Qi Lin thought for a moment and said: "We cannot rule out the possibility of external forces. The reason why these leaks are so secretive is that they are probably caused by professional commercial espionage organizations."

Qi Lin decided to investigate from two directions at the same time. On the one hand, he will lead an elite team to go deep into the company and carefully examine the behavior and background of each employee; on the other hand, he will send an agent who is good at information penetration to contact possible industrial espionage organizations.

A few days later, in a quiet cafe, Qi Lin met agent Wang Ling. Wang Ling is a veteran intelligence collection expert who has successfully infiltrated hostile organizations many times and obtained key information.

"Wang Ling, do you think this leak was caused by commercial espionage?" Qi Lin asked.

Wang Ling pondered for a moment and then replied: "From a technical analysis, the level of these leaks exceeds the capabilities of ordinary insiders. Moreover, according to our previous intelligence, there are indeed some commercial espionage organizations trying to penetrate the company."

Qi Lin nodded to express his understanding, "Then how should we conduct the investigation?"

Wang Ling took out a document and handed it to Qi Lin. "This is the result of my investigation into the target organization. They are likely to use a highly covert communication method, and we must find the clues to contact them."

In the investigation report provided by Wang Ling, Qi Lin discovered a key clue. An employee named Zhang Rui has been in frequent contact with a foreign company recently, and this foreign company is one of the organizations suspected of having a background in industrial espionage.

Qi Lin immediately informed his team members of this information and decided to closely monitor Zhang Rui. At the same time, he also instructed Wang Ling to go to the foreign company to investigate and try to obtain more information from them.

A few days later, Wang Ling successfully infiltrated the target company. He disguised himself as a technical consultant and went deep into the company, where he came into contact with Stevens, one of the core members of the organization.

"Are you new here?" Stevens looked at Wang Ling with wary eyes.

Wang Ling smiled and nodded, "Yes, I'm here to help the company improve its network security measures." He answered easily.

Stevens seemed to relax and started chatting with Wang Ling about technical details. Gradually, the two of them established a relationship of trust, and the other party began to reveal some of the company's internal secrets.

While monitoring Zhang Rui, Qi Lin discovered more clues about him. Zhang Rui is not as busy with his work as ordinary employees. He often communicates secretly with a colleague named Li Yu and frequently discusses seemingly insignificant matters.

Qi Lin decided to find Li Yu, hoping to get more information about Zhang Rui from him. After some investigation, he found that Li Yu had been in contact with representatives of the foreign company many times in the past few months.

Wang Ling gradually learned about the organization's action plan during the conversation with Stevens. It turned out that this foreign company was a cover for a commercial espionage organization, which used legitimate Sino-Asian exchanges to collect and steal information.

Seeing that the opportunity was ripe, Wang Ling contacted Qi Lin and passed him the information he had obtained. Qi Lin felt deeply that the situation was urgent and immediately provided key evidence to local law enforcement agencies and requested their assistance in launching operations.

At the same time, Qi Lin successfully found Li Yu. Through in-depth interrogation of Li Yu, he learned that both Zhang Rui and Li Yu were colluded by the commercial espionage organization. They accepted huge bribes and leaked the company's confidential information.

As police raid the target location, members of the corporate espionage group are racing against time to transfer critical data. However, the detective team led by Qi Lin acted calmly and orderly and successfully arrested them.

After a hard struggle, Qi Lin finally revealed the truth of this complex commercial espionage case. He successfully found the masterminds and brought them to justice.

Company executives expressed their sincere gratitude to Qilin and his team for their efforts in protecting the company's confidential information and interests. Qi Lin also became a hero within the company and was highly praised for this incident.

Qi Lin was sitting at the desk in the office, holding a report in his hand. This is an investigation report on a hit-and-run case, and he decided to solve this difficult case himself. Qi Lin is a smart and decisive detective known for solving various difficult problems.

He turned on his computer and began to carefully read the clues provided in the report. According to eyewitness descriptions, the vehicle involved in the accident was a black car that may have been damaged. However, no one was able to provide specific vehicle models or license plate numbers.


Qi Lin took a deep breath, knowing that this investigation was full of challenges. He decided to go to the site of the incident to conduct an on-site investigation to see if there were any other clues that could be used.

When Qi Lin arrived at the scene of the incident, the police had cordoned off the scene. He crossed the cordon and stepped carefully on the ground, looking for any traces that might have been left.

Suddenly, Qi Lin noticed a flattened aluminum can. He bent down to pick it up and put it in a plastic bag to be sent to the laboratory for fingerprint analysis.

The day after leaving the scene, Qi Lin received a call from the laboratory. They told him that a clear fingerprint was found on the aluminum can. Qi Lin immediately rushed to the laboratory, hoping that this fingerprint could provide important clues to the case.


In the laboratory, Qi Lin met Li Min, the director of the laboratory. She is a smart and experienced scientist who is skilled in various forensic techniques.

"Li Min, have you discovered anything?" Qi Lin asked.

"Mr. Qi, I successfully extracted a fingerprint sample and compared it with the fingerprints in our database. The results showed that this was the fingerprint left by a person named Zhang Wen." Li Min replied.

"Zhang Wen? I have heard this name before. He is a known criminal, known for many crimes such as hit-and-run and illegal driving. We need to find him as soon as possible and bring him to court." Qi Lin said.

Qi Lin immediately issued a wanted order and organized the police to launch a pursuit. At the same time, he began to investigate Zhang Wen's personal background "hoping to find more information about him.

During the investigation, Qi Lin learned that Zhang Wen once owned a black car but sold it a few months ago. This made Qi Lin wonder, could he have used this car to participate in a hit-and-run accident?

Qi Lin decided to find the person who bought Zhang Wen's car to inquire about the situation. He contacted a car dealer named Wang Tao and agreed to meet at a coffee shop.

"Mr. Qi, welcome to my store. Please take a seat." Wang Tao said, asking Qi Lin to sit down.

"Thank you, Mr. Wang. I heard that you bought a black car. I would like to ask about this car." Qi Lin said quietly. .

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