He said softly: "I am not the criminal who committed the arson, I am just a scapegoat. Before the fire, I received a phone call and the other party threatened to harm my family if I did not comply. I was forced to stay in the hotel Some combustibles and created what looked like a detonation device. However, I didn't light a fire and I didn't hurt anyone!

When Qi Lin heard these words, he frowned slightly and felt a trace of doubt in his heart. The case becomes more and more complicated and he needs more evidence to reveal the truth.

"Mr. Wang, please tell me the specific process and the content of the call. We need to find the real mastermind as soon as possible." Qi Lin reminded Wang Jianping.

Wang Jianping took a deep breath and tried to recall the details of that phone call. He gradually restored the entire process, including the mysterious man's strange demands and threats.

"The man's voice was always distorted and I could not identify who he was. He told me to place flammable materials and objects that looked like explosive devices at a designated time and place, and threatened that if I betrayed him, my family would be killed. I would be seriously injured. In my desperation, I could only follow his instructions. However, when I heard the news about the fire, I was shocked and frightened because it meant that I became the scapegoat for the real criminal.

Qi Lin silently thought about the 893 information. He believed in Wang Jianping's innocence and realized that there must be a more complicated conspiracy behind it. He decided to bring these new findings to the investigation team and seek more professional assistance.

A few days later, Qi Lin held an emergency meeting with other police personnel. He reported his investigation results and Wang Jianping's testimony to everyone. After comprehensive discussion and analysis, the investigation team came up with a new clue-the mysterious person is likely to be a member of a criminal gang.

Qi Lin led the investigation team to launch tracking and investigation of criminal gangs. Through patience and perseverance, they gradually get closer to the core of the truth.

Finally, in a covert operation, the police successfully captured the entire criminal gang, including the mastermind who played the role of the mysterious man. After further interrogation, they revealed the motives and interests behind the arson incident.

After the truth came out, Wang Jianping's innocence was confirmed. Through the evidence collected and other eyewitness testimonies, the police proved that Wang Jianping was innocent and removed him from wanted status. Qi Lin and the investigation team apologized to Wang Jianping and expressed their deep regret for the injustice he suffered.

Wang Jianping gratefully expressed his gratitude to Qi Lin and the entire police team. He expressed his understanding of the difficulties faced by the police during the investigation, and also thanked Qi Lin for his persistence in pursuing the truth.

The truth behind the arson case was finally revealed, and this was just one of the many cases Qi Lin faced as a police officer. He knows that he must continue to work hard to protect the safety of society, restore the truth, and let innocent people get justice. This experience made him more determined in his mission and responsibility.

Qi Lin and Wang Jianping shook hands and said goodbye, hoping that each other could get out of this haze and embrace a bright future. Qi Lin returned to the police station, preparing for the next challenge to bring more justice and security to society.

Qi Lin was sitting in his office, thinking about a trafficking case he had recently taken over. This was an outrageous crime that caused innocent people great pain. He is determined to bring criminals to justice and bring justice to the victims.

Suddenly, the phone rang, interrupting his thoughts. He picked up the phone and heard a low and anxious voice.

"Mr. Qi, I have news for you.

"Who is it?" Qi Lin asked.

"I am an anonymous person and I know some secrets about the trafficking case. I can provide you with some clues, but I need to remain anonymous.

Qi Lin thought for a moment and then replied: "Okay, you can tell me the clues, but please remember that if you deliberately provide false information you will face legal prosecution.

"I understand, Mr. Qi. I heard that the leader of this trafficking (bjfc) group lives near an abandoned factory in Chengbei District. They often operate at night and transport trafficked people.

"Thank you very much for your information," Qi Lin said, "I will launch an investigation immediately. If you have any new clues, please contact me again.

Qi Lin hung up the phone and began to sort out an action plan. He called his partner Xiao Li and told him clues about the abandoned factory.

"Xiao Li, let's go to the abandoned factory in Chengbei District. It may be the location of the trafficking group. We need to be prepared, this mission may be very dangerous.

Xiao Li nodded and agreed. Qi Lin and Xiao Li put on plain clothes and quietly drove to the abandoned factory.

When they arrived at their destination, night had fallen. It was dark around the factory, with only the occasional distant light barely illuminating some places. The two tried their best to avoid the cameras and slowly approached the factory gate.

"Mr. Qi, how do you think we should get in?" Xiao Li asked in a low voice.

"We can't act rashly, Xiao Li. First, we have to determine whether the trafficking gang is still here. We can place a few more plainclothes policemen around to monitor the activities. Then, we can try to find a safe entrance and quietly Enter the factory to collect more evidence.

They followed the plan and cautiously approached the factory gate. Qi Lin maintained contact with other plainclothes police officers via radio to ensure that they could provide support at any time.

When Qi Lin and Xiao Li finally entered the factory, they were shocked by what they saw. The factory is covered with barbed wire, chains and abandoned containers. In a corner, they found a group of trafficked hostages, some of whom were exhausted physically and mentally.

"Are you okay?" Qi Lin asked warmly.

When the abducted hostages saw Qi Lin and Xiao Li, a glimmer of hope flashed in their eyes. A young woman approached Qi Lin tremblingly.

"Sir, are you here to save us?" she asked, with a hint of excitement and fear in her voice.

Qi Lin smiled and nodded, and replied gently: "Yes, we are the police, responsible for combating trafficking crimes. We will ensure your safety and bring criminals to justice. Now, please try to calm down, we will arrange for you as soon as possible leave here.

After hearing these words, the hostages' tension eased slightly. Qi Lin asked Xiao Li to contact the police rescue team and send people to respond to these victims.

While Qi Lin and Xiao Li were sorting out evidence, they suddenly felt someone approaching. The two immediately hid and watched the approaching person. .

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