Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

895: Two People Are Extremely Suspicious

The cousin hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Although I am not sure, this fact may anger Wang Lan. She has always been suspicious of her husband's infidelity and once expressed anger

Qi Lin decided to investigate the matter. "Please tell me, when did your relationship with Wang Lan's husband end?"

The cousin recalled: "About six months ago, we both realized that this relationship was not right. We decided to break up and remain related."

Qi Lin thought for a while. "Thank you for the information [which] is very important for the investigation of the case. I will further investigate the background of Zhu Lan's husband and Chen Lu."

A few days later, Qi Lin finally found some clues about Chen Lu. It turned out that Chen Lu was a divorced woman who once worked in the same law firm as Wang Lan's husband and resigned a week before Wang Lan's death.

Qi Lin realized that this case not only involved emotional entanglements, but also may have complex interests. He decided to invite Chen Lu and Wang Lan's husband to the police station for further investigation.

During the questioning, Chen Lu admitted her relationship with Wang Lan's husband and said that she had been jealous and angry towards Wang Lan. However, she insists that she did not kill

Qi Lin calmly observed the reactions of Chen Lu and Wang Lan's husband. They seemed to be hiding something. He knew that the key to solving this case was to find more evidence.

After a series of interrogations and investigations, Qi Lin gradually discovered some important clues. He recovered the deleted text message records from Wang Lan's mobile phone, and one text message caught his attention. The content of the text message was an address that looked like a secret rendezvous.

Qi Lin quickly went to that address, hoping to find some more direct evidence. When he arrived at his destination, he found a strange car parked in an abandoned warehouse.

He carefully searched the warehouse and finally discovered a cleverly hidden room. The room was filled with photos, documents and recording equipment. These materials are obviously related to Wang Lan's private life.

Qi Lin began to study these documents carefully. He discovered a document called "Plan Exposure", which described in detail how to create false impressions and put Wang Lan's husband in trouble.

The document appears to be designed to provoke conflict between them.

Looking at these evidences, Qi Lin frowned. All this points to an elaborate plot to put Zhu Lan at odds with her husband and ultimately lead to tragedy.

After returning to the police station, Qi Lin summoned key figures, including Chen Lu, Wang Lan's husband, and a mysterious anonymous phone provider. He put all the evidence on the table and began to interrogate them one by one.

After a long period of questioning and debate, the truth began to emerge. It turns out that Chen Lu is a woman inspired by revenge. She was betrayed by Wang Lan's husband, and Wang Lan became the target of her revenge.

In order to cause Wang Lan pain and confusion, Chen Lu weaved a series of lies and traps, created fake anonymous letters, and deliberately misled the police in the direction of their investigation. She also used the relationship between Wang Lan's husband and her cousin to create more conflicts and suspicions.

Eventually, Chen Lu was arrested and faced multiple charges, including attempted murder and conspiracy. Wang Lan's husband was released, but he fell into a trap in this complicated emotional entanglement.

Qi Lin completed his task dutifully and solved this difficult love-murder case.

Detective Qi Lin took firm steps and walked through the busy city streets. As a talented detective, he received a difficult task - to expose and solve a sub-espionage case. This case involves huge interests and countless secrets, and I know that I must go all out.

Qi Lin's first stop was a technology company, where he found an important clue. After meeting with the company's top executives, Qi Lin decided to go to the company's laboratory in the suburbs, hoping to find more clues.

When he arrived at the laboratory, a mysterious woman appeared in front of him. She was wearing a black suit and had sharp eyes. Qi Lin immediately became alert, knowing that this woman might be the key figure in the case.

"Are you Qi Lin?" the woman asked coldly.

"Yes, I am. Who are you?" Qi Lin replied calmly.

"My name is Raven, and I am the chief technology officer of this company. I have some key information that I need to tell you about this industrial espionage case." Raven said mysteriously.

Qi Lin relaxed slightly and realized that this woman seemed to have the same purpose in the case. He waved for her to continue.

"Our company has recently developed an important technology that involves large-scale data storage and encryption. However, before preparing to release it, we discovered an unusual situation. Someone tried to steal our technology and sell it To competitors. We suspect that this is a case of industrial espionage, so I decided to contact you, hoping that you can help us find the mastermind behind it." Raven said firmly.

Qi Lin thought for a moment and understood that this was a huge challenge. He took a deep breath and replied: "I will do my best to solve this problem as soon as possible. Please provide me with any clues and information I need." 1

Ruiwen nodded and then led him into the laboratory.

She explained that the initial clues indicated that someone had obtained information on key technologies from within and colluded with outside forces. They have conducted an exhaustive internal investigation but have been unable to identify the exact suspect.

Qi Lin began to carefully investigate every possible clue and communicate face to face with company employees.

By listening to their descriptions and perspectives, he gradually formed a clear picture. This is a case of industrial espionage involving internal and external collusion. The suspect is likely to be hidden within the company.

A few days later, when Qi Lin sorted out all the evidence collected, he met Ruiwen again.

He presented his findings to her and asked an important question: "Do you suspect any high-level personnel have ties to competitors?

Raven thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement. She pointed out two senior managers, Guo Jun, the company's R&D director, and Li Hua, the marketing manager.

According to Ruiwen, the two men behaved extremely suspiciously and had frequent contact with competitors in recent months.

Qi Lin decided to start the investigation from Wu Jun first. He made an appointment with Wu Jun and entered his office as a potential partner.

"Wu Jun, I heard that you have close ties with some competitors. Can you explain it? Qi Lin asked bluntly.

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