During the trial, Qi Lin presented strong evidence and eyewitness testimony, allowing the court to make a fair verdict against the hit-and-run perpetrator. In the end, the perpetrator was found guilty of hit-and-run and drunk driving, and was sentenced to a heavy sentence.

The resolution of this case is not only a personal victory for Qi Lin, but also means that judicial justice has been done and the victims have won due fairness and compensation. Qi Lin's intelligence and superb skills once again gained recognition and admiration.

However, Qi Lin was not satisfied. He knows that as a detective, his work never stops. He will continue to devote himself to the battle of investigating and solving crimes, working for justice and protecting the rights of innocent people.

For Qi Lin, this is just a small victory in his career. He understands that there are still many unsolved mysteries waiting for him to uncover, and more crimes waiting for him to track down. He is not afraid of challenges because he believes that the power of justice will always defeat evil.

Qi Lin continues to move forward, with an upright posture and a clear mind, fighting for justice and truth. He is the guardian of this city and the embodiment of a silent hero.

That day Detective Qi Lin received an investigation task about an arson case. It is said that a fire broke out in a high-end hotel in the city center in the early morning. Fortunately, there were no casualties, but the fire spread quickly and caused serious damage to the hotel. Qi Lin was assigned to take charge of this investigation, trying to uncover the truth behind it.

Qi Lin came to the scene and looked at the burned hall and the air filled with black smoke. He began to carefully observe every detail. He clenched his fists and secretly determined to find the culprit of the arson.

At this moment, a man in a suit walked into the fire scene. He seemed a little anxious and kept looking around. Qi Lin walked over and looked at the stranger with a smile.

"Hello, I am Qi Lin, a police detective. Who are you?" Qi Lin asked politely.

"I am Yang Fei, the manager of the hotel. I heard that you are here to investigate the fire. Do you need my help? Yang Fei replied slightly nervously.

"Mr. Yang, please tell me what happened when the fire broke out." Qi Lin asked deeply.

"That night, I was working in my office when I suddenly received an alarm from an employee saying there was a fire in the lobby. I rushed over immediately and saw that the fire was already very big. I asked the employees and guests to evacuate quickly and called the fire department. Soon after, The fire brigade arrived and successfully put out the fire. But the damage to the hotel was indeed very serious and we were very shocked." Yang Fei explained excitedly.

"What is the cause of this fire? Is there anything suspicious?" Qi Lin saw the anxiety in Yang Fei's tone and immediately asked further.

"At first, we all thought that the fire was caused by a circuit fault. But after I checked all the circuits, I found that there was no problem. Moreover, at the fire scene, we also found an object suspected to be a detonator. This caused my Doubtful, I think this may be an arson case." Yang Fei's tone revealed his deep concern about the incident.

After listening to Yang Fei's narrative, Qi Lin thought for a moment, and then suggested: "Mr. Yang, please introduce to me the situation of the hotel employees and guests. I need to know their movements and possible suspects.

Yang Fei nodded, took Qi Lin to a quiet corner, and began to introduce each employee and guest in detail. In the process, Qi Lin gradually felt some clues. He felt that one of the employees, the security manager, Jian Lai, might be related to the arson case.

In order to find more clues, Qi Lin decided to have a face-to-face conversation with Wang Jianping first. He found Wang Jianping's office and knocked on the door.

"Please come in!" Wang Jianping's voice came from the office.

Qi Lin opened the door and saw Wang Jianping sorting documents. He approached Wang Jianping's desk and said with a smile: "Mr. Wang, I am Qi Lin, a police detective. I am here to investigate this arson case and need to talk to you. Do you have time?"

Wang Jianping raised his head and saw Qi Lin, his expression was slightly nervous, but he still nodded and motioned for Qi Lin to sit down.

"Sir, I understand that you are the security manager of this hotel, so I hope you can provide me with some information about the fire. Did you find anything suspicious? Qi Lin asked straight to the point.

Wang Jianping was silent for a moment, and then replied: "At the fire scene, I saw an object that was suspected to be a detonation device, but I didn't know how it was placed. I immediately reported to Manager Yang and ensured the safe evacuation of employees and guests. .I have no clue as to the cause of the fire and no clues as to the suspects.

Qi Lin observed Wang Jianping's look and expression, trying to find clues. He found that Wang Jianping seemed a little nervous and uneasy, and his eyes flickered from time to time.

"Mr. Wang, how is your relationship with other employees? Have there been any conflicts or disputes?" Qi Lin asked deliberately.

Wang Jianping frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he replied: "In our team, there are no special conflicts except for some minor frictions at work. We all work hard for the safety of the hotel and customer satisfaction.

Qi Lin carefully observed Wang Jianping's words and behavior, while recalling the information he had learned before. Suddenly, he noticed a detail when Wang Jianping was sorting out documents - there was a wanted notice issued by the police station on the table, which was a photo of a suspect suspected of arson.

"Excuse me, who is the photo on this wanted poster?" Qi Lin asked, pointing to the wanted poster, his voice carrying a hint of calmness.

Wang Jianping's face turned pale instantly and he was speechless for a moment. He tried to speak, but something seemed to be stuck in his throat.

"Mr. Wang, please answer my question frankly. Are you the person on this wanted notice? Did you deliberately set the fire to divert our attention?" Qi Lin stared at Wang Jianping sharply.

Wang Jianping finally couldn't hide it anymore. He lowered his head and admitted with a trembling voice: "Yes, I am the person suspected of arson. But please believe me, I did not place any detonating device!"

Qi Lin stared at Wang Jianping, and he could feel the anxiety and helplessness in Wang Jianping's words. He decided to stay calm and continue to ask questions.

"Mr. Wang, why are you wanted by the police? What motive did you have to set the fire?" Qi Lin turned to a more in-depth investigation.

Wang Jianping raised his head, tears flashing in his eyes. .

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