Qi Lin thought for a while and made a suggestion to Li Hua: "Is it possible that we set a trap to lure the people who sell animals to show up?

Li Hua thought about it and nodded: "This is a good idea! We can attract them by publishing a fake news about animal transfer, and then catch them during the transaction.

Li Hua and Qi Lin formulated a detailed plan. They arranged for several undercover agents to pose as potential buyers and spread the news that they wanted to buy rare animals.

A few days later, the news spread and attracted the attention of animal traffickers. They couldn't help but start contacting those who expressed interest and arrange meetings. These people selling animals have no idea they are about to fall into an elaborate trap.

One night, Qi Lin and Li Hua secretly observed the trading location. They waited for a long time, until finally, several suspicious people appeared in their sight.

"This is them!" Qi Lin whispered to Li Hua.

The two approached quietly and observed the transaction in a hidden place. Animal traffickers have shown off a rare white tiger cub that looks extremely beautiful and precious.

Both Qi Lin and Li Hua felt 763 angry and sad. They know that in order to satisfy some human selfish desires, these innocent animals are forced to leave their natural habitat and become traded objects.

Just as the transaction was about to be completed, Qi Lin and Li Hua suddenly rushed out and stopped this crime from happening. "Stop! You are under arrest!" Qi Lin shouted, his voice full of indignation and determination.

The animal trafficker was startled, but quickly reacted. One of them captured the white tiger cub and took it hostage.

"If you dare to come close, I will kill it!" the animal trafficker threatened viciously.

Qi Lin looked at him calmly, knowing that now was the time to show off his negotiation skills.

"Put down the weapons, put down the animals. We can solve this problem through peaceful means." Qi Lin said in a calm but firm tone.

The animal trafficker hesitated for a moment, then released the weapon in his hand and gently placed the white tiger cub on the ground. Qi Lin immediately walked forward and carefully picked up the white tiger cub.

"You have committed a serious crime. Selling rare animals is illegal. You will be punished by law." Qi Lin said to the animal traffickers.

The police came to arrest the animal traffickers, and Qi Lin handed the white tiger cub to Li Hua. This little life was saved and now needs ten safe places to live.

"Thank you, Mr. Qi. Without your help, we would not be able to expose this huge trafficking network." Li Hua said gratefully.

"This is just my duty, I just did what I should do." Qi Lin replied humbly.

Several months have passed, and Qi Lin and Li Hua have been working hard to combat animal trafficking. They continuously collect intelligence, track criminal gangs, and work with local police to bring criminals to justice.

At the same time, Qi Lin also joined the "Animal Home" organization and became a volunteer. He uses his detective skills to provide additional help and advice to organizations to ensure rescued animals are properly cared for and protected.

In addition, Qilin also began to conduct public education activities, holding lectures and exhibitions to convey the importance of protecting animals to people. He hopes to arouse more people's attention to animal welfare issues and reduce the market demand for animal trafficking by changing people's behavior.

On this day, Qi Lin was organizing a charity event, inviting local residents to visit the "Animal House" and learn about animal protection work. He hopes to take this opportunity to convey the message of animal protection to more people and encourage everyone to join this cause.

There was an endless stream of people coming to the "Animal House". They visited the zoo area (bfcf) under the guidance of a tour guide and saw the rescued animals. Qi Lin personally led some children to visit, patiently explained the habits and needs of animals, and told them why we should protect these creatures.

"Look, everyone, this is a trafficked ape. In the original forest, they lived freely, but because of human greed, they were trapped in a small cage and lost their freedom. We Their rights should be respected and allowed to return to their true homeland.

Qi Lin's words caused the visitors to think deeply. They began to reflect on their attitudes and behaviors toward animals. Some people decide to change their purchasing behavior and no longer support the illegal animal trade. Some people expressed their willingness to become volunteers and contribute to the cause of animal protection.

This public welfare activity has achieved great success, and Qi Lin is extremely pleased. He knows that only through education and changing people's perceptions can the problem of animal trafficking be fundamentally solved.

As time goes by, the efforts of Qi Lin and the "Animal Home" organization have achieved remarkable results. More and more people have joined the ranks of animal protection, and the market demand for selling animals has gradually decreased. The government has also increased its efforts to protect animals. Law enforcement efforts have been carried out to severely crack down on animal trafficking.

In the end, Qi Lin successfully solved the animal trafficking case and made great contributions to protecting animals. His persistence and efforts made more people realize the importance of animal welfare and inspired society's attention to animal protection.

According to reports, there have been many mysterious cases of tree felling recently. Whether it is city parks or rural forest areas, they have been attacked by unknown criminals. The criminals use high-tech equipment to quickly cut down trees at night and transport them away. The police were helpless about this puzzling crime, so they called Qi Lin.

Qi Lin quickly launched an investigation. He first went to the scene of the latest case: "a park with beautiful scenery. He carefully observed the surrounding environment, trying to find some clues." Suddenly, a young girl hurried past, and she saw Get up very anxious.

"Sorry to disturb you, have you seen a man wearing a black hat? He just ran over here." The girl asked anxiously.

Qi Lin was immediately interested that this girl might be a witness. He approached her, smiled and said: "I am Qi Lin, a detective. Can you describe to me what just happened?"

The girl nodded and began to describe what she witnessed: "I was walking in the park and suddenly heard the sound of cutting down trees. I turned around and saw a man wearing a black hat standing there, holding a knife. Sharp ax...

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