Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

906: Severe Crackdown On Environmental Crimes

In numerous interviews, Qi Lin emphasized the importance of environmental protection and everyone's responsibility to reduce pollution and improve the environment. He called on the government to increase investment in environmental protection projects, improve the legal system, and severely crack down on environmental crimes.

As time goes by, Qi Lin's efforts gradually bear fruit. The society's attention to environmental issues has increased significantly, and the government has gradually increased its efforts in environmental protection and formulated more stringent regulations and measures.

This sewage discharge case became a turning point for people to realize the importance of environmental issues to human survival. Qi Lin, with his persistence and hard work, has contributed to promoting the awakening of social environmental awareness.

Of course, Qi Lin knows that the battle for environmental protection is a long-term process that requires everyone's active participation. He is determined to remain involved in environmental causes, not just as a detective, but as an environmental advocate.

Therefore, Qilin continued to cooperate with all parties in the following days to carry out environmental protection projects, organize publicity activities, and strive to improve environmental quality and protect the sustainable development of the ecosystem.

He believes that as long as everyone can assume their own responsibilities and work together, we will be able to create a better future and leave a clean and healthy earth home to future generations.

Detective Qi Lin was walking in the city at night. The cold wind blew over his slender figure and spread his black windbreaker. He holds an investigation report in his hand, which is evidence of a fraud case he recently cracked.

The case took place in a well-known art gallery. Someone forged a priceless painting and tried to deceive collectors. Qi Lin was invited to investigate the matter. After several efforts, he finally found out the truth and found out the details of the perpetrator.

The next morning, Qi Lin came to the police station and reported to the director.

"Director, I have found the answer to the case. The famous painting is indeed a forgery. "Important clues in the city point to a master of forgery named Yang Tao." Qi Lin said firmly.

"Yang Tao? I've heard of him. He is a master at forging famous paintings, but no one has been able to arrest him so far. Are you sure he is the mastermind behind it?" the director asked doubtfully.

"Yes, I have investigated clearly. However, Yang Tao is not the perpetrator himself. He only accepted this commission to make money. The perpetrator is a criminal gang leader named Li Xiao, who is responsible for selling counterfeit art." Qi Lin explained.

The director nodded to express his understanding. "Then what evidence do you have to support your inference?

Qi Lin handed the director an investigation report detailing the evidence he found. "It can be seen from the gallery's surveillance video that Yang Tao entered the gallery around three in the morning and stayed there for a while. When we searched his studio, we found a large number of tools and materials for making fakes. In addition, , and information provided by informants shows that Li Xiao’s criminal gang has been carrying out similar activities recently, and merchants and collectors have suffered losses." Qi Linyan explained concisely and comprehensively.

The director read the report carefully and frowned gradually. "This is indeed very strong evidence. In this case, we cannot sit back and wait for death, we must take action as soon as possible to bring them to justice!"

Qi Lin nodded in agreement. "I have contacted several reliable plainclothes policemen who will help us arrest the criminal gang. I plan to find Yang Tao first [to force him to reveal Li Xiao's hiding place].

The director looked at Qi Lin approvingly. "Excellent, you did a great job. This case is too important for the integrity of the art world to sit idly by. I have no doubt that you will succeed in bringing the criminals to justice!"

In the next few days, Qi Lin and the plainclothes police launched a tense and fierce operation. They collected clues, tracked the suspect, and finally locked Yang Tao's whereabouts. Qi Lin and the plainclothes police team quickly launched action and decided to arrest him in one night.

That night, Qi Lin came to Yang Tao's studio late at night. He was wearing black plain clothes and hiding in the dark to observe. Suddenly, a black car drove into the door of the studio, and Yang Tao got out of the car, holding a package in his hand.

Qi Lin immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a signal, signaling the plainclothes police team to appear. Several plainclothes policemen quietly surrounded Yang Tao, waiting for Qi Lin's instructions.

………Please give me flowers…

Just as Qi Lin was about to order an assault, Yang Tao caught a glimpse of a figure hiding in the shadows from the corner of his eye. He was startled and realized something was wrong. Yang Tao quickly turned around and tried to flee the scene, but it was too late. A plainclothes policeman appeared in front of him, set up handcuffs and subdued him.

"You are the police? How did you find me?" Yang Tao said in disbelief.

Qi Lin stepped forward and stared at Yang Tao sharply. "From the moment you left the gallery, you have fallen into our control. We have known about your collusion with Li Xiao for a long time. It is only a matter of time this time. Now, tell me, where is Li Xiao hiding?

Yang Tao smiled slyly, with a proud expression. "You police officers are nothing more than that. It's not that easy to find Li Xiao. He has long expected that someone will come to his door, so he has made plans in advance. You will never be able to find him!"


Qi Lin was not intimidated by Yang Tao's words, but faced the challenge more firmly. He knew that no matter how cunning Li Xiao was, there would always be flaws. He must find a way to continue the pursuit.

"Yang Tao, do you think you can escape the sanctions of justice? No matter how you hide, you will eventually be caught. I will not give up until all of you are brought to justice!" Qi Lin said firmly, his eyes revealing his hope for victory. firmly believe.

Yang Tao was shocked by Qi Lin's determination, and he was a little shaken in his heart. He began to consider whether to tell everything he was involved in in the hope of receiving leniency.

"Okay, since you are so persistent, I can tell you some clues. But the condition is that you must ensure my safety and freedom." Yang Tao made his request.

Qi Lin thought for a moment and knew that cooperating with Yang Tao at this time might be an opportunity to obtain more information. He nodded in agreement.

"There is a secret passage in the storage room in the backyard of the police station that leads to the underground world. Li Xiao is most likely hiding there.

Thank you for your cooperation, Yang Tao. We will do our best to keep you safe and free. The storage room in the backyard of the police station, I know the place. We will take action immediately and not give Li Xiao a chance to escape. .

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