Qi Lin decided to sneak into the company to investigate. He changed his identity, disguised himself as an ordinary employee, and blended in.

At the company, he started talking to employees, trying to get more key information.

While chatting with a technical department employee named Zhang Li, he learned that a mysterious customer frequently came to the company to cooperate with the company. Zhang Li also mentioned that this customer seemed to be very interested in a new product of the company.

Qi Lin's heart moved, and he decided to investigate this mysterious customer in depth. He launched a series of evidence searches to track the customer's whereabouts and background information.

After some hard work, Qi Lin finally found the residence of this mysterious customer. He decided to go and have a look.

Qi Lin arrived at the apartment building where the mysterious client lived and entered the room cautiously. He found that the room was filled with various experimental equipment and medicines.

While he was investigating, a man dressed in black suddenly appeared from the darkness19 and stabbed Qi Lin with a dagger.

Qi Lin reacted quickly, dodged away, and snatched the dagger from the man's hand. He held the dagger tightly, stared at the enemy in front of him, and said calmly: "You are the mastermind behind the poisoning incident! Why do you do this?"

The man showed a sarcastic smile and spoke slowly: "Qi Lin, you are really smart. I want revenge! This company once misappropriated my research results and commercialized them. I just wanted them to have a taste of myself medicine."

Qi Lin's heart moved and he showed a thoughtful expression: Are you a scientific researcher who once worked in this company and resigned because of it?"

The man nodded and continued: "Yes, my name is Li Haitao. They have stolen my years of hard work, and I can't sit idly by."

Qi Lin asked calmly: "Why don't you file a complaint with the law and choose to take revenge yourself?"

Li Haitao smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I tried to solve it through legitimate means, but they have too much power and resources to defeat them. Only by taking extreme measures can we attract enough attention.

Qi Lin took a deep breath and understood the whole incident. He put down the dagger and said with a smile: "Mr. Li, you have achieved your goal. Now, let us embark on the path of justice together and solve the problem in a legal way."

In the end, Qi Lin and Li Haitao handed over the evidence to the police together. When a company's illegal behavior is exposed, they will face legal sanctions.

After a period of investigation and trial, the company's top executives were convicted, and they were forced to compensate Li Haitao for his losses and accept legal punishment.

Qi Lin played an important role in this process. With his wisdom and persistence, he found the truth in the process of solving the case and brought justice to the victims.

Li Haitao has also received his due rewards, his research results have received due recognition, and he has received appropriate funding and support. He decided to re-engage in scientific research and make greater contributions to society.

Qi Lin's reputation was further expanded by this case. People praised his intelligence and sense of justice, calling him "the embodiment of justice." He received more commissions and continued to solve various complex cases to bring peace and justice to society.

Behind this poisoning case, there is a well-thought-out conspiracy. Through Qi Lin's efforts and persistence, the truth finally emerged, sin was punished, and justice won.

Qi Lin knows that as a detective, his responsibility is not only to expose crimes, but also to protect the rights of innocent people. He will continue to use his wisdom and courage to protect the peace and justice of this city, so that the power of justice will shine forever.

Qi Lin is a smart and witty detective. On this day, he received a case about animal trafficking.

Qi Lin quickly rushed to the scene of the crime, a private zoo. There are various rare animals in the park, such as tigers, giraffes and elephants. As a senior detective, he is passionate about protecting animals.

He walked into the park and was about to start investigating when a young woman came over. She seemed a little nervous, with a trace of anxiety on her face.

Hello, I’m Qi Lin, what’s your surname? Qi asked with a smile.

My name is Li Ting and I am the manager of this zoo. We recently discovered that someone is illegally selling our animals, and I hope you can help us solve the case.

Don't worry, Manager Li, I will do my best to solve this problem. Please tell me the details of the case and your suspects.

Li Ting breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to introduce the case to Qi Guan.

In recent months, we have discovered that some rare animals in the zoo have been missing. At first we thought it was due to fighting between animals, but as time went by, we discovered that there might be animal trafficking involved. We suspected someone was operating from the inside because the disappearance of these animals did not appear in our documentation.

This is very strange indeed. Do you have any evidence pointing to insiders? Qi Lin asked.

Li Ting frowned and looked around

In addition to the missing animals, we noticed a few other clues. For example, some employees have suddenly become extravagant recently, buying expensive items, and their living standards have significantly improved. In addition, we also found a batch of drugs used to control animal anesthesia. However, we are not sure whether this is related to the missing animals.

Qi Linsi 140 took the test for a moment, and then said: "It seems that we should start with these clues. I need to talk to your employees and check their financial records. In addition, I also want to know about the monitoring situation of the park to see if We can find some clues from the video.”

Li Ting nodded and led Qi Lin to the office. Qi Lin started talking to employees one by one and asked them what they thought about the missing animals. During this process, he found that an employee named Zhang Wei was very hesitant and seemed a little nervous when answering questions.

Zhang Wei, I heard that you purchased several expensive items recently, right? Qi Lin asked deliberately.

Zhang Wei's face suddenly turned pale, he bit his lip, and after hesitating for a moment, he finally said: Yes, I did buy some expensive items, but that's because I won the lottery recently. I have never been involved in any illegal activity!

Qi Lin noticed Zhang Wei's emotional changes, but did not draw an immediate conclusion. He took a deep breath and continued to ask: "Then can you explain why a batch of drugs used to control animal anesthesia was found near your work area?"

Zhang Wei's eyes began to flicker. He was stunned for a moment, and then replied hesitantly: This... I just discovered this drug by accident. I didn't know that it was used to anesthetize animals!

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