Qi Lin and the plainclothes police team quickly rushed to the backyard of the police station and found the entrance to the storage room. Opening the door carefully, they entered a dim underground passage.

This secret passage is covered with spider webs, and the air is filled with the smell of moisture. Qi Lin led the plainclothes policemen along the passage, staring closely at the surroundings, ready to deal with possible dangers at any time.

After walking for a while, a solid iron door appeared at the end of the passage. Qi Lin asked the plainclothes policeman to carefully open the door, revealing a dark underground space in front of him.

They turned on the flashlight and gradually illuminated the front. Under the dim light, they discovered several rooms filled with various works of art. These are forged works that “look almost identical to the originals.

"We found their base!" Qi Lin whispered "720" with the joy of victory.

At this moment, the sound of rapid footsteps came. Li Xiao appeared at the door with a horrified expression on his face.

"You are the police! How did you find this place?" Li Xiao asked in surprise.

Qi Lin walked up to him without showing any signs of weakness and said to him: "Your forgery of art has been exposed by us, and you can't escape. Now, put down your weapons and be captured without mercy!"

Li Xiao hesitated for a moment, but faced with a situation with nowhere to escape, he understood that he could no longer hide. He put down his weapons and raised his hands in surrender.

Qi Lin looked at Li Xiao who was subdued, and felt a sense of victory in his heart. He knows that through his persistence and hard work, justice will eventually defeat evil! And the market for counterfeit art will also be completely reshuffled.

"Case" Qi Lin reported the latest situation to the director. We successfully arrested Yang Tao and Li Xiao, and their counterfeit manufacturing factory has been destroyed. This action will have a major impact on the entire counterfeit art market and will also safeguard the integrity of the art world.

The director nodded with satisfaction and expressed his praise to Qilin. "You did a great job, Qi Lin. This was an amazing case solved. You showed excellent investigative skills and a firm heart for justice. I believe you will become an excellent detective!"

Qi Lin bowed deeply and thanked the director for the compliment. He knows that this is only his duty.

Thank you, Director, for your encouragement and trust. I will continue to work hard to fight for social justice and people's security.

Yang Tao and Li Xiao were taken back to the police station and underwent interrogation and investigation. They gradually confessed their crimes and provided more clues about the forged art. This information is of great value in combating counterfeiting crimes.

The police used these clues to conduct in-depth investigations, tracked and dismantled a series of counterfeiting workshops and networks, and arrested more criminals involved in forging art. This operation shocked the entire counterfeit art market and plunged it into chaos and panic.

With the case solved and the criminals arrested, justice is finally served. The art world and collectors welcomed the move, regaining confidence in the authenticity of artworks.

This case has also become the focus of media attention and triggered widespread social discussion. People began to pay attention to the problem of counterfeit art and called for strengthening legal supervision and combating criminal counterfeiting.

Qi Lin became the center of attention, and his persistence and courage were appreciated by the society. He proved the value and importance of the police with his actions and played an important role in maintaining social order and justice.

As a detective, Qi Lin knows his responsibilities and mission well. He will continue to fight for the tranquility of society and the happiness of the people, resolutely crack down on all types of criminal activities, and protect the rights and interests of the people.

This case is not only a successful crackdown, but also a defense of law and justice. Through the lessons of this case, people are more aware of the importance of protecting the authenticity of artworks, and at the same time, everyone is reminded to be wary of the existence of counterfeiting crimes and work together to build an honest and just society.

Qi Lin will use this as motivation to continue fighting for social security and justice!

Detective Qi Lin walked into the office of the police station, and a strong aroma of coffee hit his face. He sat down at his desk, with a large number of case files and evidence placed in front of him, showing the bombing case he had successfully cracked recently.

Qi Lin flipped through the documents very attentively, his eyes as sharp as an eagle, and he analyzed every detail meticulously. This case involves multiple suspects, but there are no direct witnesses or surveillance videos to help them find out the truth... Qi Lin knows that he has to piece together these fragmented clues and find the murderer. Not an easy task.

The office door opened, and a young police officer walked in. He looked a little nervous. "Mr. Qi, I heard that you have successfully solved this explosion case [I admire you for this."

Qi Lin smiled and replied: "Thank you for your compliment, but there are still some key clues that we need to find to completely restore the entire case. You must have something to do with me, right?"

The police officer nodded: "Yes, we found a new clue. At the explosion site, we found a piece of paper with a strange symbol. This symbol seems to be related to a series of unsolved mysteries a few years ago."

Qi Lin raised his eyebrows with interest and motioned for the police officer to continue.

"We have investigated those unsolved mysteries, but did not find any useful clues. Maybe you can find some inspiration." The police officer handed Qi Lin a piece of paper with a series of mysterious patterns on it.

Qi Lin took the piece of paper and carefully observed the symbols on it. He couldn't help but ponder, trying to recall similar situations he had encountered before. "These symbols look like some kind of code and may represent specific information. I need more time to analyze them."

The police officer nodded to express his understanding. "We have passed this information to cryptography researchers, hoping that they can solve the mystery as soon as possible. However, we also need your help, sir."

Qi Lin put down the piece of paper and showed a smile. "Of course, can you tell me more details about the explosion scene? Maybe there are some important clues hidden in those subtleties."

The police officer dedicatedly began to describe the location and surroundings where the bombing occurred. He recounted in detail eyewitness testimonies and the traces left behind after the explosion. "We have thoroughly cleaned and surveyed the explosion site, but have not found anything of value."

Qi Lin thought for a moment, "I need to go to the scene again to take a look, maybe I can find some details that were ignored before. I will put these things first, and at the same time continue to analyze these cryptographic symbols and look for possible connections."

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