Qi Lin calmly observed Zhang Wei's reaction. He knew that more evidence was needed at this time to determine whether he was related to the disappearance case. So, he turned to Li Ting and asked about the surveillance video.

Manager Li, do you have surveillance video inside the park? I would like to see the recent records and maybe I can find some clues.

Li Ting nodded and took Qi Lin to the monitoring room. The two of them watched the video together, gradually looking back from the past few days.

Just when they saw a suspicious figure appearing in the video, Zhang Wei suddenly turned around and was about to leave. Qi Lin was keenly aware of this detail and quickly stopped him

Zhang Wei, please stay, I believe you know more. Qi Lin's tone was firm.

Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment, then stopped helplessly. He knew there was no point in escaping anymore.

Okay, I admit it! I participated in the animal trafficking case, but I was not doing it for money, but to rescue those abused animals!

Qi Lin and Li Ting were both shocked. They didn't expect that the internal trafficking case had such complicated reasons.

Can you explain it to us in detail? Qi Lin asked in a calm tone.

Zhang Wei sighed in frustration and began to tell them the story.

Before I joined the zoo, I worked for a black market animal trading company. I saw firsthand how those animals were abused, imprisoned and trafficked. There was nothing I could do at the time but suffer in silence. Until one day, I met Li Ting, a like-minded animal protector. "

We decided to take action from within to rescue these poor creatures. We created this zoo to house rescued animals. But recently, we discovered that someone was peeking into our secrets, which triggered the investigation of this trafficking case.

Qi Lin and Li Ting fell into deep thought after listening to Zhang Wei's statement. They realized that the case was much more complicated than they imagined, and involved deeper animal protection issues.

Qi Lin took a deep breath and then said: "Zhang Wei, what you and Li Ting did was out of good intentions, but you chose a wrong path. Although selling animals is to save them, it is still illegal. But I I believe we can find a more legal solution~||.”

After discussing with Li Ting, Qi Lin decided to temporarily close the zoo and transfer the rescued animals to appropriate shelters to ensure that they are properly cared for and protected. At the same time, they will work with relevant agencies and organizations to develop a comprehensive plan to protect animals, expose black market transactions, and combat animal trafficking chains.

After a period of investigation and preparation, Qi Lin and Li Ting reopened the zoo, but this time it was no longer just an ordinary zoo, but a special place dedicated to animal protection and education. The park has added various educational activities and volunteer projects to increase people's understanding and awareness of wildlife protection.

At the same time, Qi Lin also continued his investigation. By further following the clues of animal trafficking, he gradually uncovered this huge trafficking network. Working with law enforcement, he successfully disrupted several key trafficking rings and brought them to justice.

As time goes by, Qi Lin's efforts gradually pay off. His actions aroused widespread public attention and support, and people began to pay more attention to animal protection issues and actively participate in conservation activities. Qi Lin has become an influential public figure and is committed to promoting the development of animal protection.

Throughout this process, Qi Lin always kept in mind his original intention: "Protect the weak voices and fight for the rights of those innocent creatures." He believes that as long as everyone can make their own voice and work together, we can create A better, more caring world.

Qi Lin is a detective who specializes in solving various complex cases. Recently, he received a case about illegal felling of trees.

In a small town, a large number of trees were cut down, and the residents fell into panic and confusion. The trees are an important part of their lives and they hope the criminals can be found and justice served.

Qi Lin arrived at the crime scene and carefully observed the surrounding situation. The places where the trees were cut were very neat, leaving no clues. He began talking to the residents of the town, hoping to get more information.

The first person he found was Uncle Li, the owner of a wood factory in a small town. Qi Lin asked: "Uncle Li, have you noticed any suspicious people or activities?

Uncle Li replied: "Mr. Qi, I did notice something strange. A few days ago, I saw a stranger wandering around here, looking suspicious. I also heard that someone saw a truck at night. Drive quietly out of the city. Maybe these clues can help you.".||

Qi Lin's heart moved. The clues about the stranger and the truck seemed to be valuable. He decided to investigate the stranger. He found the self-attacker and questioned him.

"Hello, I am Mr. Qi Lin, detective. Can you tell me some more details about the stranger?" Qi Lin asked.

The witness replied: "It was getting late at that time. I happened to pass by here and saw a tall man wearing a black coat standing on the edge of the woods. He was holding a big ax and seemed to be observing the surrounding environment. I thought his behavior was suspicious, so I quickly ran home and called the police.

Through these clues, Qi Lin began to speculate on possible suspects. He believed that this stranger was likely to be the main suspect in the case, so "he launched further investigation into this stranger.

In the small town's surveillance video, Qi Lin found a person who matched the description of the witness.

He carefully studied the video and noticed that strangers had appeared near different sites of illegal tree felling many times. This discovery made him more confident in his speculation.

Qi Lin decided to report this clue to the police and provided the stranger's information. The police took immediate action and quickly identified the suspect by investigating vehicle information and surveillance video.

A few days later, the police successfully arrested the suspect. Qi Lin participated in the suspect's interrogation process together with the police.

"Do you admit that you are a criminal in the tree-cutting case?" Qi Lin asked! The suspect looked at Qi Lin and the police, with a trace of disdain and ridicule in his eyes.

"You are still too naive, I will not admit to any criminal!" the suspect replied with a sneer.

Qi Lin took a deep breath, knowing that more evidence was needed to reveal the truth. He began questioning the suspects about their motives and the intentions behind their actions. .

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