He seemed very focused and every cut was very accurate. Then, he quickly left and ran towards the other end of the park. I was very scared at the time, so I rushed to report to the police.

Qi Lin thought about the girl's description, but he didn't have any useful clues for the time being. However, before he can continue his investigation, he needs more information.

"Thank you for your description. It is very helpful to my investigation. Did you see his face? Are there any other features?" Qi Lin asked.

The girl shook her head and replied regretfully: "No, he was wearing a hat and I couldn't see his face. Apart from that, I didn't notice any other features. However, he was wearing black clothes and was tall. .

Qi Lin nodded, expressing understanding. After he said goodbye to the girl, he began to think about what to do next.

In order to better understand this case, Qi Lin decided to visit residents near the park. He hopes to find some information or witnesses related to the case.

The first person Qi Lin visited was an old woman. She lives in a small house near the park. Qi Lin knocked on her door, and grandma opened the door kindly.

"Hello, I'm Qi Lin, a detective. I'm here to investigate the recent case of illegal felling of trees. Have you heard or witnessed anything suspicious?" Qi Lin asked politely.

The old lady smiled and invited Qi Lin into the house. They sat in the living room, and the old woman poured a cup of tea and began to tell what she knew.

"Oh, yes, I heard about the case. I come to the park for a walk every day, but I haven't witnessed any suspicious people. However, I have a neighbor who is a young painter who often walks in the park. Creation. Maybe you can go find him, maybe he noticed something. The old lady suggested.

Qi Lin was interested in this clue. He thanked the old lady and decided to go to his neighbor's residence. He soon found the painter's studio, a room filled with brushes, paints and canvases.

The painter was concentrating on creating an oil painting. When Qi Lin opened the door, he was slightly surprised.

"Hello, I am Qi Lin, a detective. I am here to investigate the case of illegal felling of trees. I heard that you are a frequent visitor to this park. Have you noticed any suspicious behavior?" Qi Lin asked.

The painter stopped what he was doing and looked at Qi Lin curiously.

"The case of tree felling? It's so weird. I didn't see anything unusual happening while I was painting in the park. The only thing worth mentioning is that a few days ago, I saw a tree in the park that was cut down. An ax was found next to the tree," the painter recalled of the scene.

Qi Lin suddenly became excited. He felt that he was getting closer and closer to finding relevant clues.

"Do you still have that ax? I can take it away for laboratory testing and fingerprint testing, and maybe I can find some useful information." Qi Lin asked expectantly.

The painter nodded, took out a wrapped ax from the side and handed it to Qi Lin.

"This is the ax I found at that time, and I saved it. I hope it will be helpful to your investigation." said the painter.

Qi Lin thanked the painter and told him that he would return the ax to him as soon as possible. He then left the painter's studio, intending to hand the ax to the laboratory for further analysis

Qi Lin handed the ax to the laboratory, hoping to get some useful clues from it. While waiting for the results of the experiment, he continued to collect more information.

Next, Qi Lin decided to visit the park administrator. The ranger is an older gentleman who is very familiar with the park.

"Hello, I am Qi Lin, a detective. I am investigating a case of illegal felling of trees. I hope to get some relevant information from you." Qi Lin introduced his identity to the administrator and hoped to get some information about the case. clue.

The administrator nodded, with a serious expression on his face. He began to tell what he knew.

"These cases of tree felling have been taking place for several months. We have been strengthening security measures, but still cannot stop the criminals. Judging from the descriptions of the witnesses, they seem to be professionals and know the types and locations of the trees. Very familiar. We suspect they may have inside help. After all, it is not easy to be familiar with the layout of the park and commit crimes without being noticed." 1

Qi Lin thought for a moment after hearing this. This view was consistent with his previous speculation. He went on to ask if the administrators had noticed any other suspicious behavior or clues about the axe.

…please give me flowers………………

The administrator frowned, recalling the past.

"One time, while on patrol, I discovered a black backpack left on the edge of the park. I thought it might be related to these cases, so I handed it over to the police. They investigated, but nothing seemed to be found. Relevant evidence,” the administrator explained.

Qi Lin thanked the administrator for providing this important clue and hoped to learn more about the situation of the backpack and whether the police had any plans for further investigation.

The administrator patiently replied: "The police conducted fingerprint detection and DNA testing on this, but the results did not help us find the identity of the criminal. They believe that the backpack may be a false clue deliberately left by the perpetrator in order to mislead the investigation." However, they are continuing their efforts "in the hope of finding more evidence to track down the criminals."

Qi Lin was disappointed with this information, but he did not intend to give up. He decided to keep in close contact with the police and wait for the laboratory report results.

In the next few days, Qi Lin was busy analyzing the collected information and waiting for the laboratory report results. Finally, one sunny morning, he received a call from the laboratory.

"Hello, Mr. Qi. I am a technician in the laboratory. We completed the analysis and fingerprint detection of the ax and found some important clues. Several fingerprints were found on the ax, one of which is a potential suspect in our database People." the technician said excitedly.

Qi Lin was ecstatic when he heard the news. He quickly agreed with technicians to provide the fingerprint information to the police and asked them to take immediate action.

Soon after, the police informed Qi Lin that they had successfully arrested a suspect, who was the person corresponding to the fingerprints left on the axe. After further interrogation, the suspect admitted his involvement in the crime of cutting down trees and revealed the mastermind behind the entire criminal gang.

It turned out that the criminal gang was formed by a former park worker. He used to be an employee responsible for tree care and maintenance and is very familiar with the park's layout and tree types. .

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