The director handed Qi Lin a detailed report. "This arson occurred in a large warehouse in the urban area. Fortunately, there were no casualties, but almost all the goods in the warehouse were destroyed. We suspect that this was a premeditated arson because the fire points were very concentrated."

Qi Lin frowned, "Are there any records of suspicious persons entering and exiting the warehouse?"

"We have investigated the surveillance video of the warehouse, but did not find any suspicious persons." The director replied. "Moreover, the warehouse door lock was not broken before the fire broke out."

Qi Lin thought for a moment and said: "This case does seem a bit difficult. I need to investigate in depth and understand the specific situation of the warehouse.

The director nodded, "Okay, I will arrange personnel to assist you so that you can obtain the information you need as soon as possible."

Qi Lin went to the arson scene with the investigation team. He walked along the black walls and observed the remaining traces. He carefully examined every possible clue, looking for any clue that could provide a breakthrough in the case.

At this moment, a policeman discovered a trace that seemed to have been neglected. "Detective Qi, I found a small piece of burnt hard object here." He handed it to Qi Lin.

Qi Lin took the charred hard object and observed it carefully. "This object doesn't look like ordinary wood. It has a special smell and texture." He glanced at the charred warehouse. "Is the fire point near here?"

A member of the investigation team pointed to the corner and said, "Yes, it's right here."

Qi Lin put the burnt hard object into the bag, "We need to test this to see what material it is."

Returning to the police station's laboratory, Qi Lin handed the object to technicians for analysis. Soon after, they got the result: "This is a special synthetic material that can burn at high temperatures and produce a large amount of toxic gases."

Qi Lin frowned, thinking about the significance of this discovery. "If the arsonist used this special material, then he should have some expertise. I need to find relevant sales records and experts."

After painstaking investigation work, a seller was finally found.

"Hello, I am Detective Qi Lin. I am investigating an arson case, and we found a special synthetic material that may be related to this case. According to our information, have you ever sold this material?"

The seller looked at Qi Lin and replied with some uneasiness: "Yes, we have indeed sold this material. But according to the law, we can only sell it to companies or individuals with professional qualifications."

Qi Lin frowned, "Do you know if there are any customers who have purchased this material but have not disclosed its use?"

The seller thought for a moment and then said: "Well, there is a customer who purchased a large amount of this material, but did not provide a clear purpose. However, his identity information was recorded at the time of purchase, and I can provide it to you."

Qi Lin nodded, "Please provide relevant information. This is very important to our investigation."

The seller handed Qi Lin a document listing the buyer's name, contact information, address and other information.

Qi Lin immediately launched further investigation and found his residence through the buyer's information. He went to the address with his companions to learn more about the situation.

After knocking on the door, a young man opened the door. "Hello, what can I do for you?" He looked at Qi Lin and the other police officers.

"Hello, I am Detective Qi Lin. We are investigating an arson case. We have obtained relevant clues and found that you purchased a large amount of special synthetic materials. What is your explanation for this?" Qi asked patiently.

The young man seemed a little nervous, "Well... I saw on the Internet that this material can be used to make some works of art, so I bought a large amount. But I didn't use them for any dangerous behavior."

Qi Lin observed the young man's demeanor and expression, trying to judge whether he was telling the truth. "I hope you can cooperate with our investigation and provide some relevant evidence, including the artwork you produced. If you have not committed any illegal acts, then this will help us eliminate your suspicion."

After thinking for a moment, the young man agreed to Qi Lin's request. He led Qi Lin into the house and showed some of the artworks he had made. These works are very beautiful and have no connection with the arson case.

Qi Lin breathed a sigh of relief. He believed the young man's explanation. "Thank you very much for your cooperation, and I'm sorry for the trouble it has caused you. It seems that you did purchase these materials for the purpose of artistic creation."

The young man smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I understand your work. I hope you can find the real criminal as soon as possible."

Back at the police station, Qi Lin shared the latest investigation results with the director. "According to our investigation, [the young man] did not do anything suspicious. It seems that he only purchased special materials for the purpose of artistic creation."

The director pondered for a moment and said: "This means that our suspect target has returned to the original point. We need to re-examine the details of the case and look for other possible clues and evidence

Qi Lin nodded in agreement. "You are right. Although this young man was not directly involved in the arson case, he may have been used as a part of it. We need to find the real criminal and uncover the conspiracy behind it."

Qi Lin and the investigation team launched a more in-depth investigation. They carefully analyzed the traces of the arson scene and re-examined all eyewitness testimonies and surveillance videos. After patient combing and scrutiny, they discovered some key clues.

One of the important findings was that a strange truck appeared near the warehouse several times in the days before the fire. Through further investigation, they also found the owner of the truck.

Qi Lin led the police to the owner's address. When they knocked on the door, a middle-aged man opened the door, looking a little nervous.

"Hello, I am Detective Qi Lin. We are investigating an arson case. We noticed that your truck appeared near the warehouse many times before the fire. Are you related to this?" Qi Lin asked.

The middle-aged man's nervousness became more obvious, "Well... I have indeed been to the area, but only because I was doing business nearby. I have nothing to do with the arson case."

Qi Lin carefully observed his expression and reaction. "I hope you can cooperate with our investigation and provide some relevant evidence to prove your innocence."

The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, then agreed to Qi Lin's request. He led Qi Lin into the office and presented business-related documents and transaction records. .

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