Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

896: Wu Jun Shares Technical Information

Wu Jun's eyes flickered, but he quickly regained his composure. "I have indeed communicated with competitors, but only out of the need for industry cooperation. We share some technical information and market trends to promote the development of the entire industry. There are no violations. Close

Qi Lin carefully observed Wu Jun's behavior and expression, looking for clues. He noticed that Wu Jun's voice was slightly trembling, which may be a sign of guilt or nervousness.

"If there were no violations, then why didn't you tell Ruiwen or other senior leaders about your behavior?" Qi Lin asked.

Wu Jun hesitated to speak, and finally answered in a deep voice: "I have always been worried about leaking company secrets, so I did not disclose them to others. But I swear that my loyalty to the company has never wavered."

Qi Lin left a phone number for Wu Jun and told him that if he had any important information, he could contact him at any time. Then, he left Wu Jun's office and began to investigate Li Hua.

Qi Lin collected a lot of background information about Li Hua in advance and found that she was excellent in marketing and had excellent communication skills. He decided to meet with Li Hua as an agent.

"Ms. Li Hua, I am very interested in your work in marketing. I heard that you have had frequent contacts with competitors. Can you tell me more?" Qi Lin asked equally straightforwardly.

Li Hua smiled and replied: "Yes, I have indeed had some contact with competitors. As a marketing manager, it is very important to understand the dynamics of competitors. We conduct some industry exchanges and cooperation in order to better position ourselves product. This does not violate the company's policies.

Although Li Hua's answer seemed reasonable, Qi Lin felt something was wrong. He decided to investigate further using a different strategy.

Qi Lin organized a fake meeting and invited company executives and other employees to participate. He deliberately mentioned details about new technologies at the meeting to arouse the suspect's attention.

Sure enough, shortly after the meeting, Qi Lin received an anonymous phone call. The voice on the phone was very deep, obviously to conceal his identity.

I know you're investigating the case. Listen to me, the truth does not lie with Wu Jun or Li Hua.

The voice on the other end of the phone suddenly disappeared, and Qi Lin hurriedly asked the other party's identity. But all he heard was silence and background noise. This urgent phone call convinced Qi Lin

He was close to the truth.

A few days later, Qi Lin collected more evidence and decided to share all the clues with Ruiwen. They met in a quiet cafe, and Qi Lin laid all his findings on the table.

"Ruiwen, I have conducted an in-depth investigation into Wu Jun and Li Hua, and something is not right. They all seem to have motives to steal the company's technology and sell it to competitors. Based on my observations and the evidence I collected, I think the two of them are The mastermind behind the scenes." Qi Lin said seriously.

Ruiwen frowned tightly, thinking about the information provided by Qi Lin. She knew this was an important decision, related to the future of the entire company.

"Your findings are important, but we need more solid evidence before we can take action. We cannot convict the innocent or miss the real culprits. Keep investigating and find more evidence. We must ensure the case is well founded , to take action." Ruiwen stated firmly.

Qi Lin nodded in agreement, knowing that Ruiwen's decision was wise. They agreed to continue their investigation, stay in touch and share the latest findings.

Over the next few weeks, Qi Lin and Rui Wen collected more evidence through covert investigations. They use a variety of means to gather information, including monitoring suspects, tracking communication records and listening to internal company communications.

In the end, they collected enough evidence to confirm that Wu Jun and Li Hua were the main suspects in the case. Evidence shows that they used their positions and authority to obtain the company's key technologies and provide them to competitors.

Qi Lin and Rui Wen decided to reveal the truth at a high-level meeting. At the meeting, they presented all the evidence to company leaders and other employees. The atmosphere was tense and silent, and everyone was surprised by all this.

Wu Jun and Li Hua were immediately suspended and placed under investigation. The company subsequently cooperated with the police, referred them to legal proceedings, and took a series of measures to protect the company's confidential information

Through the efforts of Qi Lin and Ruiwen, the commercial espionage case was finally revealed. The company was able to re-establish safety precautions and strengthen internal oversight and employee education.

.........Please give me flowers 00

Qi Lin and Ruiwen became heroes, silently shouldering their responsibilities amidst everyone's praise.

They also realize that detective work is a never-ending battle and they must always remain alert to ensure the safety and stability of society.

Detective Qi Lin walked into the police station's office, his face showing confidence and calmness. Several police officers cast envious glances because they knew that Qi Lin was one of the best detectives in the city and he could always find clues in seemingly unsolvable cases.

Qi Lin, who was thinking about his next move, suddenly received a call from Li Ming, the deputy director of the police station. After listening to the call, his expression became serious, knowing in his heart that this was an important case.


Qi Lin immediately rushed to the scene of the crime. A crashed car was parked on the side of the road, surrounded by crowds. He walked through the crowd, carefully observing the scene, trying to find any traces that could provide clues. Suddenly, he saw a piece of glass on the ground with some slight blood stains on it.

Qi Lin squatted down and carefully examined the glass fragments with a magnifying glass. He caught a glimpse of one of the letters "D", which reminded him of an important clue - someone saw a black car fleeing the scene before the incident. He understood that the "MD" was probably the initials of the car brand.

Back in the office, Qi Lin began to search for vehicle information related to "D" in the police station's database. After some inquiries, he found several matching black cars and recorded the owner's information.

Next, Qi Lin decided to visit these suspected car owners one by one. He went to the first address first and stopped the car at the entrance of a high-end residential complex. He rang the doorbell, and after a moment

A middle-aged woman opened the door.

"Hello, I'm Detective Qi Lin, are you Ji?" Ke Yuanji asked.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Li Hui looked at the detective in front of her in surprise.

"I'm here to investigate a hit-and-run case. We noticed that you are the owner of a black car. Can you provide some information?" Qi Lin asked Ling. .

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