Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

883: Blood Stain Sample Sent To Laboratory

So, Qi Lin began to plan the next investigation case. He knows that there are always people in the world who are manipulating everything behind the scenes, trying to gain power and benefits. A fearless detective, he is determined to keep fighting and fighting for justice. He understands that only through continuous efforts can the rights and interests of innocent victims be protected.

In future investigations, he will encounter various cases and difficulties. But he will never back down because he believes every crime should be exposed and every truth discovered.

As a detective, Qi Lin will continue to fight for justice, and he will use his wisdom and courage to protect social peace and justice. This is his mission and his commitment to the world.

Qi Lin walked out of the award ceremony and embarked on a new journey. He faced unknown challenges, but he was full of confidence and determination. He knows that as long as he is alive, justice will never rest.

Qi Lin is an experienced detective. Recently, a major hit-and-run case affected his heart, and he decided to do his best to solve the mystery.

The case occurred early one morning when a hit-and-run incident occurred on a busy local road. Witnesses said a black car hit a young woman and fled the scene. Qi Lin quickly rushed to the scene and began investigating clues. He carefully reviewed the testimonies provided by eyewitnesses and examined the location of the incident for traces.

Qi Lin tossed and turned, thinking about how to find key information from existing clues. He felt that the best way was to return to the crime scene and conduct a detailed investigation. So he summoned his trusted assistants and went to the scene together.

When Qi Lin arrived at the scene, he immediately noticed several suspicious points. First, the impact point left some glass shards and paint residue. Qi Lin ordered his assistant to collect these physical evidence and send them to the laboratory for analysis. Secondly, he found some tire marks, which may help determine the type and make of the vehicle involved.

Qi Lin also asked the witnesses for detailed descriptions and made some preliminary judgments. According to eyewitnesses, the vehicle involved in the accident was a black car, but the specific model was unclear. In addition, witnesses provided part of the license plate number of the vehicle, which provided Qi Lin with an important clue.

After returning to the office, Qi Lin began to investigate the list of all people who owned black cars in the area. He carefully studies the background information of each suspect and compares them with other evidence in the case. After excluding some irrelevant personnel, a target that looked very suspicious was found.

Qi Lin invited this person to the office for questioning. He showed various evidences in an attempt to expose the suspect. However, this man seemed very calm and did not seem to be panicked at all. Qi Lin realized that he needed more methods to advance the investigation.

By analyzing the physical evidence at the scene and the suspect's whereabouts, Qi Lin discovered an important breakthrough. He obtained the analysis results of car paint residue from the laboratory and compared them with the records of auto repair shops near the city. Finally, he found a shop that had just repaired a black car.

Qi Lin took his assistant to the store, hoping to find evidence related to the case. After talking to the shopkeeper, Qi Lin noticed that the shopkeeper's expression was unnatural and began to sense that something was wrong. He decided to investigate further.

"Sir, we noticed that you recently repaired a black car. Can you tell me who sent this car?" Qi Lin asked.

The shop owner hesitated for a moment, as if he was thinking about whether to reveal this information. Qi Lin noticed that his reaction was abnormal, so he changed his strategy.

"I understand that you also need to protect your business and client privacy, but this was a very serious hit and run case where an innocent woman was injured. If you provide assistance, we can do our best to protect your interests and ensure this Things will not have a negative impact on your business.

The shop owner was so moved by Qi Lin's words that he relaxed his vigilance and began to tell what happened a few days ago.

"That morning, a young man drove a black car to my shop for repairs. He claimed that the car was damaged and needed urgent repairs. He seemed very urgent and paid cash. I didn't pay much attention at the time. , just made the repairs as he requested. After the repairs, he left immediately without leaving any contact information or other information. It really didn't occur to me that he might be related to the hit-and-run case.

After listening to the shop owner's statement, Lin Lin felt a glimmer of hope in his heart. He felt closer to the truth.

"Thank you very much for providing this information. Now, I need you to cooperate with the police investigation and please provide any clues that may help us find this man."

The shop owner showed a trace of hesitation, but finally agreed to Qi Lin's request. He provided the surveillance video installed on the exterior wall of the store and described in detail the characteristics of the man and the vehicle he was driving at the time.

Qi Lin returned to the office with these new clues and began to carefully study the surveillance videos. After some investigation, he discovered the key picture. The video shows the man leaving the store with blood on his hands.

"It happened that the man who left the car repair shop after hitting someone had blood stains on his hands!" Qi Lin said to himself.

He immediately sent the blood stain sample to Laboratory 797 for analysis. A few hours later, news came from the laboratory confirming that the blood stains belonged to the DNA of the woman who was hit.

Qi Lin's heart was filled with anger and determination. He knew he was close to catching the hit-and-run killer.

Relying on eyewitness descriptions, car paint residues, license plate numbers, surveillance videos and blood stain analysis results, Qi Lin began to conduct a city-wide search. He led the police members to investigate the suspects one by one and had in-depth conversations with local residents.

A few days later, in a remote alley, Qi Lin found his target. The man was trying to destroy his vehicle and appeared to be aware that he was being followed by police.

"Put down your weapons! You are under arrest!" Qi Lin shouted, pointing at the tool in the man's hand.

The man looked panicked, but he still obeyed the order. He was taken back to the police station for further interrogation.

After detailed interrogation, the man finally admitted his crime in the hit-and-run case. He confessed that he hit the woman because of drunk driving, and then out of panic and fear

Choose to flee the scene.

Qi Lin felt relieved that the truth of this serious case was finally revealed. He compiled all the evidence and confessions [and submitted them to the prosecutor's office to prepare for prosecution. .

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