"Why did you cut down these trees? What's the purpose?" Qi Lin tried to guide the suspect to tell the truth.

The suspect was silent for a moment, then laughed contemptuously.

"These trees are just a source of money to me and I don't care if they are cut down. My purpose is to show this town my ability and power. Do you stupid residents think you can stop me?"

Qi Lin felt the suspect's confidence and arrogance. He understands that this case may involve more complex forces behind it, of which the suspect is only part.

"Did you act alone or was someone instructing you?" Qi Lin asked deliberately.

The suspect narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Believe me, you'll never get an answer to that question. Even if you catch me, even if I go to jail, this plan will continue. Every tree in the town will be cut down, and the residents will Pay the price for it.

A sense of frustration arose in Qi Lin's heart, and he realized that there was still a long way to go before he could fully uncover the truth of the case and protect the town's woods.

Unwilling to fail, Qi Lin decided to conduct an in-depth investigation and cooperated with the police, local government and environmental organizations to jointly formulate response strategies.

They secretly collected evidence, tracked the potential masterminds, and gradually revealed a larger conspiracy.

After a period of careful investigation and planning, 980 successfully cracked down on this criminal gang that stole trees and arrested the main suspect.

At the same time, they also managed to protect remaining tree resources and repair damaged areas.

Qi Lin won victory for the town with his firm belief and unremitting efforts. His ingenuity and fearlessness made him a hero to the residents.

The town has since realized the importance of protecting the environment and has strengthened measures to protect tree resources.

Qi Lin is an experienced detective. His unique vision and intelligence enable him to always find clues to the truth and unravel the mystery in various suspicious cases.

One day, Qi Lin received a case about sewage discharge. According to reports, a factory in an industrial area illegally discharged chemical wastewater, seriously polluting the surrounding rivers and soil. This has been going on for months, and the environmental damage is increasing day by day. Local residents were furious and complained to the government one after another.

Qi Lin realized that this case was not only an environmental issue, but also involved people's life safety and health. He conducted an in-depth investigation, collected relevant evidence, and started a dialogue with the parties involved, hoping to find the truth.

Qi Lin first found the manager of the factory, a middle-aged man named Wang Gang. He is smart and capable, and his greasy smile gives people an uncomfortable feeling. Qi Lin admitted that he came here to investigate issues related to sewage discharge.

"Sir, I heard that your factory is suspected of illegally discharging wastewater. Is there such a situation?" Qi Lin asked.

Wang Gang's smile froze for a moment, and he gave an ambiguous answer: "We do discharge wastewater, but it is in compliance with the law and is discharged after treatment."

Qi Lin was not satisfied with this answer. He decided to investigate further and look for more evidence.

In the next few days, Qi Lin conducted interviews with residents near the factory.

He was surprised to find that many people reported feeling unwell recently, and some even suffered from strange and difficult illnesses. This made him more certain that the wastewater discharged from the factory posed a huge threat to the surrounding environment and the health of residents.

Through communication with local residents, Qi Lin learned that there was an organization nearby called "Qingze Environmental Protection Company" that was responsible for testing and monitoring the wastewater discharge from the factory. He felt that the company might be hiding some important clues.

Immediately, Seal went to the company to investigate, and he met the company's general manager Li Feng.

"Mr. Li, I am Qi Lin, a detective. I am very interested in your company's monitoring of factory wastewater discharge. Can you provide me with some relevant information?" Qi Lin asked bluntly.

Li Feng seemed a little nervous. He hesitated and then said: "Our monitoring data are all handed over to government departments in accordance with legal regulations. It is not convenient for me to disclose it to you.

Qi Lin saw Li Feng's uncomfortable expression and understood that the matter was not simple. He decided to approach the investigation from a different angle. He showed his ID and said seriously: "Mr. Li, I understand that your company is responsible for monitoring the discharge of wastewater from the factory. This is a case involving public interests. I believe you are a responsible person and should be willing to disclose The truth, protect everyone's rights. If you can cooperate and provide relevant information, we can work together to find the source of the pollution and help the affected residents get justice.

After listening to Qi Lin's words, Li Feng thought for a moment and finally nodded, expressing his willingness to cooperate with the investigation.

"Okay, Mr. Qi, I understand your position. In fact, our company did receive sewage samples from the factory and conducted tests. However, the strange thing is that our reports all show that the wastewater meets legal standards. I always feel This is problematic because the health status of nearby residents clearly does not match this.

Qi Lin was very excited about this. He decided to go to the factory himself, take some wastewater samples, and send them to an independent laboratory for testing. In this way, he can confirm whether there is internal or external collusion and whether someone has altered the monitoring report.

Qi Lin went to the factory and used some special techniques to obtain several bottles of wastewater samples. He then sent the samples to a laboratory for analysis.

After some waiting, the experimental results were finally released. Qi Lin got the laboratory report with excitement. The report clearly shows that these wastewater samples contain toxic substances that seriously exceed the legal limit.

Qi Lin was deeply angry and handed the report to the local government department without hesitation, and disclosed the clues he found during the investigation.

A few days later, the sewage discharge case was finally exposed and attracted widespread social attention. The government took emergency action, halted operations at the factory and launched an investigation into those responsible.

At a press conference, Qi Lin was commended and became a heroic detective. The media and the public have thanked him for exposing this environmental disaster and saving many lives.

But Qi Lin was not satisfied with this victory. He knew that this was just the beginning of a case. He is determined to continue to protect people's rights and pursue truth and justice.

Qi Lin established a team dedicated to investigating environmental pollution cases and is committed to protecting the natural environment and the health of residents. They collect information extensively, investigate various pollution incidents, and pursue accountability through legal means. .

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