In the next few days, Qi Lin launched an investigation into this name and finally found a criminal gang related to it. They were involved in many trafficking cases and hid victims in abandoned factories.

Qi Lin led the police force to the gang's stronghold and launched a well-planned raid. After a fierce battle, they successfully rescued the imprisoned victims and arrested all the criminals.

Back at the police station, Qi Lin found Xiao Yu and told her the good news: "Xiao Yu, we successfully destroyed the trafficking gang and rescued other victims. You did a very brave job, and your testimony and clues helped our investigation Played an important role.11

Xiaoyu raised her head with a smile and said gratefully: "Thank you, Mr. Qi. You saved me and gave me hope. I can finally start my life again."

Qi Lin responded gently: "Xiaoyu, this is my duty and mission. If you need it, please feel free to ask for help. I hope you can recover from this experience and find your own happiness."

The detection of this trafficking case earned Qi Lin honors and praise.

For him, however, the greatest achievement is being able to bring safety and justice to victims. He will continue to devote himself to the work of protecting social security and fighting for fairness and dignity for those innocent victims. 527 Night falls, and the city lights shine brightly. Detective Qi Lin stepped into the jewelry store. With his keen observation and insight, he immediately noticed something was wrong. The glass windows were broken and expensive jewelry disappeared without a trace.

"This is a carefully planned jewelry theft." Qi Lin said to himself.

At this time, the shop owner came over with a little hope in his anxious eyes: "Sir, are you a policeman? Can you find my jewelry?"

Qi Lin smiled and signaled to the shop owner: "I am Qi Lin, a private detective who specializes in solving such cases. Please try to stay calm and we will try our best to recover your jewelry."

Qi Lin began to observe carefully at the crime scene. He noticed a tiny scratch on the wall, which seemed to be the mark of a criminal. He took out a magnifying glass and looked carefully, and found a trace of thin metal fragments next to the scratch.

"This is the metal core of the pen!" Qi Lin's heart suddenly lit up.

He immediately asked the shop owner to provide a list of several nearby office buildings, because this type of metal sandwich is usually used by white-collar workers.

The next day, Qi Lin went deep into the CGFH office building to look for clues related to the case. In the employee office of one of the companies, he found a young man sorting out documents with a pen in his hand.

Qi Lin walked towards him without hesitation: "Hello, are you an employee of this office?"

The young man raised his head, slightly surprised: "Yes, I am an employee here. What do you want from me?"

Qi Lin smiled and said: "I am private detective Qi Lin, and I am investigating a jewelry theft case. Last night, someone used the metal core of a pen to pry open the window of the jewelry store. Can you tell me whether you left the office last night? ?”

The young man showed a hint of embarrassment: "Well, I did leave the office last night. But that doesn't mean I'm guilty."

Qi Lin did not show any joy or doubt, but said calmly: "Please tell me the specific time and reason for leaving.

The young man thought for a moment and recalled what happened last night: "Well, I left the office around 9:30 because I suddenly received a call about an urgent family matter. I rushed home to solve it."

Qi Lin nodded: "Thank you very much for the information you provided. If you have any other details worth noting, please feel free to contact me."

After Qi Lin left the office, his thoughts returned to the crime scene in the jewelry store. He carefully recalled the conversation he had just had with the young man, and various possibilities flashed through his mind.

Back at the jewelry store, Qi Lin decided to check the clues around the window again. This time, he found tiny red fibers that looked like the remnants of some kind of fabric.

He looked carefully and found that there were some tiny black spots on the fibers, which seemed to be traces of burning. This gave him a new clue, and he began to search nearby streets for places that might be related to this.

After some searching, Qi Lin found a dry cleaning shop. He walked into the store and asked the owner if he remembered if he had received any cleaning tasks similar to red fabrics.

The shopkeeper frowned and thought for a moment, then recalled something: "By the way! A few days ago, a man in a suit brought a red silk tie and said it needed to be cleaned specially."

Qi Lin immediately asked: "Do you still remember his appearance?"

The shop owner thought for a moment and said: "He is about 30 years old, of medium height, with a dark beard.

These clues led Qi Lin to think that this man might be related to the jewelry theft case. He thanked the shop owner and left, deciding to continue his investigation.

Qi Lin returned to the office and began to collect information about red silk ties. He discovered that this tie was only sold in a high-end fashion store, and the number of units was limited.

He immediately went to the store and asked the salesperson if he had any impressions of buyers of this tie. Fortunately, a salesperson recalled a man matching Qi Lin's description who purchased a red silk tie and mentioned that he was a senior manager of a certain company.

Qi Lin feels closer and closer to the truth. He asked the salesperson to provide relevant customer contact information and convey the information to him as soon as possible.

That night, Qi Lin received an anonymous email, which provided an address and time and seemed to be related to the jewelry theft case. Qi Lin decided to investigate in person.

After arriving at the designated address, Qi Lin found that it was an abandoned warehouse. He entered carefully, clutching the flashlight in his hand.

In the dim light, Qi Lin discovered a room blocked by curtains. He slowly opened the curtain, revealing a man wearing a mask.

Face to face, Ou Lin said in a calm and firm voice: "You are the one behind the jewelry theft case17

The masked man smiled sarcastically: "Sure enough, he is well-deserved, private detective Qi Lin."

Qi Lin calmly observed the masked man's expression, words and deeds, trying to find out the real motivation behind him.

"Why did you steal jewelry?" Qi Lin asked.

The masked man laughed sarcastically, as if he was enjoying this psychological war: "Jewelry is just a symbol of money, it is meaningless to me. What I pursue is challenge and excitement. This is a game, and you, Qi Lin is my most worthy opponent."

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