of the case had become clearer now.

"Okay, Ms. Li Ting. We will further investigate Zhang Wenyuan and the people related to him. You have to stay calm and let us handle this matter." Qi Lin reassured.

In the following days, Qi Lin and Xiaoling spent a lot of time investigating Zhang Wenyuan. They found a series of clues that could prove his involvement in the poisoning. Including the time of contact with the Chinese, call records, witness statements, etc.

Finally, in the face of strict and accurate evidence, Zhang Wenyuan was arrested and brought to justice by the police. The poisoning case was also successfully resolved.

The investigation of the case proved Li Ting's innocence, while Zhang Wenyuan was accused of being the murderer. He is a business competitor who had a dispute with Li Ting over project cooperation issues. In order to damage her reputation and business, he decided to take extreme measures.

During an in-depth investigation of Zhang Wenyuan, Qi Lin discovered a series of key clues, including call records, eyewitness testimonies, and the time of contact with the poisoned person. These evidences all pointed to Zhang Wenyuan.


Finally, with the assistance of the police, Zhang Wenyuan was arrested and brought to justice. He faced multiple felony charges and was eventually brought to justice. The case was successfully resolved and Li Ting restored her reputation and business.

Qi Lin is a detective who can always see through the criminal's tricks. This time, he received a very strange case - animal trafficking. According to reports, some rare objects are illegally traded in the market, which has aroused the concern of local residents (in Mano).

Qi Lin has keen observation skills. After reading the case materials in detail, he decided to investigate the matter personally. He came to an animal protection organization called "Animal Home", hoping to get some clues.

"Hello, my name is Qi Lin. I am a detective here to investigate the animal trafficking case." Qi Lin introduced himself to the staff of the organization.

"Hello, Mr. Qi. I am Li Hua, the supervisor here. Welcome to our organization. This case is indeed very serious, and we are doing our best to trace the source of animal trafficking." Li Hua explained to Qi Lin .

"Are there any suspicious clues or suspects?" Qi Lin asked.

"We have indeed noticed some suspicious people and activities, but we have no conclusive evidence yet. This animal trafficking industry is very secretive and it is difficult to find solid clues

"Li Hua said distressedly.

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