Qi Lin's eyes flashed with determination, and he responded calmly: "If you like challenges, then play a fair game with me. Tell me your name and conditions. If you can meet my requirements, I can consider it. Have a battle of wits with you and guarantee that you will not be punished by the law.

The masked man thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"My name is Li Yu, what are your conditions?" he asked.

Qi Lin took a deep breath and replied solemnly: "I hope you will stop all criminal activities and help me solve other unsolved mysteries. If you can prove your worth, I will fight for reasonable legal treatment for you and help You reintegrate into society.N

Li Yu was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"An agreement is reached. But remember, this is just the beginning, Qi Lin. We will continue to compete with each other in intelligence and insight until one wins.

After the two parties formally reached an agreement, they began to jointly investigate other unsolved mysteries, and gradually established a strange and unique cooperative relationship.

Qi Lin and Li Yu launched a thrilling intellectual contest. Together, they solved several bizarre murders, disappearances and financial fraud cases, and won praise from society for their outstanding performance.

As time passed, Qi Lin discovered Li Yu's talent and potential hidden behind the mask. Not only does he have outstanding analytical and reasoning skills, he is also proficient in various techniques, including electronic theft, password cracking and identity forgery.

Qi Lin decided to guide Li Yu on the right path, helping him discover his talents and make positive contributions to society.

During an investigation, they encountered a sophisticated cybercriminal group. This group uses hacking technology to steal sensitive information and conduct illegal transactions. Through careful planning and joint operations, Qi Lin and Li Yu successfully sneaked into the group and captured them all.

The case not only received widespread coverage, but also attracted the attention of the police.

With Li Yu's assistance, they continued to solve a series of complex cases, including transnational drug trafficking, terrorist attack threats, and high-tech theft.

Their tacit understanding of cooperation is getting higher and higher, and they can almost predict each other's next move.

During this time, Qi Lin also gradually learned about Li Yu's past experiences. It turns out that Li Yu was once a genius hacker who committed crimes on the Internet anonymously for many years.

However, his heart longed for justice and challenge, so he decided to cooperate with Qi Lin and use his unique skills for the right goals.

Qi Lin and Li Yu became the best partners. They not only solved one case after another, but also learned and improved from each other.

Qi Lin taught Li Yu investigation skills and law enforcement principles, while Li Yu taught Qi Lin various advanced computer technologies and network security knowledge.

Their collaboration attracted widespread public attention, and people dubbed them the "Wise Duo." Their success stories have been made into television programs and best-selling books to inspire young people of the current generation to pursue justice and wisdom.

In the end, Qi Lin and Li Yu's efforts were recognized and they became special advisers to Interpol. They use their experience and wisdom to guide law enforcement agencies around the world to jointly combat criminal activities and protect social peace and justice.

Through their efforts, many cases have been solved, countless innocent people have received justice, and the entire society has become safer and fairer.

Qi Lin stood at the scene of the crime, observing the details around him and thinking about how to solve the poisoning case. His eyes focused on the paper cups and bottles on the table, and there seemed to be something unusual about them. He knelt down and inspected it carefully, then stood up with a thoughtful look on his face.

Suddenly, Qi Lin felt someone approaching behind him. He turned his head and saw a young police officer in police uniform walking towards him.

"Mr. Qi Lin, have you found anything?" the police officer asked.

Qi Lin turned around and smiled slightly: "I noticed a few details, which may be helpful for us to find the murderer. First of all, there are no fingerprints on these paper cups and bottles.

The police officer frowned: "Does that mean the murderer was smart and used gloves?"

Qi Lin shook his head: "That's not the case. There is a special chemical substance left on these cups and bottles that can dissolve fingerprints. Moreover, I found a small detail. The labels on these paper cups and bottles are peeled off. , but did not leave any residue.

The police officer looked solemn: "This means that the cup and bottle may have been changed?"

.........Please give me flowers...

Qi Lin nodded: "Yes. I think the murderer replaced these containers before the crime scene. If we can find the place where they replaced it, maybe we can find some clues."

The police officer thought for a while and then said: "There are several convenience stores and drink shops near the crime scene. Maybe we should go investigate."

Qi Lin nodded in agreement: "Yes, this is a good idea. We can start with the nearest convenience store first."

So, Qi Lin and the police officer came to the convenience store closest to the crime scene. They started talking to the store clerk, hoping to get some clues about the poisoning.

"Hello, did you see any suspicious people on the day of the crime?" Qi Lin asked.


The clerk thought for a moment and then responded, "Well, a young man did come in and buy a couple of drinks. He looked a little nervous and tried to pay with cash, but ended up using a credit card instead."

Qi Lin and the police officer exchanged meaningful glances. This clue seems to be somewhat important.

"Do you still remember when he came in to buy drinks?" Qi Lin continued to ask.

The clerk recalled: "It was about three o'clock in the afternoon on the day of the incident."

Qi Lin nodded, and then motioned to the police officer for them to leave the convenience store.

On the way to the next store, Qi Lin said to the police officer: "This clue seems ordinary, but it may be decisive. We can find the traces of the young man through the surveillance camera and see if he went there before the crime." Been elsewhere.

Qi Lin and the police officer rushed to the next convenience store and continued to ask the clerk about the situation on the day of the crime. This time, they got even more interesting clues.

"Hello, was there a young man buying drinks on the day of the incident?" Qi Lin asked the clerk.

The clerk frowned and thought for a moment, and then said: "Well, I remember a man came in and bought a few bottles of drinks. He seemed to be in a hurry and kept looking around."

Qi Lin's heart moved. This description was very similar to the young man mentioned by the previous clerk. He asked: "Can you please describe his appearance in detail?"

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