In the following days, Qi Lin continued to investigate the explosion site during the day. He carefully observed every corner, looking for any clues that could help solve the mystery. At the same time, he continued to analyze the meaning of the mysterious symbols.

Finally, during a careful observation, Qi Lin discovered a tiny trace hidden under a tree around the explosion site. He knelt down and carefully examined the tiny indentations on the ground with a magnifying glass. This seems to be a mark placed artificially, but it is not easily noticeable.

Qi Lin immediately summoned police technicians, who used professional tools to sample and analyze the dents. It turned out that the dents contained a special chemical that was the same as that found in several previous mysteries.

"This confirms our suspicion that this explosion is indeed related to those unsolved mysteries." Qi Lin frowned, thinking about the possibility. He realized that there might be a more complex conspiracy hidden behind this case.

After returning to the police station, Qi Lin began to reanalyze previous clues and try to find the connection between them. He placed a large number of documents and photos in front of desk 26, sorting out and integrating all the clues.

At this time, an older police officer walked into the office and expressed concern for Qi Lin: "Mr. Qi, we received a report from a cryptography researcher on the interpretation of the mysterious string of symbols."

Qi Lin immediately raised his head and looked at the police officer expectantly. He can't wait to see if these symbols can solve the mystery of the case.

The police officer handed Qi Lin a document with detailed interpretation results. Qi Lin read every word carefully, with an expression of surprise on his face. "This is a clue pointing to where the murderer may be hiding."

He immediately took the police officer with him and headed to the indicated location. When they arrived, they found it to be an abandoned factory. An old smell filled the air, showing traces of the passage of time.

Qi Lin carefully explored every corner of the factory and gradually discovered some suspicious traces. He followed the clues and eventually walked into a seemingly ordinary room.

In the center of the room, Qi Lin saw a huge pattern on the floor, which was exactly the same as the previous string of mysterious symbols. He immediately understood that this was the mark left by the murderer, and this room might be the murderer's hiding place.

"The police station has surrounded the entire factory, and we need to find the murderer as soon as possible." Qi Lin told the police officials.

An intense manhunt began, with the police searching every corner, hoping to arrest the murderer. Qi Lin followed closely behind, relying on his keen insight and experience. Found a hidden doorway in the work.

He opened the door carefully, and there was a secret passage in front of him. A few dim lights illuminated the passage, giving off an eerie atmosphere. Qi Lin walked into the secret passage and explored step by step.

At the end of the dark passage, he found a secret room. The walls of the room were covered with photos and documents, and it seemed that the murderer had kept detailed records of his planning process.

Qi Lin carefully examined these documents and gradually restored the truth of the entire case. It turns out that the murderer is a scientist who has been abandoned by society and was hit by an experimental accident. He took revenge through the bombing in an attempt to attract public attention to himself.

However, Qi Lin did not find the murderer. He realized that the murderer might have escaped the factory in time.

He immediately contacted the police headquarters and conveyed the identity of the murderer and possible escape routes. At the same time, he also reminded the police to be prepared because the murderer may launch more attacks.

Thanks to the efforts of the police, the murderer was finally successfully arrested in a remote area. The case was successfully solved, and the public was full of praise for Qilin's detection ability.

Back at the police station, Qi Lin sat at his desk sorting out the case documents, feeling a little tired but full of accomplishment. He knows that as a detective, he has brought justice and safety to society.

However, he also knows that there are countless mysteries in the world waiting to be solved, and countless cases that need to be solved. He decided to keep working hard and devote more time and energy to solving these challenges.

Qi Lin knows that being a detective is not easy. He needs to keep his head clear at all times, have keen insight, and be ready to deal with various unexpected situations. but he believes

It is precisely because of this responsibility and mission that he can truly display his talents and value.

So, Qi Lin packed up the documents on the table, stood up, and prepared to face the next challenge. He knows that no matter how difficult the task is, he will do his best to complete it and bring more justice and security to society.

Qi Lin put his hands in his pockets and stood on the dimly lit street, his eyes revealing a hint of calmness and wisdom. As an experienced detective, he has long been accustomed to such scenes. The smuggling case was one of the most difficult cases he had come into contact with over the years, and now, he finally found a breakthrough.

Qi Lin looked up at a blocked window on the tall building opposite and couldn't help but think. He deduced the clues of the case and tried to piece together a complete picture. His partner Jiang Yu is quietly waiting for his instructions. She is a smart and witty policewoman who has worked with Qi Lin for many years. The two are good at cooperating with each other and have a tacit understanding.

"Yu, we need to know more about the internal situation of the 463 organization. I have a plan, please listen to it." Qi Lin turned around and faced Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu nodded and motioned for him to continue.

"We start with this window first. It seems to be a hidden stronghold for smugglers. I suspect they trade and store smuggled items here. We need to sneak in there and get more clues," Ji said.

Jiang Yu frowned and asked worriedly: "This window looks quite dangerous, how can we ensure safety?"

Qi Lin replied with a smile: "I have contacted a technical expert who can help us solve the problem of breakthrough entry. We will enter through the window and try to avoid arousing suspicion. At the same time, we need to be fully prepared to face any accidents Can handle any situation with ease.

Jiang Yu felt slightly relieved, but still worried: "This organization is huge and there are only two of us. Will we be unable to do what we do?"

Qi Lin took a deep look at her and said firmly: "We are not fighting alone. I have contacted other police units and they will provide support. Moreover, we also have the most important weapons-wisdom and wit. We The goal is to dismantle the entire smuggling network and bring this group of criminals to justice."

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