Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

918: Qi Lin Received A Sewage Discharge Complaint Call

Qi Lin frowned, thinking about this difficult problem. A possibility suddenly occurred to him. "Mr. Li Ming, have you seen any suspicious people or vehicles nearby? Maybe they left some kind of traces."

After Li Ming pondered for a moment, he recalled: "Once, I saw a black truck parked there at the edge of the forest. The driver was a big man, wearing a hat to cover his face. They had been driving with two other people wearing black clothes. People were talking, but I couldn't hear what they were saying."

Qi Lin immediately felt excited, this seemed to be an important clue. "Thank you for telling me this situation. It's very useful. We will investigate the black truck and hope to find some key information."

Li Ming showed a hopeful expression: "If you need my help, please let me know at any time. I really hope these illegal logging activities can stop and protect this forest."

Qi Lin expressed his gratitude to Li Ming: "Your cooperation is crucial. We will do our best to solve this problem and restore tranquility to this forest."

After returning to the office, Qi Lin and Xiaoling began to analyze the information they had. They entered the black truck's information into the database, hoping to find relevant records.

After some searching, I finally made some progress. It turned out that the black truck was rented by a company called "Black Shadow Logistics", but the company's business scope did not include transporting wood. This made Qi feel even more strange.

They decided to go to the "Black Shadow Logistics" company to investigate. Qi Lin prepared some relevant questions to obtain more information from company employees.

When they entered the "Black Shadow Logistics" company, they found that there was only a young man in the lobby looking at the computer at the reception desk. Qi Lin walked up to him and said with a smile: "Hello, can I talk to the person in charge of your company? We are the police and we need help with some investigations about a black truck.

The young man looked around nervously and replied in a low voice: "I am the only employee here. The boss just left. I don't know when he will come back. But if you have any questions, I will try my best to help."

Qi Lin raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised. "Are you alone here? Are you the only employee in this company?"

The young man nodded, his expression looking a little uneasy. "Yes, actually I have just joined the company and it is still in the probation period. So I don't know the specific operations of the company.

Suspicion arose in Qi Lin's heart. "Can you tell me why the company only has one employee? That sounds a little weird."

The young man hesitated for a moment, and then said softly: "Actually, the boss doesn't often appear in the company. He spends more time outside handling some business, and I am only responsible for reception and handling some simple matters.

Qi Lin frowned, this situation made him even more suspicious. He continued to ask: "Do you know about the black truck? What kind of goods is it used to transport?"

The young man shook his head, with a hint of confusion in his eyes: "I don't know the specific transportation situation because I don't have permission to enter the warehouse. But according to my observations, this black truck doesn't seem to be used often."

Qi Lin thought for a moment and came to a preliminary conclusion: "It seems that this company has some problems. We need more evidence to confirm whether they are related to the tree felling case."

He turned to Xiaoling and said: "We need to find other clues. Let's check the nearby surveillance videos, maybe we can find some useful information.

They went to the nearby surveillance room and discovered some interesting plots by playing back the surveillance video. The video shows that in the past few months, the black truck has appeared at the edge of the nearby forest many times. At the same time, two people dressed in black were photographed talking to the driver.

These clues made the case clearer, and Qi Lin decided to investigate the "Black Shadow Logistics" company in depth. They began gathering background information about the company and trying to contact others who might have been affected by the tree-cutting case.

After some investigation, Qi Lin and Xiaoling finally got hold of some key information. It turns out that although the "Black Shadow Logistics" company uses other businesses as a cover, it is actually an organization behind the illegal timber trade.

They found evidence of the acquisition of stolen timber and tracked down some of the people involved. By contacting ranger Li Ming again, they obtained more details about the problem of illegal tree felling.

During further investigation, Qi Lin discovered the crime pattern of this group of illegal loggers: they tried to obtain the forest ranger's itinerary information and carried out illegal felling activities when the ranger was not present. The resulting wood is then sold illegally through the company "Black Shadow Logistics".

Qi Lin decided to attack at the next crime time and catch all these thieves. He cooperated with the police and arranged a carefully planned operation.

Late that night, they squatted at the edge of the forest, waiting for the arrival of the hackers. In the early hours of the morning, a black truck appeared in front of them [two men in black clothes began to carry out murder activities.

Just as they were loading the felled wood onto the truck triumphantly, a flash of light suddenly shot out from the woods and police lights turned on. Qi Lin and the police quickly appeared on the scene and arrested the hacker.

Qi Lin and Xiaoling checked the wood in the black truck and confirmed that the wood was indeed illegally logged. At the same time, they also found some documents and records proving that 073 Black Shadow Logistics was closely related to the illegal timber trade.

After returning to the police station, Qi Lin and Xiaoling thoroughly investigated the background and operations of the "Black Shadow Logistics" company. They discovered that the company was actually set up by a group of criminals who used their legitimate business to cover up illegal timber trading activities. These criminals regularly steal trees from the forest and then resell them through the company "Black Shadow Logistics".

After hard work, Qi Lin successfully destroyed this illegal timber trading network. They submit relevant evidence to the court and ensure that these criminals receive the punishment they deserve.

As an outstanding detective, Qi Lin often handles difficult cases, but this time he faces an unusual challenge - the sewage discharge case.

Sheriff Huang Qiang, who was sitting behind his desk, saw Qi Lin's arrival and immediately stood up: "Mr. Qi, I'm glad you can come and help us investigate this case."

Qi Lin smiled and nodded: "Sheriff Huang, I am also happy to serve you. Now, please introduce the details of the case to me.

Huang Qiang picked up a document and handed it to Qi Lin: "We have recently received multiple complaints about the frequent discharge of sewage. It is understood that these sewage have seriously polluted the local rivers and threatened the living environment of residents. We have conducted many Investigations have been carried out, but the source and person responsible for the sewage have never been found."

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