Suddenly, a thick smoke poured out of the room and filled the air in an instant. Qi Lin closed his eyes tightly and calmly directed the team members to carry out fire fighting and search and rescue.

Finally, the fire was brought under control and Li Yu was found, unconscious. Qi Lin approached him, his heart filled with complicated emotions.

"The arsonist was finally caught and we successfully prevented him from starting another fire."

Qi Lin's discovery and investigation work eventually led to the arrest of arson suspect Li Yu. The police arrived in time and controlled the fire, ensuring the safety of surrounding residents.

Li Yu was sent to the hospital for treatment and was summoned by the police after recovering. During the interrogation process, Qi Lin personally participated in the interrogation of Li Yu and tried to uncover his motives for setting the fire.

"Li Yu, why did you set the fire? These criminal acts have brought great harm and panic to society. Please confess and tell me the reasons behind it."

Li Yu was silent for a while. Finally, he raised his head, with a trace of regret in his eyes.

"I...I just did this to get attention. I used to feel ignored and irrelevant, so I chose to go to extreme ways to attract attention. But I never thought there would be such serious consequences."

Qi Lin took a deep breath, trying to understand Li Yu's inner pain and helplessness.

"Your behavior is wrong and cannot solve the problem. There are many channels in society that can listen to your voice and care about your needs. We will help you find more appropriate ways to express yourself, but you must accept the sanctions of the law and Take responsibility for your own actions.

Li Yu nodded sadly, realizing that he had committed a serious crime and that he needed to face corresponding punishment.

A few months later, Li Yu was sentenced to an appropriate prison term and required to undergo psychological counseling and a social reintegration plan. Qi Lin witnessed Li Yu's changes and growth during this period.

As a member of the police, Qi Lin actively participated in publicity and education work on preventing arson crimes. He hopes that by increasing public awareness and providing support, he can reduce the occurrence of similar incidents and help those who truly need help.

The investigation of the arson case has come to an end, and Qi Lin will continue to perform his duties and work hard for social peace and justice.

Detective Qi Lin walked into the office of the police station, his mind filled with details of the recently cracked abduction case. He has always believed that pursuing the truth is his mission as a detective.

There was a cup of coffee on the table. Qi Lin put his hands on the table and quietly admired the scenery outside the window. Police officer Li Ming walked in and gave Qi Lin a friendly slap on the shoulder.

"Qi Lin, I heard that you cracked the latest kidnapping case, that's great!

Qi Lin smiled and nodded. "Thank you for the compliment, Li Ming. But this is just part of my due diligence. There is still a lot of work to do.

"Yes, the matter has not been completely resolved. We have arrested several people involved, but they seem unwilling to admit who is behind the larger organization." Li Ming sighed, with a solemn expression.

Qi Lin frowned. "We have to find more clues to trace the roots of this organization. I thought, I can go and talk to the arrested suspects, maybe they will give us some useful information.

Li Ming nodded with a serious expression. "Okay, whatever support you need, we will fully cooperate. This organization is very dangerous, you have to be careful.

Qi Lin smiled and thanked Li Ming for his support, and then left the police station. He walked down the street, thinking about what to do next. Suddenly "ten voices came from behind.

"Mr. Qi Lin, what do you want from me?" A man stood in front of him, wearing a black suit and looking very mysterious.

Qi Lin turned around and stared at the other party sharply. "Who are you? Why do you know my name?"

The man smiled and extended his hand to Qi Lin. "I am Wang Heng, and we have a common goal. I heard that you are investigating a trafficking case, and I also hope to reveal the truth.

Qi Lin looked at Wang Heng doubtfully. "Who are you? You are not a police officer or a detective. Why are you so concerned about this case?"

Wang Heng's eyes flashed with determination. "My family has also been troubled by trafficking cases. Although they were later rescued, I vowed to seek justice for those innocent people. Mr. Qi, if you are willing to accept my help, we can jointly further investigate this organization and bring them to justice." Bring him to justice.

Qi Lin pondered for a moment, then nodded. "Mr. Wang Heng, since we have the same goal, let's act together. But please remember that we must follow legal procedures

Don't take the illegal path.

Wang Heng nodded solemnly, and the two began to formulate an action plan. They decided to find a breakthrough from the suspect's confession and clues to find the root of the trafficking organization. Qi Lin and Wang Heng decided to start with the arrested suspects.

They went to the police station to prepare for one-on-one questioning with the suspect. The first suspect is named Zhang Yu, who is reported to be an important member of this organization. Qi Lin and Wang Heng walked into the interrogation room and stared at Zhang Yu firmly.

"Zhang Yu, we learned that you are a member of this trafficking organization. You must explain all the inside information clearly." Otherwise, you will face more severe punishment. "Qi Lin said in a cold and firm tone.

Zhang Yu lowered his head and was silent for a moment, then raised his head, with a trace of disdain in his eyes. "What can you do? You are just small people and cannot touch those behind the scenes."

Wang Heng sneered, took out a document and put it on the table. "Perhaps you will change your mind, and when we reveal the truth about the organization behind you, they will become worried about you.

Zhang Yu glanced at the document and his expression suddenly changed. He understood what this document meant. It was information about his family. He finally said with some wavering: "Okay, I can tell you some situations, but please ensure the safety of my family."

Qi Lin and Wang Heng exchanged a look, saying that they would try their best to protect Zhang Yu's family. Then, they began to conduct detailed interrogations. Through Zhang Yu's answers, they learned that this trafficking organization is huge in scale and covers a wide range of areas.

"The core figure of this organization is a man named Yang Ming. He is the mastermind behind the scenes and controls the operation of the entire organization. They trafficked people abroad to make huge profits. I only know some of the details, and the others I have no access to the truth." Zhang Yu said dejectedly.

Qi Lin took a deep breath and looked firmly. "Thank you for your cooperation, Zhang Yu. We will protect your family and do our best to bring this organization to justice.".

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