Melinda bit her lip nervously and said solemnly: "Mr. Qi, are you sure you want to continue? This may be a dangerous game.

Qi Lin took a deep breath, and then replied firmly: "I have decided. As a detective, we cannot retreat and must face the challenge. We will track and reveal the truth of this conspiracy.

So, Qi Lin and Melinda started a new investigation. Starting from the clues of the smuggling case, they began to search for any people and organizations related to it. After a lot of hard work

They finally found some important clues.

This time their investigation leads them into a vast and mysterious organization. This organization seems to have some connection with high-level government officials and is involved in national security issues. They realized that this was not just an ordinary crime case, but a conspiracy involving the entire social order.

As the investigation deepened, Qi Lin and Melinda found themselves being targeted. They began to receive threatening phone calls and anonymous emails, and the other party made it clear that if they continued the investigation, they would pay the price with their lives.

Despite facing tremendous pressure and threats, Qi Lin and Melinda did not back down. They know that only by exposing the truth can we protect social fairness and justice.

After months of hard work, they finally found the core figure of the conspiracy and successfully arrested him. At the same time, they also obtained enough evidence to reveal the scale and purpose of the entire conspiracy.

At an important press conference, Qi Lin and Melinda announced the truth of the conspiracy to the world. They revealed plans by high-level government officials to collude with criminal organizations in an attempt to control state resources and power.

The revelation sparked public shock and widespread media attention. Anger began to build over government corruption and abuse of power.

This revelation not only triggered social alarm and calls for reform, but also led to a series of investigations and trials. Top officials arrested [Criminal organizations receive severe crackdown.

The entire country has been caught up in a huge wave of reforms and the pursuit of fair and transparent governance.

Qi Lin and Melinda became public heroes, and their courage and persistence brought hope to the entire society. They have been praised and appreciated by many people, and have received more support.

However, the joy of victory was quickly replaced by new challenges. Qilin and Melinda find themselves the targets of a larger conspiracy.

Forces within the government or the remnants of criminal organizations seek to eliminate the two detectives in order to protect their secrets.

Faced with these threats, Qi Lin and Melinda decided to continue fighting. They understand that this battle is not only for their own safety, but also to protect social justice and the rights and interests of the people.

Qi Lin was sitting in the office of the police station, with the case files piled up like a mountain, and he was thinking deeply. This love-murder case made him feel troubled. The murderer seemed to have left no clues. He needs to find a breakthrough.

Suddenly, the phone rang. Qi Lin picked up the receiver, and a strange female voice came: "Hello, I am a friend of the victim. I heard that you are an excellent detective. Please help us."

Qi Lin's heart moved. This may be the opportunity he has been waiting for for a long time. “Please tell me more about the victim.

"The victim's name is Wang Lan, a young and promising lawyer. She told me a few days before the incident that she had received an anonymous letter, which suggested that her husband was having an affair. She was very sad, but did not Reveal husband's name to me.

Qi Lin began to conceive of an investigation plan. "Can you provide me with a copy of the letter?"

"Sorry, I only heard about it orally and haven't seen it with my own eyes. But I can tell you the content of the anonymous letter."

Qi Lin was a little disappointed, but he knew he couldn't let this information stand in the way. "Okay, please tell me the content of the anonymous letter.

"The letter read: 'Your husband is unfaithful to you and is having an affair with a woman named Chen Lu.'"

Qi Lin thought for a while. "Okay, thank you for the information. I will investigate as soon as possible and keep in touch with you.

After hanging up the phone, Qi Lin began to sort out the case files. He first decided to find the victim's husband to see if he could get more clues from him.

The next morning, Qi Lin came to Wang Lan's home. He knocked on the door, and a slightly panicked man wearing glasses opened the door. He was Wang Lan's husband.

"Sir, I am Detective Qi Lin." Qi Lin showed his ID. "I want to talk to you about your wife.

The husband looked nervous and trembling and said: "I really don't know about the anonymous letter she received. We have been living happily and I don't understand why someone would hurt her."

Qi Lin observed her husband's behavior and expression and felt that he seemed to be hiding something. "Sir, please answer my question honestly. Have you ever had an inappropriate relationship with a woman named Chen Lu?"

The husband was speechless for a moment, but quickly shook his head: "No, I have never had an affair with anyone."

Qi Lin decided to believe his words for the time being. "Well, if you have any important clues or can think of any suspicious characters, please let me know."

In the next few days, Qi Lin conducted a lot of investigation work. He visited Wang Lan's friends and colleagues to try to identify possible suspects. However, all clues lead to a dead end.

While Qi Lin was thinking, he suddenly thought of a possible clue. He returned to the police station and began to carefully study the evidence in the case file.

After comparing it with the contents of the anonymous letter, he discovered an important difference.

Chen Lu mentioned in the letter is an ordinary female name, but no relevant clues were found in all investigation records. This made Qi Lin suspect that the letter might be deliberately misleading.

Then, Qi (Qian's) Lin re-examined the identity and background of the victim Wang Lan. He found that Wang Lan was very prestigious at work but had a relatively low-key private life. This caught his attention.

Therefore, Qi Lin decided to find Wang Lan's relatives, hoping to get more information about Wang Lan from them. After some research, he contacted Zhu Lan's cousin.

After the cousin met, Qi Lin explained the purpose of his investigation to him and asked: "Do you know that Wang Lan's husband has had improper relationships with other women?"

The cousin frowned and was silent for a moment. "I must tell you frankly that although Wang Lan's husband has always been loyal on the surface, he and I have had an ambiguous relationship for a long time."

Qi Lin showed a smile. "This is an important clue. Thank you for your candor." He continued to ask: "Do you think this information may be related to the death of Lord Blue?"


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