Qi Lin's team continues to make major breakthroughs and expose environmental crimes involving many companies and individuals. They work with governments to push for stricter environmental regulations and establish more effective monitoring mechanisms.

As time goes by, Qi Lin's reputation grows day by day. He has been awarded many awards and honors for his outstanding contributions in the field of environmental protection.

However, Qi Lin knows that this battle will never end. He realized that individual power alone was not enough, and that more people's participation and support were needed to truly change the status quo.

Therefore, he used his influence to establish a non-profit organization aimed at promoting the popularization of environmental protection awareness and enthusiasm for action.

The organization uses education, publicity and action as its main means to guide the public to pay attention to environmental issues and provide solutions by holding lectures, publishing environmental protection guides, organizing volunteer activities, etc.

They also work with schools, governments and businesses to promote sustainable development and environmentally friendly production methods.

Qi Lin firmly believes that change starts with individuals, and everyone has the obligation to protect the earth we live on.

He encouraged people to start with small things, such as saving water and reducing the use of plastics. Every small action will gather into huge power.

Years from now, when people look back on the past, they will see a world where environmental awareness is increasing and the ecological environment is gradually recovering.

Qi Lin's contributions and efforts will be remembered in the long history of history, and he has led countless people towards a sustainable future.

Qi Lin sat alone at the desk in the office, tapping his fingers on the table, thinking about the case in front of him. This was a major case involving fraud, which made him feel extremely difficult. He must carefully analyze every clue to find out the truth hidden in it.

Suddenly, the phone rang. Qi Lin picked up the phone receiver and heard the voice of investigator Xiao Li: "Team Qi, I just came back from the scene and found something interesting.

"What's interesting?" Qi Lin asked.

Xiao Li explained: "Under the suspect's bed, I found a diary. A lot of information related to the case was recorded in it."

"Okay, bring that diary." After giving the instructions, Qi Lin put down the phone, with a hint of expectation in his heart. He knew that this diary might provide him with clues to the mystery.

Soon after, Xiao Li sent the diary to Qi Lin's office. Qi Lin quickly opened the diary and started reading. This diary records the inside story of a business company and the collusion between the company's senior officials and politicians.

"This company has a wide range of business, ranging from real estate to finance." Qi Lin said to himself. He delved into the records and began to connect other clues in the case.

Just as Qi Lin was deep in thought, there was a knock on the office door. He looked up and found that it was his friend and former police chief Zhao Chao. "Qi Lin, I heard that you are investigating a counterfeiting case. Do you need help?" Zhao Chao asked.

Qi Lin was overjoyed. He knew that Zhao Chao had rich experience and connections in the police community. "Of course I need your help! We can discuss this case together."

After Zhao Chao sat down, Qi Lin explained to him in detail the ins and outs of the case and the clues he had so far. Zhao Chao pondered for a moment and then said: "Counterfeiting cases often involve a huge chain of interests. We must first determine who the suspect is, and then find evidence to bring him to justice."

"Yes, I have the same idea." Qi Lin nodded in agreement. They began to carefully analyze the information in the diary and gradually built a list of suspects.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and Zhao Chao launched a series of investigative operations. They went deep into various relevant companies, interviewed many people involved [and retrieved Daxing's call records and emails through technical means.

During the investigation, Qi Lin and Zhao Chao often exchanged the clues and thoughts they found with each other. They inspired each other, constantly overturned previous guesses, and reconstructed the clue map of the case.

Finally, in a secret operation, they successfully collected key evidence. The evidence revealed the conspiracy between the suspects and high-level government officials and their use of counterfeiting techniques to obtain huge profits.

Qi Lin and Zhao Chao brought the evidence back to the office, and they sat together and studied every detail carefully. This evidence closely links the suspect to the fraud case

Sufficient proof is provided.

…………Please give me flowers…

Qi Lin picked up the phone, called the senior prosecutor in charge of the case at the police station, and explained the evidence they had to the other party one by one. The prosecutor expressed shock after hearing this and expressed his gratitude to Qi Lin and Zhao Chao.

"Mr. Qi, this evidence is very important and we will take action immediately." The senior prosecutor said solemnly.

A few days later, local police launched a large-scale operation, arresting suspects and searching the offices of related companies. The media reported this incident and aroused widespread public attention.

At the press conference, Qi Lin and Zhao Chao accepted interviews from the media. They gave the public a detailed account of the case and how key evidence was found. They emphasized the justice and fairness of the law and called on the business community and the government to strengthen supervision and combat any form of counterfeiting.


The successful cracking of this case not only made Qi Lin and Zhao Chao famous, but also gave the entire society a deeper understanding of combating counterfeiting. Their efforts have been widely praised and they are regarded as heroes in the detective world.

However, Qi Lin did not stop. He knows that there are still many unsolved mysteries and evils in the world. He is determined to continue to pursue the truth, protect people's interests, and maintain social justice and the rule of law.

As a result, Qi Lin continued to accept commissions on various cases and became a highly trusted detective. His name spread throughout the streets and lanes of the city, becoming the embodiment of justice in people's minds

Qi Lin stood in the center of the crime scene, observing everything around him calmly and intently. This is a building that was destroyed by explosives. The debris is scattered on the ground, and various dust and debris fill the air. The police had already conducted a preliminary survey of the scene, but Qi Lin knew that this was not enough.

He squatted down and carefully observed a seemingly ordinary piece of debris, trying to find some clues from it. Suddenly, his eyes lit up because he discovered tiny and messy words on the edge of the fragment.

Qi Lin picked up the magnifying glass and tried to identify the outline of the words. Although the handwriting was blurry, through careful observation, he successfully restored part of the content: "... Hidden in..., it has attracted much attention.".

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