Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

903: Qi Lin Investigates Zoo Employees

Qi Lin thought for a moment and decided to investigate the zoo employees first.

He questioned each employee one by one, but did not get any useful clues. Until he met a staff member named Li Hao, Qi Lin noticed that his reaction seemed a little abnormal.

"Mr. Li Hao, I am Detective Qi Lin. I heard that you work at this zoo, and I am very interested in the recent disappearance of rare animals. Can you tell me what you know about this matter?"

Li Hao seemed a little nervous for a moment, but he tried his best to stay calm and replied: "Sir, I am only responsible for the daily work of cleaning and caring for animals, and have not participated in any hospital incidents. I also heard about these animal hospitals from others. news.

Qi Lin noticed that Li Hao's eyes were flickering, and he felt that further investigation was necessary. "Excuse me, have you noticed any suspicious behavior or strangers at the zoo?

Li Hao's expression began to become more nervous, and he replied in a low voice: "To be honest, I did see a stranger sneaking into our employee area a few days ago. He was wearing black clothes and a hat, and he looked suspicious . However, I did not report it to my superiors at the time because I thought he might just be one of the new employees."

Qi Lin nodded, understanding the importance of this clue. "Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Li Hao. This information is crucial to my investigation. If you can provide a more detailed description of this stranger or any other useful information, please let me know.

Li Hao thought for a while and then said: "I remember that he was about 1.8 meters tall and of medium build. Apart from the black clothes and hat, I couldn't see his face clearly because he kept his head down and walked around in the clouds. He was still wearing Gloves, it seems, are to avoid leaving fingerprints. I reported the situation promptly and did not expect such a thing to happen."

Qi Lin patted Li Hao's shoulder comfortingly: "Don't worry, Mr. Li Hao. Your cooperation is very important. I will start action as soon as possible to find this stranger and solve this case. If you can provide any additional information , please feel free to contact me.

Li Hao nodded and expressed his willingness to provide any help. Qi Lin thanked him, then hurriedly left the zoo and began to further investigate the suspicious person.

After Qi Lin returned to the office, he summarized the information he currently had. He knows that this case is not simple and may involve a criminal gang, so he needs to carefully analyze every clue.

First, Qi Lin began to investigate surveillance videos near the zoo. Through careful observation, he discovered that the stranger in black entered the employee area in the early morning and had no record of leaving during the day. This deepened his suspicion of the man.

Next, Qi Lin decided to track down the last sighting location of the missing rare animal in the zoo. He walked along the route of the employee area, hoping to find some useful clues. In a corner, he found some small footprints remaining on a piece of grass.

Qi Lin lowered his head and observed the footprints carefully. He realized that they were the footprints of a cat, possibly a leopard or a lion.

This reminded him of the disappearance of the peacock and panda mentioned by Yang Lin before. Are there more animals involved in this case?

He immediately informed Yang Lin of this new clue, hoping that she could provide more information about the missing animals.

Yang Lin replied that in addition to peacocks and pandas, a lion and two other rare birds disappeared during the same time period. This news made Qi Lin even more convinced of the complexity of this case.

Qi Lin decided to return to the zoo again, this time focusing on studying the situation near the animal's habitat. He interviewed the zoo's veterinarians and keepers in depth and learned that the animals seemed extremely nervous in recent days.

This gave him an intuition that the animals may have been threatened by some external threat, which may be the key to the trafficking case.

After returning to the office, Qi Lin began to analyze all the clues.

He speculated that the trafficking gang might have set up a secret base near the zoo to temporarily store stolen rare animals. And, they may use the help of their employees to be able to carry out these actions smoothly.

In order to further confirm his suspicion, Qi Lin decided to sneak into the vicinity of the zoo to look for any suspicious signs. He chose a late night and quietly approached the buildings around the zoo in the dark.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly heard a slight movement.

He turned around and saw a figure slipping out of a warehouse. Qi Lin quickly hid in the shadows and stared at the man intently.

This figure looks very similar to the stranger Li Hao described before, wearing black clothes and a hat. He left in a hurry, as if something was in his hands.

Qi Lin quickly followed him for a while and finally found him entering an abandoned warehouse.

Qi Lin cautiously approached the warehouse, trying to peek inside.

He looked in through a dilapidated window and saw an astonishing scene before his eyes. The warehouse is filled with various cages and boxes containing many rare animals.

The scale of this black market trafficking gang far exceeded Qi Lin's expectations, and they seemed to be preparing to send these animals abroad for illegal trade.

Qilin 447 realized that in order to stop the activities of this criminal gang, he must take action as soon as possible. He took out his mobile phone, took photos of the interior of the warehouse as evidence, and sent them to the police.

He then quickly left the scene and contacted his team members to prepare for action together.

Qi Lin met with his team members to discuss how to rescue the trafficked rare animals and arrest the black market trafficking gang. They analyzed the warehouse's floor plan and surrounding environment and developed a detailed plan.

The plan is to conduct raids in the early hours of the morning, using advanced reconnaissance and infiltration techniques to ensure they can quickly and effectively rescue the animals and bring the criminals to justice.

That night, Qi Lin and his team members quietly approached the abandoned warehouse. They carefully concealed their presence and waited for the right time to take action.

Suddenly, they noticed two men in black handing over rare animals at the door of the warehouse. This is an opportunity not to be missed. Qi Lin commanded the team to launch a surprise attack, and they rushed to the warehouse quickly and silently.

Qi Lin used the previously obtained floor plan to quickly find the place where the trafficking gang hid the animals.

When he opened the door to a room, he saw a imprisoned panda in front of him. It looked miserable and had obviously been abused.

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