At a press conference, Qi Lin appeared in front of everyone as the protagonist detective. He explained to the public the ins and outs of the entire case and the truth behind it, and received warm applause and praise.

"The successful solution of this mystery is inseparable from the efforts and cooperation of every participant." Qi Lin said, "Only through our unity and efforts can we reveal the truth and give society a peaceful and just environment." "

Since then, Qi Lin has become a highly acclaimed detective in the city. He continues to use his intelligence and perseverance to bring justice and security to society.

The sun shines through the office window, shining on the tip of Qi Lin's pen, and shining golden light on his black hair. He sat at his desk and looked intently at the pile of smuggling case documents on the table. This is a complex and complicated case, involving multiple countries and organizations, carrying out smuggling activities through various methods.

Qi Lin is an experienced detective, but this case seems to be more difficult than any of the previous 26. He took a deep breath and prepared to start analyzing the clues.

Just as he was immersed in thinking, the door was gently pushed open. A young and beautiful girl walked in. She was dressed in professional attire and had firm and intelligent eyes.

"Mr. Qi, I am Melinda, your assistant." She introduced herself with a smile. "I heard that you are investigating this smuggling case. Do you want to help?"

Qi Lin nodded and looked at her with satisfaction. "Nice to meet you, Melinda. You can help me organize these documents. We need to find the organization behind the smuggling operation and bring them to justice.

Melinda began to organize the files, while Qi Lin continued to think. There are a lot of clues and evidence in the case, but there is a lack of key information that directly points to the mastermind behind the case. Qi Lin understood that if he wanted to solve this mystery, he needed more clues.

A few hours passed, and both Qi Lin and Melinda were immersed in work. Suddenly, they heard a knock on the door. Qi Lin signaled Melinda to open the door, and a middle-aged man walked in. He was wearing a luxurious suit and had an extraordinary temperament.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Li. I heard that you are investigating this smuggling case. I have some information that may be helpful to your investigation." Mr. Li said.

Qi Lin stood up to greet him, "Please sit down, Mr. Li. We very much welcome your information."

After Mr. Li sat down, he took out a piece of paper and handed it to Qi Lin. "This is a detailed plan for a smuggling operation. I work in a secret organization who are responsible for planning and organizing these activities. But I feel guilty about it and want to change my mind. I believe you can help me in this dilemma."

Qi Lin took the note and read it carefully. The plan detailed every aspect of the smuggling operation and the people involved. This is undoubtedly a huge breakthrough in solving the case.

"Thank you very much for your cooperation, Mr. Li. Your information will have an important impact on our investigation." Qi Lin sincerely expressed his gratitude to Mr. Li. "We will do everything we can to protect your safety and ensure there are no threats to your cooperation. We will make full use of this information and carry out operations to bring those involved to justice.

Mr. Li showed a relaxed expression, "I believe in your ability, Mr. Qi. Please be sure to bring these illegal elements to justice as soon as possible and make them pay for their actions."

Qi Lin nodded, "Don't worry, we will do our best to complete the task." He opened the door of the office and motioned for Melinda to follow him out. "Melinda, we are going to investigate this secret organization now. Mr. Li, please stay here, we will come back to report the progress to you as soon as possible.

They left the office and started heading to the investigation site. Qi Lin was secretly glad that good luck seemed to befall them. The detailed plan is a valuable clue that could help them solve the smuggling mystery.

After some investigation and tracking, they finally discovered the hiding place of this secret organization. They quietly approached and scouted for a while to determine the best time to act

When night fell, Qi Lin and Melinda organized an elite action team. They decided to attack multiple locations at the same time to ensure that they could catch everyone involved.

After the action started, the tense and exciting battle quickly unfolded. Qi Lin directed the team through complex corridors and rooms, and launched a fierce exchange of fire with smuggling gangs. After a hard battle, they gradually took the initiative.

In the end, all the core members of the smuggling gang were captured. They were taken back to the office for interrogation and confessed their crimes one by one. Through their confessions, Qi Lin and Melinda further pieced together the structure of the entire smuggling network and brought the case to light.

A few days later, Qi Lin was sorting out the final report in his office, preparing to report the successful operation to his superiors. He was filled with emotion and pride. This is an important milestone in his career, and he once again proves his worth as an excellent detective.

Sharp-eyed Melinda walked into the office and saw Qi Lin working intently. She walked over with a smile and said softly: "Mr. Qi, this is an amazing achievement. Your talent and wisdom have benefited the entire team a lot.

Qi 007 Lin raised his head and looked at Melinda with gratitude, "Without your help, I wouldn't have been able to solve this case so smoothly. We are a strong team."

They looked at each other and smiled, knowing that this was just the beginning of their careers as detectives, and there were more mysteries waiting for them to solve. But no matter what the future holds, they will always work hand in hand to move forward on the road of pursuing justice.

Qi Lin and Melinda held a series of celebration activities and expressed their appreciation for each other's tacit understanding and cooperation. However, they know that the end of one case is just the beginning of another. Just as they were enjoying the fruits of victory, a mysterious letter appeared on the table in Qi Lin's office.

"What's going on?" Qi Lin frowned, picked up the envelope and opened it. There was only a piece of paper inside that said: "Do you think you will be safe after cracking the smuggling case? There is a bigger conspiracy waiting for you."

Melinda saw Qi Lin's expression become serious and immediately asked: "What happened? Is it another case?"

Qi Lin handed the letter to Melinda, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "This letter is not signed, but it seems to be warning me, implying that there is a bigger conspiracy waiting for us. We need to investigate clearly and cannot take it lightly."

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