A few days later, Yang Lin successfully found a man named Aaron who had frequent contact with Zhang Peng. Qi Lin decided to investigate this person in depth in order to find out who was behind the entire smuggling group.

Qi Lin and Yang Lin came to the area near Aaron's house for observation. They found that Aaron often traded with some suspicious characters in a small alley. Qi Lin and Yang Lin decided to wait for a suitable opportunity to catch them.

A few days later, they saw an opportunity. Aaron led a group of people to the alley, preparing to conduct a large-scale transaction. Qi Lin and Yang Lin used wireless bugs to collect evidence and notified the police to take action.

When the police arrived, they successfully arrested Aaron and other persons involved. During the interrogation process, "Aaron reluctantly revealed the organizational structure of the entire smuggling group and the identity of the mastermind behind it.

Qi Lin and Yang Lin learned that the man behind the scenes was named Wang Qiang, a notorious gang boss. They realized that this case was not just a simple smuggling operation, but a complex case involving gang forces.

In order to collect more evidence, Qi Lin and Yang Lin decided to investigate Wang Qiang in depth. Through investigation and network tracking, they discovered a secret hiding place - a seemingly ordinary restaurant.

The restaurant is Wang Qiang's frontline stronghold, where he conducts many illegal transactions. Qi Lin and Yang Lin decided to sneak into the restaurant as customers to get more information.

That night, they put on disguises and entered the restaurant. They sat near the kitchen and pretended to enjoy their dinner while paying close attention to everything going on around them.

Just when they were about to give up, a waiter came over, placed a bag on a table next to them, and whispered: "The boss wants you to leave quickly, the police are approaching."

Qi Lin and Yang Lin suddenly became alert. They quickly left the restaurant and took the bag back to the office.

After opening the bag, they found a large amount of smuggled items and documents. The documents shed light on Wang Qiang's criminal network and other illegal activities he was involved in. Qi Lin and Yang Lin knew they had finally found the key evidence to solve the case.

They immediately submitted this evidence to the police and assisted them in formulating an arrest plan. In the end, the police successfully arrested Wang Qiang and his members and completely destroyed the entire smuggling group.

Qi Lin and Yang Lin were commended for their outstanding performance in this case. Their cooperation also further deepened the friendship and trust between them.

Qi Lin is an excellent detective, known for his sharp thinking and keen insight. His tall stature, thick black hair and deep eyes give him a sense of mystery. In this world full of mysteries and conspiracies, he can always find the truth hidden behind everyone.

One cold afternoon, Qi Lin received a special mission. A young heir with huge wealth was found dead in his manor. The case was sinister and strange. Qi Lin drove to the manor, surrounded by a heavy atmosphere. He first cooperated with the police, investigated the scene, and recorded the statements of all witnesses.

Subsequently, Qi Lin began to interrogate everyone involved. First, he found the victim's lover Audrey. Audrey is a beautiful and intelligent woman. She has high hopes for Qilin to solve the mystery.

"Miss Audrey, can you describe to me the last time you saw the victim?" Qi Lin asked in a gentle and focused voice.

Audrey said nervously: "That night, I went on a date with Victor at the manor. We had dinner and had a great chat. But when I suggested that we should get married, he suddenly became cold. He told me He needed time to think. I sensed that he was hiding something from me, so I left the manor. It was only the next morning that I heard that he was found dead here. 11

Qi Lin noticed the sadness and worry in Audrey's eyes, but he knew not to easily believe people's superficial words. He thought deeply and began to analyze the possibilities behind the case.

Next, Qi Lin found the victim’s property manager, a middle-aged man named Peter. He was wearing a sleek suit and looked very professional.

"Mr. Peter, can you tell me about the victim's activities in the past few weeks?" Qi Lin asked.

Peter thought for a moment and replied: "Victor has been very busy since he took over the family business. He handled a huge transaction and was threatened by disputes within the family. I warned him that he must be careful. But he always ignored it. Last week, he received an anonymous letter, the content of which made him very angry and upset. I really don't know the specific content of that letter, but I believe it is related to his death. "

.........Please give me flowers 0

Qi Lin thought for a moment after listening to Peter's statement. He realizes the case may be more complicated than he imagined. So he decided to continue the investigation and dig deeper into the secrets that existed in the victims' lives.

In the next few days, Qi Lin continued to have conversations and investigations with people related to the case. He found the victim's family members, friends, and servants, and patiently listened to each person's statement.

While talking to the victim's sister, Catherine, Qi Lin discovered some key clues. Catherine is a smart and strong woman who reveals to Qilin the tense relationship between her and Victor.

"Mr. Qi, I must tell you that there is no harmony between Victor and I. We have been fighting for control of the family business. He once threatened me and said that if I did not give up my demands, he would let I regret it. But I never thought he would get to this point. There was pain and anger in Jian Serin's voice.

This information made Qi Lin realize that the murderer might be hiding within the family. He delves into the family's finances, relationships between family members and any secrets that may exist.

During the interrogation of family lawyer Alexander, Qi Lin discovered an important detail. "Mr. Alexander, can you tell me whether Victor had any intention of making a will before his death?"

Alexander replied hesitantly: "Actually, Victor came to me and expressed his plan to amend his will. He said he wanted to ensure that the family property can be distributed equally to everyone to avoid family disputes caused by control issues."

This clue made Qi Lin's thinking clearer. He analyzed each suspect's motives and behavior in depth and noticed some unusual details.

Finally, Qi Lin summoned all relevant personnel and held an important dialogue in the victim's manor. He showed them the evidence and clues he had collected and explained his reasoning process one by one. .

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