Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

878: Li Ming Provides Important Information

Detective Qi Lin walked into the office, his neat suit exuding a faint fragrance. He sat behind his desk, turned on his computer, and began to compile the latest investigation report. The case is about a company's alleged fraud, and Qi Lin has spent weeks collecting evidence.

Suddenly, the phone rang, and Qi Lin quickly picked up the phone. "Hello, this is Qilin Detective Agency. How can I help you?" His voice was calm and professional.

"Hello, is this Mr. Qi? I'm Li Ming. I have some important information to provide you." A slightly nervous male voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Li, please speak." Qi Lin's heart moved slightly, and he could feel that Mr. Li seemed to have important clues.

"I worked for that company that was suspected of fraud, and I witnessed something wrong. They falsely reported a lot of sales figures, but all the accounts were tampered with." Li Ming's tone revealed a hint of anger and anger. disturbed.

"Thank you very much for providing this important information, Mr. Li. We will conduct an in-depth investigation into this in 16 months. Are you willing to be our partner and help during the investigation?" Qi Lin tried to appease Li Ming's emotions and asked Let him feel determined and professional.

"Of course, Mr. Qi. I have always wanted to expose these criminals, and I will do my best to cooperate with your investigation." Li Ming's voice was firm.

A few days later, Qi Lin and Li Ming met in a cafe. They sat in a quiet corner and began to discuss the case in detail.

"Mr. Li, can you tell me the specific details about the tampering of the accounts? Also, do you know who is behind the scenes?" Qi Lin asked confidently and attentively.

Li Ming took out a document and handed it to Qi Lin. "This is a copy of the internal accounting form that I secretly photographed." His hands were shaking slightly. "I don't know the identity of the man behind the scenes yet, but I can tell you that the company's general manager Liu Qiang is very suspicious.

Qi Lin took the document and studied it carefully. He noted that some figures clearly did not match the original accounts. "This copy does confirm your suspicion, Mr. Li. We need to further investigate Liu Qiang's whereabouts and background. I will send someone to monitor him." Qi Lin paid attention to every detail, trying to find more clues.

In the following weeks, Qi Lin's team's investigation progressed smoothly. They collected enough evidence to accuse Liu Qiang of fraud.

Finally, Qi Lin compiled the investigation results of the entire case into a detailed report and provided all the evidence to the police. A few days later, Liu Qiang was formally arrested.

Qi Lin and his team were highly praised for the successful resolution of the case. They received media attention and became heroes in the public eye. However, Qi Lin did not become complacent because of this. He knew that the detective's work would never end.

In the following days, Qi Lin received an anonymous letter. The letter described another potential fraud case involving a larger company and more people involved. Qi Lin felt deeply that he had a heavy responsibility and decided to launch an investigation immediately.

Through the experience of the previous case, Qi Lin conducted in-depth research on the relevant information of the new case. This time, he decided to find a reliable insider in order to obtain more key evidence. After some investigation, he discovered a seemingly ordinary employee who knew the inner workings of the company. This person is Zhou Ying.

Qi Lin used his detective skills to contact Zhou Yu and tried to persuade him to join the investigation. "Mr. Zhou, I know that you know the company's inside information very well. If you are willing to become our partner, I can protect your identity and ensure your safety."

Zhou Yu hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "I am very angry about what the company has done, and I want to expose them. However, I need you to provide adequate protection and support."

Qi Lin assured Zhou Yu that they would do everything possible to ensure his safety and provided a detailed plan. The two began to cooperate, paying close attention to the company's activities [gathering evidence.

After several months of investigation, they obtained a large amount of document and recording evidence, enough to reveal the fraud within the company. Qi Lin realized that this case was more complicated than expected, involving more high-level officials and key figures. He understands that this will be a difficult battle, but he is determined not to let any criminal go unpunished.

After sorting out all the evidence, Qi Lin regained contact with the police. They work together to formulate an action plan to ensure that every suspect has nowhere to escape.

In the end, in a well-planned operation, Qi Lin and the police successfully arrested all those involved. They were brought to court and duly judged.

Qi Lin testified during the trial and described in detail the investigation process of the entire case and the evidence obtained. His professionalism and in-depth investigation were highly appreciated by the court and the public.

In the end, all suspects were found guilty and received corresponding punishments. The successful resolution of the case not only brought justice to the company's victims, but also allowed Qi Lin and his team to once again win reputation and respect.

However, for Qi Lin, this is just a milestone in a successful case. He understands that the detective's duty is to work for social justice and defend truth and justice.

He will continue to devote himself to detective work and constantly pursue higher goals. Qi Lin knows that there will always be new cases and new mysteries in the world waiting for him to solve.

In the days that followed, Qi Lin took over a series of complex cases, including missing persons, financial fraud, family disputes and other types. Each case brings him new challenges and opportunities, allowing him to continue to develop his skills and insights.

In a missing persons case, Qi Lin gradually uncovered the dark secrets hidden behind it by consulting a large amount of information and interviewing relevant personnel. He found clues about the missing person and finally succeeded in bringing him home safely.

In a seemingly ordinary family dispute case, Qi Lin noticed some strange details. After further in-depth investigation, he discovered a huge fraud network involving dozens of victims and large amounts of money. Qi Lin cooperated with the police to catch all the criminals and assisted the defrauded people to recover their lost money.

These successful cases not only demonstrated Qi Lin's extraordinary intelligence and determination, but also strengthened his faith. Each case makes him more aware of his mission and responsibility as a detective, fighting for justice, protecting the innocent, and bringing criminals to justice. .

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