Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

909: The Deceased Was A Famous Artist

Jiang Yu nodded after hearing this, and his expression became firm. She knew that Qi Lin was a brave and determined man, and they had always been an invincible partner.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and Jiang Yu made detailed plans and had many discussions with other police units. They analyzed the case and formulated action steps and corresponding solutions. After a lot of conversations and research, they finally arrived at a perfect plan.

That night, Qi Lin and Jiang Yu quietly came to the window, carrying toolboxes filled with all kinds of necessary equipment. They carefully opened the window and entered the room quickly and deftly.

This room seemed particularly dark and filled with an old smell. Qi Lin and Jiang Yu quickly scanned the entire room to confirm that no one was present. They began to search and collect evidence, looking for clues related to the smuggling case.

"Look here," Jiang Yu whispered as she found a folder marked with a password. "This may be a secret letter they used to communicate."

Qi Lin quickly took the photos and put the folder back to its original place to avoid arousing suspicion. They took out their portable computers and began to interpret and analyze the contents of the folder. After some efforts, they successfully deciphered part of the information.

"These codes seem to represent different types of goods and trading locations," Qi Lin explained. "We need more information to fully understand how they operate.

As they continued to analyze the folder in depth, they suddenly heard footsteps coming from upstairs. They immediately became alert and quickly hid in the dark corners of the room.

Several figures entered the room, Qi Lin and Jiang Yu stared at them closely, trying to obtain more information. The men began searching the room, apparently aware that someone had broken in.

"We have been discovered," Jiang Yu whispered in Xian's ear.

Qi Lin replied with firm eyes: "Don't panic, we must stay calm. Get ready for action."

They dispersed in different directions tacitly, trying to use the layout and furniture of the room to avoid the smugglers' search. At this time, Qi Lin noticed that there was a painting hanging a little crooked on the wall, and he had a plan in mind.

He carefully repositioned the painting to reveal a hidden switch. He pressed the switch, and suddenly a secret door opened, leading to another room.

He quickly waved to Jiang Yu to follow, and the two quickly entered the new room and gently closed the door.

"This is their command center!" Jiang Yu shouted in a low voice, and she found a display screen filled with real-time data on smuggling activities.

Qi Lin immediately started the computer and began to copy and download the data as evidence.

At this moment, there was greater noise outside the door, and someone was obviously aware of their actions. Qi Lin and Jiang Yu discussed it and decided to evacuate immediately.

They quickly tidied up the scene to ensure that no traces were left behind. Then, they returned to the original room through the same secret passage.

When they quietly opened the window and were about to leave, they suddenly heard sirens and footsteps. Other police units arrived and secured the entire floor.

"Mission accomplished." Qi Lin breathed a sigh of relief and said to Jiang Yu with a smile: "We cracked the smuggling case and destroyed the organization. But this is just the beginning, there is more work waiting for us to do."

Jiang Yu nodded in agreement, and they left the scene smoothly and met up with other police officers. Qi Lin and Jiang Yu handed over the collected evidence to the senior police officers in charge of the case and reported to them in detail the entire action process.

Senior police officers expressed appreciation for their performance and promised to launch further investigations and operations as soon as possible to get to the root of this smuggling organization.

A few days later, Qi Lin and Jiang Yu received instructions from senior police officers. They were asked to go to another city to cooperate with the local police in investigating a similar smuggling case.

With experience and confidence, they embarked on a new journey. They know that to succeed, they need to rely on each other's tacit understanding and teamwork, as well as their professional skills and persistence.

In the subsequent investigation, Qi Lin and Jiang Yu faced more challenges and dangers. However, they firmly believe in their mission and are determined to defend justice and protect the safety of society.

No matter what difficulties they encounter, they will move forward bravely and relentlessly track the criminals until all their clues point to the evil organization hiding in the dark.

They know that their efforts will bring justice and peace to society and make criminals unable to hide. They will become legends of law enforcement and inspire more people to join the fight to defend society.

Qi Lin and Jiang Yu, they are real heroes, using their courage and wisdom to shine in the darkness.

Detective Qi Lin received an anonymous letter with an address and time on it. It seemed that someone wanted him to investigate a murder case.

He was excited about this challenge and immediately decided to go to his destination. When he stepped into this strange place, a gloomy atmosphere hit his face.

Qi Lin opened the door and found himself in the living room of a luxurious villa. The candlelight illuminates the high ceilings and luxurious furniture, seeming to light up the entire space.

He looked around and found a young woman sitting on the sofa, staring at a painting with blurred eyes. She looked very tired and seemed to be thinking hard about something

Qi Lin walked up to her and asked softly: "Hello, I am Qi Lin. I received an anonymous letter. Are you the sender?"

The woman turned to look at him, with a hint of surprise and uneasiness in her eyes. "Are you the famous detective Mr. Qi Lin?" Her voice trembled. "Yes, I am Qi Lin. Do you want to talk to me about anything?" he asked with concern.

The woman shook her head, then pointed to the painting and said: "This painting is the last work created by my husband. Not long ago, he was found dead in this villa. I believe he was murdered!"

Qi Lin frowned and walked closer to the painting to observe carefully. The painting depicts a beautiful woman, but there is a sense of gloom and fear in her eyes.

He thought for a moment, then turned to the woman and asked, "Can you tell me about your husband? Is there anyone who might be resentful of him?"

The woman recalled with some pain: "My husband's name is Zhang Hui, and he is a famous artist. His works are highly praised, but at the same time, they also cause some jealousy and controversy. He often has disputes with other artists, especially A female artist named Lin Ting. Their competition even escalated to the point of public arguments.

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