Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

899: The Investigation Team Launches Search Work

Qi Lin carefully reviewed the evidence and discussed it with other investigative members. Although the middle-aged man's behavior was suspicious, there is currently insufficient evidence to prove that he is directly related to the arson case.

Qi Lin took a deep breath, "We need more clues to connect all this. Maybe we can reconsider the eyewitness testimonies and surveillance videos and find some overlooked details

The investigation team re-analyzed eyewitness testimonies and surveillance videos, and launched further investigations into possible key figures. After some hard work, they finally found an eyewitness who provided shocking clues.

The witness was a passing delivery driver. He recalled that night, not far from the warehouse, he saw a vehicle similar to the truck owned by the middle-aged man parked on the roadside. What was even more surprising was that he noticed a man in black getting out of the car, staying nearby for a while and then quietly leaving.

Qi Lin suddenly realized that the information provided by this witness was very important. "We need to find this witness as soon as possible and learn more about his observations and memories."

The investigation team seized the time to launch search work and quickly found witnesses. After a detailed interview with the witness, Qi Lin realized that this witness might be a key witness in the case. He provided a more detailed account of that night.

Based on the descriptions of eyewitnesses, Qi Lin and the investigation team learned that the behavior of the man in black parked on the roadside on the night of the arson was indeed very suspicious. This new clue caught their attention.

Through further investigation, Qi Lin determined the license plate number of the vehicle described by the witness and discovered that the vehicle had been reported stolen. This gives them an important direction.

The investigation team began to trace the trajectory of the stolen vehicle and analyze other cases and clues related to this. Eventually, they discovered that the vehicle had been used to transport stolen flammable items.

Based on these findings, Qi Lin deduced that the man in black was probably the main suspect in the arson case. He worked with other police officers to comb through all the details of the case and collect more information about the man in black.

With these clues, the investigation team successfully identified the identity and address of the man in black. They launch a covert raid in the hope of arresting the main suspect and finding more evidence.

When the police broke into the house of the man in black, they found many items and evidence related to the arson. These included flammable liquids, arson tools and notes of suspected arson plans.

After the man in black was arrested, Qi Lin interrogated him and tried to uncover the motives and behind-the-scenes plot behind the case.

After a long interrogation, the man in black finally admitted that he was the criminal responsible for the arson and pointed out the existence of a malicious organization.

Qi Lin informed the director of this information, and they decided to further investigate this malicious organization and track down the mastermind behind it.

They believe that the arson case is just part of the organization's activities, and that there are other possible crimes waiting for them to uncover.

Qi Lin and the investigation team launched comprehensive cooperation in the subsequent investigation, working hard to completely expose the entire malicious organization and protect the safety of society.

Qi Lin is a detective. After many years of law enforcement work, he has keen observation and excellent reasoning skills. Recently, he received the task of investigating a shocking kidnapping case.

The victim of the trafficking case was a young girl named Xiaoyu. She was kidnapped on an ordinary night and disappeared for several days. Qi Lin quickly launched an investigation, "I hope to find Xiao Yu and rescue her."

During the investigation, Qi Lin found some clues. He noticed that the place where the trafficking group had been active recently was an abandoned factory. So, he decided to go to the factory to conduct a search.

When Qi Lin arrived at the factory, he found a location that looked like a hiding place for hostages.

He approached cautiously and heard a low cry. He opened the door and found Xiaoyu tied up in a dark, dirty room.

"Xiaoyu, I am Qi Lin, you are safe. I will protect you." Qi Lin said softly.

Xiao Yu raised her head, her eyes full of fear and hope. She replied with a trembling voice: "Are you...are you a police officer?"

Qi Lin smiled and replied: "Yes, I am a detective. I am responsible for solving crimes and protecting victims. Now, please believe me, we have to leave this place as soon as possible.

Xiao Yu watched Qi Lin's eyes gradually calm down, and she nodded.

They left the factory in a hurry and returned to the police station. In the police station, Qi Lin asked Xiao Yu to sit on a comfortable sofa and handed her a glass of water.

"Mr. Qi, thank you very much for saving my life. Without your timely appearance, I don't know what would have happened." Xiaoyu's trembling voice was filled with gratitude.

Qi Lin sat across from him and said with concern: "Xiaoyu, you are already very brave. However, in order to better protect you, please tell me the circumstances of your kidnapping. Are there any details that may help us find the criminal?" help?"

Xiaoyu bit her lip and tried to remember: "They were wearing black clothes and masks on their faces. I couldn't see their faces clearly. They tied my hands and feet cruelly, making it impossible for me to break free. I was taken to That abandoned factory, kept in that dark room~々.

Qi Lin recorded Xiaoyu’s statement and asked: “During your kidnapping, did you hear any sounds or see anyone else?

Xiaoyu thought for a while and then replied: "While I was being held, I occasionally heard the sound of people moving around, but I couldn't be sure who it was. They never spoke to me."

Qi Lin thought for a moment and then asked: "Xiao Yu (Qian Qian's), can you describe the characteristics of those footsteps? Are they male or female footsteps?"

Xiaoyu frowned, recalling past experiences and said: "I felt that those footsteps sounded heavier and they should be male. However, because the room was very dark, I couldn't see their figures clearly and could only rely on hearing to judge. .”

Qi Lin nodded, expressing understanding, and continued to ask: "When you were detained, were there any other details or situations that made you feel unusual?"

Xiao Yu tried hard to remember, and then said hesitantly: "The only difference is that the night before, I heard some low voices. I remember one of them mentioned a name, which seemed to be 'Dewey', but I didn't Sure.

Qi Lin recorded the name and expressed his gratitude to Xiaoyu. He knew this clue might help solve the case. .

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