Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

880: Man Hides Goods In Secret Warehouse

Qi Lin immediately realized that this man was probably one of the masterminds behind the scenes. He calmed down, pretended to be unintentional, and asked with a smile: "I came to repair the elevator, did I find the wrong room? I'm sorry to disturb you." At the same time, he secretly hid the USB flash drive in his hand under his clothes.

The man was silent for a moment, then sneered: "You detectives are really smart, but you are also smart in the wrong place. Now, you can only accompany me for one trip."

Qi Lin's heart trembled, knowing that he had encountered a strong enemy. However, he has no intention of backing down. He whispered to Xiao Yang: "Xiao Yang, hurry up and leave here and hand over the evidence we just discovered to the police."

Xiao Yang hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded, turned around and left the room in a hurry. Qi Lin faced this mysterious man and said calmly: "Since you have been discovered, escaping will only make the situation worse. Why not confess your purpose?"

A mocking smile appeared at the corner of the man's mouth: "Do you really think I will tell you? You are just a spectator." After saying that, he quickly rushed towards Qi Lin.

Qi Lin quickly dodged and started a fierce fight with the man. The two of them were going back and forth, and every move was a fatal 707 attack. They criss-cross the room in a very tricky and dangerous way.

Despite the man's strength, Qi Lin successfully thwarted every attack of the man with his excellent fighting skills and witty reactions. He took advantage of the man's slight negligence

One move accurately knocked down the opponent.

There was an expression of surprise on the man's face, he didn't expect Qi Lin to be so powerful. He gritted his teeth and said: "You won, but you can't stop us.

Qi Lin sneered: "I will find the truth about you and bring you to justice." He quickly subdued the man and notified the police to deal with it.

A few days later, Yundong Technology Company and the criminal organization behind it were completely destroyed. The investigation led by Qi Lin achieved great success, and the truth of the explosion was revealed. As a result, people's admiration and gratitude for Qi Lin increased. He showed extraordinary talent and courage, successfully solved this complex explosion case, and brought the mastermind behind the scenes to justice.

After the truth of this case was exposed, the public was full of anger and condemnation towards Yundong Technology Company and the criminal organization behind it. (bgei) Everyone expressed their appreciation for Qilin's investigation and efforts to pursue the truth, and hoped that similar incidents would never happen again.

Qi Lin did not stop, he realized that this was just a part of a larger conspiracy, and there were more questions that needed to be answered. He is determined to pursue the case and bring all relevant personnel to justice to ensure the safety of society.

As time goes by, Qi Lin's investigation gradually makes progress. He discovered that Yundong Technology Company was only part of this huge criminal organization, and that there were higher levels of power and interests hidden behind this organization. In order to uncover this level of truth, Qi Lin began to look for more clues and evidence, and continued to broaden the scope of the investigation.

During the course of in-depth investigation, Qi Lin obtained an anonymous report, revealing the relationship between this criminal organization and senior government officials. This shocked him and he realized that the conspiracy behind the explosion was more complicated and dangerous.

Qi Lin decided to hand over the report to a trusted reporter to ensure that the truth could be exposed and force relevant departments to take action. He knew that he faced huge risks, but for the sake of social justice and public safety, he did not hesitate to take responsibility.

As the news reports were released, public opinion was in an uproar. The public is angry and shocked by the collusion between this huge criminal organization and senior government officials, and demands a thorough investigation and justice. The government is also under pressure to launch investigations and arrest and try those involved.

Qi Lin became a hero in the eyes of the public. His investigative work and brave actions had a huge impact on society. His perseverance, wisdom and sense of justice have become an example for countless people to learn and follow.

However, Qi Lin knew that this was only the starting point for him to solve the conspiracy. He realizes that there are more obstacles and dangers waiting for him, but he is willing to move forward in order to expose the truth, protect justice, and protect the safety and justice of society.

Qi Lin is a detective. This time he received a smuggling case and was tasked with cracking a large-scale smuggling operation. Qi Lin collected some intelligence and began to investigate.

On the first day, Qi Lin went to the port near the smuggling point for observation. Wearing ordinary clothes, he mingled among the crowd, trying to get some clues. Suddenly, a young man came over in a hurry, quietly handed him a note, and then left in a hurry. Qi Lin unfolded the note, which read: "At ten o'clock tonight, there are important clues in Warehouse No. 2 of Humen Wharf.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Qi Lin sneaked into Warehouse No. 2 of Humen Wharf. In the darkness, he saw several figures arguing loudly, seemingly to allocate shares of the smuggled goods. Qi Lin hid in the corner and listened to their conversation.

"This batch of goods will have to wait until tomorrow morning to be sent out. Someone noticed us." A man said.

"Then what should we do? The police are patrolling around here now." Another man asked anxiously.

"We will temporarily hide the goods in a secret warehouse at the dock and wait until the police leave before taking action." A voice was low and decisive.

After Qi Lin heard these words, he quickly recorded them. He knew this was an important clue, but he needed more evidence to lock down the identity of the smuggling group.

The next morning, Qi Lin brought the clues to his partner Yang Lin. Yang Lin is a computer genius who is good at digital cracking and network tracking. They sat in the office and began analyzing the clues.

"This secret warehouse may be their transfer station. We can find more information by retrieving surveillance videos." Yang Lin said.

Qi Lin nodded in agreement, and the two of them checked the surveillance video of Warehouse No. 2 of Humen Pier. After some searching, they finally found the key picture.

"Look, this is what happened last night!" Qi Lin pointed at several figures on the surveillance screen and said.

Yang Lin zoomed in on the screen and started facial recognition. Soon, they learned the identity of one of them: "This man named Zhang Peng is a small smuggler. His activities are mainly concentrated on the southern coastline."

Qi Lin thought for a moment and then said: "We need more evidence to find their hiding place. I will continue to collect information [see if you can find their contacts through Zhang Peng's call records, social media and other channels." "

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