Qi Lin's reputation gradually spread, and he became a highly respected and trusted detective. His office has gradually grown, with an excellent team working together to reveal the truth and restore justice.

However, Qi Lin always maintains a humble and cautious attitude, knowing that each case requires full attention and time. He continues to learn and improve his skills, communicate and cooperate with other professionals to deal with increasingly complex criminal methods and challenges.

As a detective, Qi Lin understands that solving cases is only part of the job, and more importantly, providing care and support to the victims. He frequently communicates with victims and assists them in starting a new life. Through his efforts, he not only brought justice to the victims, but also built a safer and more just environment for society.

Qi Lin sat at the desk in the office, tapping his fingers on the table. He frowned and was thinking about the latest case, an explosion.

The incident occurred in a shopping mall in the city center and resulted in dozens of injuries and three of them tragically losing their lives. The explosion was so powerful that it attracted widespread attention from society. Qi Lin knew that this was not an ordinary incident of malicious sabotage, but that there was a more complex truth hidden behind it.

At this moment, the office door was pushed open. A uniformed policeman walked in. When he saw Qi Lin, he immediately stepped forward and saluted: "Mr. Qi, I am Officer Wang from the Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Bureau. I am responsible for investigating the explosion."

Qi Lin nodded and motioned for Officer Wang to sit down, and then asked, "Do you have any new clues?"

Officer Wang handed Qi Lin a document labeled "Site Investigation Report." Qi Lin took the document and began to read it. The report recorded in detail the circumstances of the crime scene, including the location of the explosion point, the type of explosives and the testimony of witnesses.

"According to eyewitnesses, they saw a man wearing a mask leaving the scene when the crime occurred." Officer Wang explained, "We suspect that this man was the murderer who caused the explosion."

Qi Lin frowned. He knows very well that such simple clues are often just appearances [the truth is often hidden behind more complex things]. After thinking for a moment, he said: "We need more evidence to confirm the identity of this man. I decided to go to the crime scene myself to find out."

The next day, Qi Lin came to the scene of the crime. The shopping mall has resumed normal operations and is crowded with people. Qi Lin carefully observed the surrounding environment, trying to find some clues that could help him solve the case.

Suddenly, a young girl's scream broke the noisy atmosphere. Qi Lin immediately walked towards the direction of the sound and saw a woman standing on the ground, pointing to a piece of metal on the ground.

"This is..." Qi Lin bent down and carefully observed the metal piece, feeling a familiar feeling in his heart. He immediately understood that the metal piece came from an explosive.

Qi Lin put the metal piece into the safe bag and rushed back to the office. He began to analyze the composition and manufacturing process of the metal piece, trying to find clues related to it.

After some research, Qi Lin came to an important conclusion: "This explosion was not a simple malicious sabotage, but was purposefully created."

The type of explosives and manufacturing process indicate that the murderer has considerable professional knowledge. This makes Qi Lin believe that the explosion may be related to other larger conspiracies. Qi Lin knew that he needed more clues to uncover the mystery of the truth.

In the next few days, Qi Lin launched a series of investigations. He interviewed witnesses and carefully asked them for their descriptions of the crime scene and the suspects. He also contacted chemical experts to learn more about the properties and manufacturing methods of explosives. At the same time, he also looked through the investigation records of similar cases in the past, looking for any information that could provide clues.

The investigation process was not smooth, and Qi Lin encountered many obstacles. Witnesses gave conflicting testimony, chemical analysis of the metal pieces did not match other cases, and past investigative records contained no clear clues to the suspect's identity. However, Qi Lin was not discouraged. He firmly believed that the answer was right in front of him.

While Qi Lin was deep in thought, his assistant Xiao Yang opened the door and walked in, holding a document in his hand. Xiao Yang handed it to Qi Lin with both hands, with a hint of excitement on his face: "Mr. Qi

I found some new clues about the case. "

Qi Lin took the document and quickly read it. This document records a company called "Yundong Technology", which signed a security facility renovation contract with the shopping center before the explosion.

"This Yundong Technology Company may be hiding some secrets." Qi Lin frowned, "We need to investigate their background and business in depth, and we may be able to find clues to the suspect." "

As a result, Qi Lin and Xiao Yang began to investigate Yundong Technology. They visited the company's employees and collected a large amount of information. Gradually, "ten vague outlines appeared in Qi Lin's mind - ten complex conspiracies were gradually emerging.

After multiple cross-verifications and analyses, Qi Lin determined that the main figure behind Yundong Technology Company was the mastermind behind the explosion. They took advantage of the opportunity of the shopping mall renovation to install hidden bombs, and relied on eyewitness misdirection to try to point the suspicion to outsiders.

After learning all this, Qi Lin decided to sneak into Yundong Technology Company personally to look for more evidence. He secretly adjusted his identity, transformed into a maintenance engineer, and entered the company building.

Within the company, Qi Lin discovered many suspicious places. He carefully observed the operations of various departments, looking (well) for any clues that could prove their connection to the bombing. Suddenly, he noticed a computer hidden behind the door of a room, which displayed some unusual information.

Qi Lin quickly turned on the computer and began to view the files stored in it. He found the documents contained detailed floor plans of the shopping center and instructions for making explosives.

The doubts in Qi Lin's heart became clearer. Yundong Technology Company not only has a cooperative relationship with shopping malls, but also involves the manufacturing and placement of explosives. This led him to believe that a larger criminal organization was hidden behind the company.

Just as Qi Lin was about to copy the evidence to the USB flash drive, the door suddenly opened. Unexpectedly, standing at the door was a man in a suit, who didn't look like an ordinary employee. He looked at Qi Lin indifferently and said firmly: "You shouldn't come here to claw."

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