This is a clue, a key that may indicate the truth of the bombing. Qi Lin silently put the fragment into his bag and decided to conduct further investigation.

Returning to his office, Qi Lin began to organize and analyze every detail of the case. He learned from police documents that the building was originally the headquarters of a technology company. The explosion occurred late at night and caused no casualties, but destroyed most of the equipment and documents.

Qi Lin thought about possible motives and suspects. He noticed that several similar bombings occurred near this city recently, and they were all targeted at high-tech companies. Does this mean there is a criminal organization operating?

He decided to find the person in charge of the technology company first to understand the situation inside the company. After some investigation, Qi Lin found a senior executive named Liu Peng. Liu Peng seemed a little nervous about "447", but he was still willing to cooperate with Qi Lin.

"This explosion is a huge blow to us, and we are trying our best to resume normal operations." Liu Peng said, "But we know nothing about the truth about these incidents."

Qi Lin looked at Liu Peng. He could feel the other person's frankness, but he also understood that this was just an appearance. He needs deeper clues to solve the mystery.

Qi Lin decided to investigate deeply into the technology company. He needed to find the key clues hidden in this case. He plans to use his detective skills and connections to collect

First, he found a former employee named Li Min. Li Min was one of the best programmers at the technology company, but left his job a month before the bombing. Qi Lin quickly contacted her and invited her to the office for an interview.

When Li Min entered the office, she looked a little nervous. "I don't know anything about the bombing," she explained hastily.

Qi Lin interrupted Li Min and said with a smile: "I'm not here to hold you accountable or blame you for leaving. On the contrary, I hope to solve this problem with your help."

Li Min breathed a sigh of relief, she could feel Qi Lin's sincerity and understanding. "Well, if I can help, I'll try," she replied.

"First of all, I want to understand why you chose to leave this technology company." Qi Lin asked.

Li Min thought for a moment and said: "In the past few months, some changes seem to have taken place within the company. The top management has begun to change frequently, and there are some new projects that are being carried out very secretly. I feel the tension is increasing, So I decided to leave to protect myself."

Qi Lin nodded, becoming very interested in Li Min's answer. "So, have you heard of anything like the bombings? Do you know that someone might attack these companies?" he continued to ask.

Li Min frowned. "I did hear some rumors, but no conclusive evidence. Some people said it was a conspiracy by some competing companies, but I can't be sure.

Qi Lin thought for a moment and then proposed an idea: "If you are willing, we can continue to cooperate and dig out the truth together. Maybe you can provide more valuable clues."

Li Min hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Okay, Mr. Qi, I am willing to cooperate with you. I also hope to find the truth."

Qi Lin and Li Min began to patiently sort out every detail and gradually put together the puzzle pieces in the case. They delved into former employees and partners of technology companies and other recent cases involving high-tech fields.

During the investigation, they discovered a mysterious online forum.

This forum anonymously discusses the latest developments and competitive intelligence in the high-tech field and has become an important platform for information exchange. Qi Lin and Li Min decided to look for clues through this forum.

They create a virtual identity and demonstrate their interest in high-tech fields.

Soon, they attracted the attention of a member called "Black Shadow". Heiying is one of the most active users on this forum and has an in-depth understanding of high-tech research.

Qi Lin sent a private message to Heiying, trying to obtain some key information. "I heard that you have a good eye for competitive intelligence of high-tech companies. Can you provide us with some clues?" he asked.

The shadow was silent for a moment, and then replied: "You are strangers to me, why should I trust you?"

Qi Lin decided to show some of his strength. "I can tell you a secret about the bombing. At the crime scene, I found a piece of debris with several vague writings on it... These writings seemed to hint at an important hidden fact. .”

The other party was silent for a while, and then the shadow replied: "You have my attention. Please send me the photo of the fragment."

Qi Lin immediately took photos of the fragments and sent them to Heiying. A few minutes later, Black Shadow responded again: "This is indeed an important clue. I know some background information about the handwriting, but I need more evidence to confirm."

"I understand." Qi Lin replied, "Can you tell me, is this writing related to the competition between high-tech companies? Or does it point to somewhere else?"

Heiying thought for a moment and then replied: "This handwriting is indeed related to a high-tech company, but I can't provide more specific information for the time being. However, I can tell you a clue that may be helpful. In this case, In addition to the apparent explosion, there is another larger conspiracy."

Qi Lin's heart moved, and he knew that he could not relax his vigilance at this time. "Please go on. Can you provide some details about this conspiracy?"

Black Shadow replied: "This conspiracy involves the core technology and secrets of the high-tech industry. Some people are using the explosion to cover up their true purpose. But I cannot confirm the specific people and organizations, which requires more in-depth investigation."

Qi Lin decided to keep in touch with the shadow and continue to pursue clues. He felt he was taking a crucial step toward unraveling the mystery.

In the following weeks, Qi Lin and Li Min used the clues provided by the shadow to conduct in-depth investigations. They discovered a large and secretive criminal organization that used high-tech companies as a cover to steal core technologies and conduct illegal transactions.

They found several important pieces of evidence, including the connections between insiders and members of criminal organizations, the flow of funds, and the whereabouts of those involved. They submitted this evidence to the police and assisted them in making arrests.

In the end, after intense and arduous efforts, the police successfully eliminated the leaders and members of the criminal organization. The conspiracy in the high-tech industry has been exposed, and technology companies can get back to normal operations. .

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