The police chief nodded, pondered for a moment and said: "In this case, we will start with the victims to see if there is some connection between them. Also, you have to hurry up, this case has attracted widespread public attention , we can't delay any longer.

Qi Lin took over the conversation, thinking about how to find the arsonist and uncover the truth behind the case. He decided to return to the scene first and carefully observe the location of each arson case.

Early the next morning, Qi Lin came to the scene of the latest arson case. It was an abandoned factory building, with black smoke billowing and debris scattered all over the ground. He surveyed carefully, looking for details that might have been overlooked.

Suddenly, he noticed an empty jar placed in the corner with some liquid remaining on it. He immediately picked up the jar, smelled it carefully, then wrapped it in a handkerchief and put it in a plastic bag.

Back at the police station, Qi Lin handed the jar to the laboratory for chemical analysis. A few hours later, he got the experimental results.

"Detective Qi, this liquid is a highly flammable industrial cleaner, usually used to clean mechanical equipment. However, this cleaner is very limited in the market, and only 26 are produced and sold by a few companies." The laboratory's the technician explained.

Qi Lin frowned, realizing that this might be an important clue.

He immediately began to investigate the companies that produced and sold the detergent, hoping that through the investigation, Qi Lin found several companies that produced and sold the detergent. He decided to go to these companies to conduct on-the-spot investigations.

The first company is located in the north of the city and is a small chemicals company. Qi Lin had a face-to-face conversation with the person in charge of the company.

"Hello, I am Detective Qi Lin. We are investigating a series of arson cases, and the flammable liquid used in these cases is very similar to the cleaning agent produced by your company. Can you tell me who your cleaning agent is sold to? Which customers?"

The person in charge of the company looked a little nervous, but still replied: "Our detergents are mainly sold to factories and machinery processing companies. The customer list is in the office, I can get it for you.

Qi Lin nodded and waited for the person in charge to return to the office. He began to observe his surroundings carefully and noticed a map hanging on the wall with some locations marked on it.

When the person in charge came back, he handed Qi Lin a folder containing the sales records and customer list of the detergent. Qi Lin browsed through it quickly and had an idea in his mind.

"Your sales area seems to overlap with the locations where arson cases occurred, especially the locations marked on the map. Can you tell me where these locations are?"

After hesitating for a moment, the person in charge said: "Those locations are indeed where our customers are located, but I don't know how they are related to the arson case. We only sold according to the orders and did not conduct any other investigations.

Qi Lin frowned. He felt that the person in charge was not completely sincere about this matter. He decided to investigate these customers and target locations in depth.

The next day, Qi Lin came to one of the locations marked on the map and found that it was an industrial supplies supplier. He entered the company hoping to find some clues.

"Hello, I am Detective Qi Lin. We are investigating a series of arson cases, and the flammable liquid used in these cases is very similar to a cleaning agent. Have you purchased this cleaning agent?"

The company manager hesitated for a moment, then responded: "Yes [we do purchase this cleaner]. It is used for maintenance and cleaning of our equipment. We purchased it from a company called Flame Chemicals."

This name made Qi Lin's heart move, and he felt that he was getting closer and closer to the truth. He immediately left the industrial supplier and went to investigate the "Flame Chemical" company.

After arriving at "Flame Chemical" Company, Qi Lin found that it was a small chemical manufacturing company. He found the head of the company and asked him some questions

"Hello, I am Detective Qi Lin. I noticed that your company produces and sells a combustible liquid, and this liquid is very similar to the liquid used in the ten series of arson cases. I need to know your sales and customers. List.

The person in charge of the company became nervous after hearing Qi Lin's question. He hesitated for a moment, and then replied: "We do produce and sell this flammable liquid, but our customer list is confidential. We only sell according to orders and do not know the specific identity of the buyer."

Qi Lin noticed the nervousness of the person in charge and decided to increase the pressure to obtain more information.

"The arson case has attracted public attention. If you conceal anything or fail to cooperate, you will face serious consequences. I suggest that you confess frankly and cooperate with the police. Otherwise, we will hold your company legally responsible. 11

The person in charge was shocked by Qi Lin's words and said with a pale face: "Okay, I admit that we did sell to a specific customer. But I don't know who he is, we only conduct transactions through agents. 11

Not wanting to waste time, Qi Lin asked: "Can you provide the agent's contact information? We need to find this hidden arsonist as soon as possible.

The person in charge handed Qi Lin a business card with the agent's name and phone number written on it. 217

Qi Lin immediately contacted the agent and arranged a time and place for an interview. During the meeting, the agent seemed a little nervous, but was still willing to cooperate with Qi Lin.

"I understand that you are hunting for the arsonist, and I am innocent. I just purchased the cleaning agent at the customer's request and delivered it to the designated location. I do not know his true identity or purpose."

Qi Lin asked calmly: "Can you provide us with the transaction records of this customer? Maybe we can find clues from it.

The agent agreed and provided a document containing a record of the transaction. Qi Lin carefully studied every transaction, trying to find commonalities or patterns.

Suddenly, a name caught his attention - Li Yu.

"Li Yu appears in all transaction records. This must be the alias of the arsonist. We need to find him as soon as possible to prevent him from causing another fire." Qi Lin's eyes were firm and he planned to carry out the final action.

By investigating Li Yu, Qi Lin discovered his address. He organized a capable police team to arrest Li Yu, and was also prepared to deal with possible fires.

When the police team arrived at Li Yu's residence, they found everything eerily quiet. The door was unlocked and it looked deserted. .

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