Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

904: Qi Lin Saw That The Tree-Cutting Gang Was Planning Their Next Action.

Qi Lin and his team members spread out and rescued other imprisoned rare animals, including peacocks, lions and birds.

They carefully moved the animals to a safe place and contacted the local veterinary team to provide them with timely treatment and care.

At the same time, the police also received photos of the interior of the warehouse sent by Qi Lin. They dispatched a large number of police forces, surrounded the entire area, and arrested those members of the black market trafficking gang.

In the end, all the rare animals were successfully rescued and returned to the zoo for professional care and protection.

The case was successfully resolved, and Qi Lin and his team were commended for their bravery and persistence.

This incident also aroused widespread social attention to the protection of wild animals. Qi Lin became a respected and revered detective. He continued to work on fighting crime, protecting rare animals, and making the world a better place through his own efforts. .

In the small town, people have always enjoyed the lush forest environment. However, recently, a series of incidents of illegal felling of trees have alarmed people. Innocent trees are being cut down rapidly, countless animals have lost their homes, and the entire ecosystem is in danger of collapse.

In order to solve this problem, Qi Lin, a smart and experienced detective, came to this small town. He is always passionate about solving mysteries, and this case is no exception.

Qi Lin walked into the local police station and glanced at the sticker on the bulletin board on the wall, which read a bonus notice for illegally felling trees. He took a deep breath and walked into the office, where he found Sheriff Zhang Zhigang waiting for him.

"You must be Mr. Qi Lin. I heard that you are an excellent detective. We are in urgent need of your help. These cases of stealing trees have been going on for several months and we are helpless.

Sheriff Zhang Zhigang said.

"Don't worry, Sheriff. I will try my best to solve this problem. First of all, please tell me the details of the case. Are there any clues?" Qi Lin asked.

"It seems that you are very motivated, so let's talk about it. According to our investigation, these tree felling activities occurred late at night, and the murderer always fled the scene quickly. We did not find any obvious physical evidence, and there were no witnesses ." the Sheriff explained.

"This is indeed a difficult case, but not impossible to solve. I will need some time to investigate [during which time you can assist me in obtaining information and documents related to the case]

"Qi Lin requested.

The police chief nodded and handed the documents related to the case to Qi Lin. Qi Lin began to read every report in detail, looking for clues. He noticed that all the trees that were felled were tall redwoods, and that each time a continuous area was felled. This gave him an idea.

Qi Lin decided to go to the forest near the crime scene to investigate. He put on his casual clothes and sneaked into the forest at night. In the dark night, with only the moonlight shining, he walked carefully through the woods.

Suddenly, a slight noise caught Qi Lin's attention. He quickly squatted down and hid in the grass. A few seconds later, a figure passed by him quietly. This man was holding an ax and looked like one of the murderers who cut down trees.

Qi Lin followed the figure and tried his best to remain undetected. Finally, they came to a well-hidden camp. Qi Lin approached a big tree and peered into the cracks in the trunk.

He saw a gang planning their next hacking operation. Qi Lin waited patiently, hoping to hear more valuable information.

"We have cut down a lot of trees so that we can make more profits," a deep voice came into Shilin's ears.

"Yes, but we have to be careful, the police are after us," said another.

Qi Lin's heart moved. This gang must be related to the case. He quietly took off his cell phone and began filming their actions and recording the conversation.

As time went by, the gang members gradually left the camp, leaving only two personnel to guard it. Qi Lin decided to take personal action to bring these criminals to justice.

He approached the two guards lightly and used a special technique to subdue them without them noticing. He then tied them to a tree to ensure they could not escape.

Qi Lin returned to the camp and began to search their belongings. He found some important clues, including maps, tools and communication equipment. This evidence will help uncover the truth of the case.

After Qi Lin collected all the evidence, he left the camp. He returned to the police station and showed the chief what he had found.

"...You did a great job, Mr. Qi Lin! These evidences will provide us with strong evidence to solve this tree-cutting case." The police chief said gratefully.

After further investigation and analysis, the police successfully eliminated the entire gang. They admitted their crimes and revealed the secret behind them.

It turned out that this gang was hired by a large timber company. Driven by profits, they cut down redwood trees at night and sell them to other companies. In order to pursue high economic returns, this timber company illegally logged forests regardless of environmental and ecological damage.

Qi Lin and the police made this information public, which attracted the attention of all walks of life. The government took immediate action to shut down the timber company and strictly regulate other businesses involved in the timber trade.

In the days that followed, Qi Lin and the police worked together to actively carry out forest restoration work. They organized a team of volunteers to plant new trees and repair the damaged ecosystem (Zhao Qian's).

Eventually, the town's forest gradually returned to its former prosperity and beauty. People were grateful for Qilin's contribution, and he became a hero in the town [respectively known as the "Tree Protector".

Qi Lin himself was deeply affected by this experience, and he decided to link his career development with environmental protection.

He established an agency specializing in environmental protection and criminal investigation, dedicated to protecting natural resources and combating environmental crimes.

The exposure of this case also attracted wider social attention, and people began to realize the importance of protecting the environment.

The government has strengthened protection measures for forest resources and formulated stricter laws and regulations to ensure sustainable development and ecological balance.

Qi Lin left a deep mark on this small town, winning people's respect and praise for his detective skills and firm belief in environmental protection. .

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