Li Hui hesitated for a moment, and then said: "My car is black, but I didn't drive out last night.

Qi Lin observed her expression and tone and noticed a hint of nervousness. He decided to press further: "Can you provide evidence that others can prove that you were at home last night?

Li Hui was silent for a moment, and then replied: "I live here alone, so no one can prove it. But I promise that I was indeed at home last night and did not drive out."

Qi Lin did not jump to conclusions immediately, but politely told her that he would continue the investigation and asked her to provide any information that might help the case.

In the next few days, Qi Lin visited other suspected car owners, but no satisfactory clues were obtained. He began to feel confused and the case seemed to be at a deadlock.

Just when he was confused, Qi Lin received an anonymous call. The voice on the other end of the phone was low and hesitant: "Are you Detective Qi Lin?"

"Yes, I am." Qi Lin immediately became alert and listened carefully to the voice on the other end of the phone.

"I know you are investigating a hit-and-run case, and there are important clues that I need to tell you." The anonymous person continued.

Qi Lin held the phone tightly, knowing that this might be a critical turning point. He calmed down and replied calmly: "Please tell me what you know."

"Last night, I saw a black car near the road where the hit-and-run accident occurred. Its license plate number was Guangdong A-8729." Anonymous people provided collective information.

Qi Lin quickly wrote down this key clue. "Thank you very much for your offer. Can you leave your contact information so that I can further verify the information?" He tried to ask for more details.

But the voice over there suddenly disappeared, leaving only a silent beep on the phone. Qi Lin thought carefully and tried to guess the identity of this anonymous person, but he could never find the answer.

When he came to his senses, he immediately contacted the police station's data center and asked for the registration information of the car Yue A-8729. A few minutes later, he got a reply.

The car was rented by a company called "Longxiang Car Rental Company". Qi Lin quickly verified the company's address and decided to investigate.

When arriving at the destination, Qi Lin found that the company was located in a somewhat remote industrial area. He opened the door and went in, only to find that there was no one inside, except for a receptionist sitting there.

"Hello, is your company responsible for leasing the car Guangdong A-8729?" Qi asked politely.

The receptionist nodded slightly nervously. "Yes, but I don't know who leased the car.

Qi Lin noticed her nervousness and continued to ask further: "Can you provide the rental record? Any information related to this car can help us investigate."

After some thought, the receptionist agreed. She turned on her computer and started searching for car rental records.

After a while, she found a matching record. "The day before the incident, a person did rent the car Yue A-8729. But the identification he provided looked suspicious."

Qi Lin approached the computer screen and carefully checked the relevant information. His eyes suddenly lit up because he recognized that the ID card was a forgery.

"Can you provide me with the contact information of the person who rented the car?" Qi Lin asked eagerly.

The receptionist hesitated for a moment, but finally handed over his contact information to Qi Lin. He dialed the number immediately.

A man's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone. "Hey, who are you? How do you know my phone number?"

Qi Lin was calm and composed: "Hello [I am Detective Qi Lin, I believe you are the person who rented the car Guangdong A-8729 last night." Qi Lin replied calmly.

The man was silent for a moment on the other end of the phone, and then his tone became a little panicked: "I don't know what car you are talking about, and I don't know what happened."

"I believe you must know something about this matter, and the identity certificate you provided is forged." Qi Lin said firmly.

The man's voice trembled: "I...I admit it! I drove that car and hit and run. But I really didn't intend to hit anyone, I was just afraid that I would be held responsible, so I fled the scene."

Qi Lin was secretly grateful when he heard this breakthrough confession. He continued to ask: "Why did you choose to flee the scene instead of calling the police?"

The man gritted his teeth and said reluctantly: "Because I drank, I know I will be prosecuted for drunk driving..."

Qi Lin thought for a moment, and then said: "Please cooperate and tell me your location, and I will immediately send someone to take you back to the police station.

The man begged: "Mr. Detective, I really have no malicious intention to harm others. Can you give me a chance? I am willing to cooperate with the investigation and accept legal sanctions."

Qi Lin was silent for a while, considering the man's request. He felt a trace of sympathy, but he could not ignore the harm caused to the victims by this man's hit-and-run behavior.

Finally, he decided to say: "I can submit your cooperation application to the procuratorate. If you do fully cooperate with the investigation and assume corresponding responsibilities, the law may treat you leniently. But this requires your active cooperation and no concealment or concealment. escape."

The man on the other end of the phone breathed a long sigh of relief and replied gratefully: "Thank you, I will try my best to cooperate with the investigation. I will tell you my location."

Qi Lin put down the phone, his heart filled with complicated emotions. He knew that the subsequent investigation work would still be difficult, but at least now he had found an important breakthrough and secured a just result for the victims.

A few days later, with the joint efforts of Qi Lin and the police, the hit-and-run case was successfully solved. 1.3. The perpetrator admitted his fault and was punished by law, while the victim also received due compensation and justice.

Detective Qi Lin brings fairness and justice to society with his excellent investigative skills and perseverance. The case became a milestone in his career and further cemented his reputation as an outstanding detective.

Detective Qi Lin walked into the office of the police station and saw a pile of documents about the arson case on the table. He picked up one and began to read.

Just as he was immersed in the case, the director walked in and his eyes fell seriously on Qi Lin. "Qi Lin, you came at the right time. This arson case has been bothering us for a long time. I hope you can solve it." The director said.

Qi Lin raised his head and stared at the director. "Please tell me the details of the case."

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