Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

912: Strengthen Traffic Safety Publicity And Education

Wang Tao nodded and expressed his willingness to answer questions.

"I bought this black car from a man named Zhang Wen a few months ago. At that time, he did not provide many details, but said that he urgently needed to sell the car. I thought the price was right at the time, so I bought it. But I don’t know if he is related to the hit-and-run case,” Wang Tao explained.

Qi Lin thought for a moment and then asked: "Have you left Zhang Wen's contact information or other relevant information?"

Wang Tao shook his head and said that he did not keep any contact information.

"Well, thank you very much for your assistance, Mr. Wang. If you have any further clues, please contact me immediately." Qi Lin said, leaving his business card.

After leaving the coffee shop, Qi Lin began to re-examine the clues of the case. He realized that to find Zhang Wen, he needed more clues. He returned to the police station and discussed the next step with his partner Li Ming.

"We need to expand the scope of the investigation and look for any clues that may be related to Zhang Wen. I will contact some trusted informants to see if they have heard anything about Zhang Wen."

Qi suggested.

Li Ming nodded in agreement and began to arrange relevant investigation work. A few days later, Qi Lin received an anonymous call telling him that Zhang Wen might be hiding in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city.

Qi Lin immediately organized the police to search the warehouse. He directs actions and steps into dangerous places.

When they arrived at the warehouse, Qi Lin noticed a strong smell of gasoline. They carefully searched every corner until they finally found a black car. This car appears to be the vehicle involved in the hit-and-run incident.

Just then, a burst of gunfire rang out. Qi Lin reacted quickly, hid in a bunker, and confronted the shooter.

"Zhang Wen, surrender! You have no chance of escape!" Qi Lin shouted.

The shooter did not respond, but kept shooting at Qi Lin. Qi Lin moved carefully, looking for the shooter's location. He noticed some flammable materials in the warehouse and realized he had to end the confrontation as soon as possible to avoid greater danger.

Qi Lin decided to take risky action. He quickly crossed the warehouse and approached the shooter's position. When he finally found the right opportunity, he fired without hesitation and successfully knocked down the shooter.

Just as Qi Lin was about to arrest Zhang Wen, he smelled thick smoke. He immediately realized that the warehouse was on fire and they had to leave as soon as possible.

Qi Lin took Zhang Wen out of the warehouse and met with the police and firefighters. Although the warehouse has been engulfed by fire, Qi Lin and Zhang Wen escaped the disaster safely. The police immediately arrested Zhang Wen and sent him to the hospital for treatment.

In the hospital, Qi Lin and Zhang Wen had a serious conversation. Qi Lin sat by the bed and looked at Zhang Wen's scarred appearance.

"Zhang Wen, do you know the mistake you made? Hit-and-run is a serious crime, and you must be responsible for your actions." Qi Lin said firmly.

Zhang Wen lowered his head and remained silent.

"I understand that you may have various reasons to avoid, but this does not become an excuse for you to escape responsibility. The way to solve problems is not to escape, but to face them and strive for correction." Qi Lin continued.

Zhang Wen raised his head, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes. He admitted his crime to Qi Lin and expressed his willingness to cooperate with the investigation and accept legal sanctions.

A few weeks later, in court, Qi Lin appeared as a witness and provided detailed testimony about the case. Zhang Wen was found guilty and received the appropriate punishment.

The successful cracking of the hit-and-run case made Qi Lin famous and won him praise from the public and peers. However, he was not complacent. He understands that as a detective, his duty is to uphold justice and bring peace to society.

In this case, in addition to capturing the hit-and-run person, Qi Lin also deeply realized the preciousness of life and the importance of morality. He is determined to convey his experience and lessons to more people.

As a result, Qi Lin began hosting a series of symposiums, lectures and seminars to share his professional experiences and insights on law and justice. He hopes that through these activities he can educate the public and arouse their respect for and obedience to the law.

At the same time, Qi Lin also used his popularity to call on the government and relevant institutions to strengthen traffic safety publicity and education to improve people's safety awareness and driving literacy.

He believes that only through the efforts of the whole society can we reduce the occurrence of hit-and-run cases and protect people's safety and interests...

Qi Lin's efforts gradually bore fruit. The public is becoming more concerned about hit-and-runs and is taking a tougher stance on this type of crime. Traffic safety education has also been further strengthened, and people's driving literacy and style have gradually improved.

As a detective, Qi Lin knows that solving a case is more than just arresting the criminal. He should also use the case as an opportunity to educate society and promote the realization of justice. This is his firm understanding and responsibility for his profession and his contribution to society.

Qi Lin knows that even if a case is over, justice still requires continuous efforts and appeals. He is determined to continue to solve more problems for society and protect the rights of innocent people.

However, Qi Lin did not forget his original intention. He always puts justice and fairness first and devotes all his energy to every case to ensure that the truth is revealed and the victims are given due compensation.

Detective Qi Lin walked into the police station in the center of the city and put the case file in his hand on the desk. The whiteboard next to it is filled with various clues and doubts.

"Detective Qi, you are back. This arson case is really giving us a headache. A total of five arson cases occurred in different locations. We suspect that they were committed by the same person. Do you have any new findings?" Policeman the chief asked.

Qi 5.3 Lin looked at the information on the whiteboard, thought carefully for a moment and then replied: "Based on my investigation of these cases, I have several key observations. First of all, all the cases occurred at night, and the targets were empty. A building with no people in it.”

Secondly, arson points are distributed in the fringe areas of the city and are not far from each other. Finally, based on the traces of the fire and the burning temperature, I suspect that the arsonist used the same combustible material.

The police chief frowned and asked, "Have you found any witnesses or other clues?"

Qi Lin shook his head and said in a deep voice: "It's a pity that I didn't find any witnesses or reliable clues. But I believe there must be some pattern in this case.

We need a deeper understanding of the arsonist's motivations and intentions behind it to successfully solve the crime. "

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