"I know you're here," a deep voice said in the darkness. "Do you think you can stop us?

Qi Lin deduced that this was the leader of the trafficking gang, and they had no time to waste. Qi Lin decided to take the initiative and jumped out from behind to face the man.

"You have been surrounded, put down your weapons!" Qi Lin shouted.

However, the leader of the trafficking gang does not intend to surrender easily. He quickly pulled out a dagger and rushed towards Qi Lin without fear.

Qi Lin was ready to take on the challenge. He dodged the boss' attacks while looking for opportunities to subdue him. The two started a fierce fight in the abandoned factory.

"You are a difficult guy," the leader said through gritted teeth. "But you can't stop - our plan!"

Qi Lin knows that he must end this battle as soon as possible, otherwise more innocent lives will be threatened. Using his detective skills and combat experience, he gradually gains the upper hand.

In the end, Qi Lin successfully subdued the leader and handcuffed him to a pillar. The seriously injured leader looked at him panting.

"Do you think this is the end? We have more men, and they will continue to execute the plan!" the leader threatened through gritted teeth.

Qi Lin sneered and said firmly: "I believe justice will defeat evil. No matter what you do, we will investigate to the end and protect the rights of innocent people.

Upon hearing these words, the leader of the trafficking gang's expression became distorted, and he knew that he had failed. Qi Lin and Xiao Li collected the evidence and notified the rescue team to safely transfer the abducted hostages.

During the subsequent investigation, Qi Lin and Xiao Li found more clues and witnesses, and gradually uncovered the trafficking gang's network. Through interviews with witnesses, they learned how the gang operated, who was involved and where they were hiding.

Qi Lin and Xiao Li decided to go to a nightclub called "Oasis" to investigate. According to witnesses, this is an important place for trafficking gangs to operate. The two men dressed up as nightclub customers and quietly entered the nightclub.

Under the dim lights, the beat of music is accompanied by laughter, and the interior of the nightclub is filled with a strong atmosphere. Qi Lin and Xiao Li carefully observed the crowd around them, trying to find clues about the trafficking gang.

Suddenly, a gorgeous woman walked up to Qi Lin and Xiao Li. She was wearing a sexy dress and had a charming smile on her face.

"Gentlemen, welcome to the oasis. I am Kate, do you need any service tonight?" she asked in a seductive tone.

Qi Lin responded calmly: "We are very interested in the situation here. Can you tell us something about the nightclub?"

Kate looked at Qi Lin and Xiao Li and seemed to be aware of their true identities. She pursed her lips and said softly: "Some abnormal things did happen here, but I can't disclose it to you directly. If you can help me solve a problem, I can provide some clues.

Qi Lin and Xiao Li looked at each other, and in order to investigate the progress, they agreed to accept Kate's conditions.

"Okay, just tell us your problem, and we will try our best to help you solve it. Then, you must fulfill your promise and provide relevant clues." Qi Lin said solemnly.

Kate smiled and said: "There is an important guest who has been threatening me and extorting my property. He is sitting in the box. His name is James Robinson. If you can help me get rid of his harassment, I will provide you with what you need." clue.

Qi Lin and Xiao Li immediately decided to uncover the mystery. They followed Kate to the box and found James Robinson in a carnival, surrounded by his men and some nightclub girls.

Qi Lin walked up to James and said firmly: "James Robinson, you have been accused of extortion. It is time to end your criminal activities. The police have intervened, and you have no room for escape."

When James heard these words, he showed an expression of astonishment. He tried to defend himself, but Qi Lin was already ready to take him to the legal court.

Kate stood calmly aside, watching this scene with satisfaction. She fulfilled her promise, and Jiang Qilin provided important clues about the trafficking gang.

With the clues provided by Kate, Qi Lin and Xiao Li were able to investigate the trafficking gang more deeply. They found the core members of the gang hiding in a villa in a remote mountainous area.

…………please give me flowers……

Qi Lin and Xiao Li launched a secret operation and quietly approached the villa. They carefully observed the villa's security measures and found the best time to enter the villa.

Late one night, when most of the gang members were resting, Qi Lin and Xiao Li decisively broke into the villa. They quietly climbed up the stairs to the second floor and entered the gang leader's room.

Opening the door, they saw the leader discussing the plan with another member. Neither of them noticed Qi Lin and Xiao Li coming in. Qi Lin quickly gestured to Xiao Li to get ready.

Then they all attack simultaneously.

Qi Lin and Xiao Li instantly subdued the leader and his accomplices. They quickly searched the room and found more evidence and documents, revealing how the entire trafficking ring operated, the shady behind it and the identities of the people involved.

The hostages who regained their freedom were also safely transferred out of the villa and met with the police rescue team. They can finally regain their lives, and those criminals will face legal sanctions.

The actions of Qi Lin and Xiao Li received praise from the society and attention from the media. This case has become a model for combating trafficking crimes, and also demonstrated the courage and determination of Qi Lin and Xiao Li as police officers.

However, they know that this is just a victory in the battle, not an end to the crime of trafficking. They are determined to continue to track down other similar criminal organizations and protect more innocent people from harm.

Qi Lin and Xiao Li are determined to pursue justice to the end and continue to work hard to bring peace and security to society.

Qi Lin stood at the scene of the crime and carefully observed the traces around him. This was a jewelry theft case. Priceless jewelry was stolen, leaving a trail of chaos. As a senior detective, Qi Lin is determined to bring the murderer to justice.

He and his assistant Zhang Ting began to investigate. They first found the shop owner, Mr. Wang, and asked him to describe in detail what happened that night.

"Mr. Wang, can you please recall what happened that night?" Qi Lin asked.

Mr. Wang pondered for a moment and then said: "That night, I closed the store and went home. When I came to open the store the next morning, I found that the jewelry was missing. The door lock was still intact and it looked like it was stolen by an insider. Seven ".

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