Qi Lin nodded after listening, and then asked: "Do you know anyone who has a special interest in jewelry? For example, someone who often visits your store or knows something about the jewelry industry?"

Mr. Wang thought for a while and said: "There is indeed a customer who often comes to my store to buy jewelry. His name is Li Hua. He is a jewelry appraiser and is very knowledgeable about jewelry. But I am not sure whether he is involved in this incident. Related to the theft."1

Qi Lin heard this and decided to talk to Li Hua. They came to Li Hua's studio.

"Mr. Li, we are the police. Please cooperate with us in the investigation of a jewelry theft case." Qi Lin said politely.

Li Hua looked a little nervous, but still replied: "I haven't done anything illegal, you can ask whatever you want.

Qi Lin asked Li Hua about his relationship with Mr. Wang's jewelry "577" store and his understanding of the jewelry industry. Li Hua answered the questions honestly, saying that he was very interested in the jewelry industry but had not participated in any illegal activities.

During the subsequent investigation, Qi Lin found some clues that seemed to be related to Li Hua. He found a bar that Li Hua had patronized and talked with the bar owner.

"Li Hua? Well, he is indeed a regular customer here. However, on the night of the jewelry theft, he did not come." The bar owner said firmly.

This confused Qi Lin, and he decided to find Li Hua again. Qi Lin entered Li Hua's studio and conducted more in-depth questioning of him.

"Mr. Li, can you explain why you didn't go to the bar that night?" Qi Lin asked bluntly.

Li Hua replied hesitantly: "I did initially plan to go to the bar that night, but suddenly I received an urgent jewelry appraisal task and had to cancel my plan to go to the bar.

Qi Lin frowned. He felt that Li Hua's explanation seemed a bit far-fetched. Afterwards, Qi Lin decided to investigate Li Hua's jewelry appraisal task in depth. He and Zhang Ting went to the jewelry appraisal agency and found colleagues who Li Hua had worked with.

"Hello, we are the police and are investigating a jewelry theft case. We would like to know whether Li Hua received any jewelry appraisal tasks after he temporarily canceled his plan to go to the bar?" Qi Lin asked.

The colleague recalled it, thought for a moment and said: "Yes, that night a rich man did come to entrust the appraisal of a priceless blue diamond. We were all very busy at the time, and Li Hua took the initiative to take over the task, so we The arrangement was given to him."

After hearing this, Qi Lin's doubts gradually disappeared. He felt that Li Hua's trip might be just a coincidence and did not involve theft. But he still needs more evidence to confirm.

Qi Lin decided to carefully analyze the surveillance video after the theft. In the video, he discovered a suspicious figure. This man was wearing black clothes and a hat. He was tall and looked like a member of a professional theft gang.

Qi Lin showed the video images to colleagues and Mr. Wang, and asked them if they knew this person.

Mr. Wang frowned for a moment and then said: "I have seen this man. He once bought a precious ruby ​​in my store. He claimed to be a jewelry collector, but I am not sure of his true identity.

Qi Lin felt happy and felt that he was getting closer and closer to the truth. He decided to track down this suspicious figure to see if he was related to the jewelry theft.

By investigating clues about the suspicious person, Qi Lin discovered that his true identity was a member of a known professional theft gang. He decided to arrange an arrest operation and bring this theft gang to justice.

In the process of preparing for the operation, Qi Lin cooperated with the police and formulated a detailed plan. Eventually, they succeeded in arresting the gang members and seizing the stolen jewelry from them.

During the evidence collection process, Li Hua also got the opportunity to clear his suspicions. Qi Lin apologized to Li Hua and thanked him for his cooperation in the investigation of the case.

"Mr. Li, I'm sorry that you have been misunderstood. Thank you for your cooperation with our investigation." Qi Lin said sincerely.

Li Hua smiled and replied: "It doesn't matter, I understand your work. I am also very happy to help you find the real criminals.

After the jewelry theft case was solved, Qi Lin and his team were commended and praised. Qi Lin is well aware of the hard work and importance of detective work, and also understands that every case requires careful analysis and in-depth investigation.

Late at night, the moonlight shines through the window into the spacious and bright office... Qi Lin is sitting at the table studying the case, with a cup of coffee cooling aside. He is an excellent detective, known for his intelligence and all-seeing eye.

"This poisoning case is really a headache." Qi Lin murmured to himself, "The source of the drugs is so perfectly hidden, I must find clues."

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly, interrupting his thoughts. Qi Lin answered and heard an anxious voice: "Mr. Qi, I need your help! A series of mysterious poisoning incidents have occurred in my company recently, and I suspect that someone is trying to destroy our business.

Qi Lin's heart moved. This seemed to be related to the case at hand. He quickly replied: "Please tell me more details and I will try to help you solve the problem.

So Qi Lin agreed on a time and place to meet this mysterious person. He packed his bags and prepared to set out to uncover the mystery of this case.

Qi Lin came to the agreed place, a luxurious villa. He knocked on the door, it opened a crack, and a masked man appeared behind the door.

"Are you Mr. Qi? Please follow me." The masked man said in a deep voice.

Qi Lin followed the masked man through the spacious living room and came to a private room. Sitting in the room was an elegant middle-aged man, who was a mysterious person.

The middle-aged man introduced himself to Qi Lin as Du Zhiyuan, the president of a pharmaceutical company. 2.0 He revealed that there were strange drug residues at the scenes where his employees had recently been poisoned one after another.

"These drugs are not produced by our company, but they are related to our products." Du Zhiyuan said distressedly, "I believe this is someone who wants to sabotage our business and create rumors about this."

Qi Lin thought deeply for a moment, and then asked: "Can you provide the details of the crime scene and the list of employees involved? I need more clues to launch an investigation."

Du Zhiyuan nodded and handed Qi Lin a document. Qi Lin read it carefully and thought about the next action plan in his mind.

A few days later, the clues collected by Qi Lin were intertwined. He found that all the employees who were poisoned had attended a meeting and developed symptoms of poisoning shortly after the meeting.

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