He has become a role model and inspired more people to devote themselves to environmental protection.

In the end, the illegal tree felling case was solved, which not only destroyed the illegal logging gang, but also aroused the entire society's attention to environmental protection.

Qi Lin's success story has become a legend in people's mouths, and his name is engraved in the history of the town.

Since then, Qi Lin has continued to carry out environmental protection work in various places. His efforts and influence have gradually expanded, becoming an iconic figure in global environmental protection.

Detective Qi Lin walked into the sewage treatment plant. With many years of experience and sharp insight, he discovered some criminal clues at a glance. He quickly walked to the sewage treatment equipment and observed it carefully.

Just as he squatted down to check the sewage treatment equipment, a tall middle-aged man came over, looking a little nervous.

Qi Lin asked calmly: "Hello, are you the person in charge of this sewage treatment plant?'

The middle-aged man nodded hesitantly and said, "Yes, my name is Wang Ming, and I am the manager here. Who are you?"

"I am Qi Lin, a detective. The recent cases related to sewage discharge have attracted my attention. I will investigate it." Qi Lin replied 107.

Wang Ming's expression became even more nervous. He tried to avoid Qi Lin's gaze and seemed a little uncomfortable.

Qi Lin noticed this detail and asked: "Mr. Wang Ming, I just noticed that there seems to be a problem with the sewage treatment equipment. Can you tell me what happened?

Wang Ming coughed, obviously at a loss. Finally he sighed and said: "To tell you the truth, our sewage treatment equipment has not been repaired for many years. In recent months, our capital chain has been broken and we cannot purchase new equipment or perform maintenance. Close

Qi Lin frowned and said thoughtfully: "So, how do you treat wastewater?"

"We can only reluctantly run the existing equipment, but due to frequent failures, the quality of the discharged wastewater has declined, and exceedances of standards often occur." Wang Ming explained helplessly.

Qi Lin thought for a while and then asked: "Have you applied for financial support from the government to improve the condition of sewage treatment equipment?"

Wang Ming smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying: "We have tried before, but due to various reasons, the funds have not been allocated.

Qi Lin thought for a moment and then suggested: "I can help you, but only if you cooperate with my investigation and provide all the required information. At the same time, you must also promise that once the case is resolved, you will actively take measures to improve the equipment and Comply with environmental protection regulations.

When Wang Ming heard Qi Lin's proposal, a glimmer of hope flashed in his eyes. He nodded solemnly to express his agreement.

Since then, Qi Lin began a thorough investigation of the sewage treatment plant. He had in-depth exchanges with Wang Ming and other employees and learned about equipment failures, sewage discharge conditions and the company's financial status.

After several days of investigation, Qi Lin discovered some clues. He discovered that someone might be manipulating the case behind the scenes and taking advantage of the opportunity to make profits. He arranged a secret meeting and invited Wang Ming and other relevant personnel.

When everyone gathered in a hidden conference room, Qi Lin stood in front of the blackboard and launched his reasoning around all aspects of the case.

"According to my investigation and analysis, this sewage discharge case was not caused by a simple equipment failure. On the contrary, I believe it was an organized crime involving collusion among interest groups."

Everyone listened with great interest. They all knew that Qi Lin had extraordinary detective experience and had unique insights into solving complex cases.

Qi Lin continued: "First of all, let us review the recent situation. The capital chain of this sewage treatment plant was broken, and it was unable to carry out equipment operation, maintenance and updates, resulting in excessive discharge of wastewater. However, the (cgaj) funds they applied for have never been available Appropriation comes down. That raises my suspicions."

He pointed to the timeline diagram on the blackboard and continued to explain: "We noticed that during the period when the funds were not allocated, there were still people who were able to obtain benefits. Moreover, they were able to maintain the current production level, and there were no other incidents. Obvious problem.

Wang Ming asked nervously: "You mean, someone has profited from it privately?"

Qi Lin nodded and smiled mysteriously: "That's right. I believe that someone took advantage of your broken capital chain, deliberately delayed the allocation of funds, and operated secretly behind the scenes. They used this as an excuse to sell to external companies Emission licenses, false reporting of emission data and other means to seek huge profits." 1

Everyone was dumbfounded and admired Qi's reasoning ability.

Qi Lin continued: "We need to find the people behind this interest group. According to my research, they may be hidden within relevant government departments or other organizations with power and resources. We need to investigate every possible clue and find them criminal evidence. Only in this way can we reveal the truth and give this sewage treatment plant the innocence and justice it deserves.

Wang Ming and other employees were moved by Qi Lin's determination, and they expressed their willingness to fully cooperate with the detective's work.

After months of hard work, Qi Lin and his team gradually solved the mystery of the case. They found that there was indeed an interest group manipulating it, taking advantage of corruption and loopholes in government departments, as well as insufficient pollution control.

Finally, with Qi Lin's promotion, the relevant departments intervened in the investigation and arrested those involved. At the same time, the government has also re-examined the funding mechanism and strengthened the supervision and execution of environmental protection projects.

After the case was resolved, Wang Ming fulfilled his promise, actively took measures to improve equipment, and strictly abided by environmental protection regulations. He expressed his sincere gratitude to Qilin because the detective's intervention allowed them to regain hope and justice.

After Qi Lin left the sewage treatment plant, he did not stop his actions. He knows that this is just a small step in the environmental protection battle, and there are more problems that need to be solved.

He began to cooperate with environmental organizations, government officials and relevant expert teams to promote the improvement of environmental protection regulations and the strengthening of enforcement. He participated in various seminars and symposiums to share his experience and lessons learned in sewage discharge cases.

At the same time, Qi Lin also used the power of the media to make the details of this case public. Through TV reports, news articles, etc., he popularized environmental awareness to the public and called on everyone to pay attention to and actively participate in environmental protection. .

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