Qi Lin took the document, read the case information carefully, and made some marks on the paper: "Based on the current situation, this case has certain difficulties. I need to know more about the local factory and sewage system."

Huang Qiang nodded and said: "I have arranged personnel to investigate the nearby factories, but no conclusive evidence has been found yet. We have also tried to contact the surrounding residents, but they seem to be afraid of this problem and are unwilling to disclose any relevant information. clue."

Qi Lin thought for a moment and then said: "In this case, we need to change our strategy. I plan to personally investigate the scene in depth and have face-to-face communication with local residents. Only by understanding their true feelings and concerns can we find solutions to the case." clue."

Huang Qiang readily agreed: "Then please act as soon as possible, sir. This case has been bothering us for a long time.

The next morning, Qi Lin came to the riverside where the incident occurred. The water looked turbid and smelled bad, and the surrounding vegetation looked pale.

While he was inspecting, a young woman came over, her face full of worry: "Hello, I am Yang Ya, one of the residents here. We have been enduring the stench of this sewage, and our The child is often sick. Can you help us solve this problem?"

Qi Lin smiled and expressed understanding: "Ms. Yang, please rest assured that I will try my best to solve this problem for you. Can you tell me which factories are nearby? And have you noticed any suspicious behavior or characters?"

Yang Ya thought for a while: "There is a chemical factory not far from here. It has recently expanded a new sewage system. But they have not disclosed the details. As for suspicious behavior, I have seen several strangers People appear frequently.

Before Yang Ya finished speaking, a burst of noise suddenly came from not far away. Qi Lin and Yang Ya immediately turned around and saw a few people in work clothes arguing with a group of angry residents.

Qi Lin quickly approached and said as calmly as possible: "Everyone, calm down and please listen to me. We all want to solve this problem, but quarreling will not help anyone."

A middle-aged man looked up at Qi Lin with anger on his face: "Who are you? What qualifications do you have to interfere in our affairs?"

Qi Lin replied with a smile: "I am a detective and was ordered to investigate this sewage discharge case. I understand your troubles, and I also understand your doubts about the factory. But we need to unite and find a solution together."

Under Qi Lin's patient explanation, the atmosphere gradually relaxed. Residents have reported suspicious behaviors and situations they have observed, including frequent operation of the chemical plant's new sewage system and obvious stains on workers' clothing.

Qi Lin recorded this information and decided to go to the chemical plant to investigate. He discussed with Huang Qiang and decided to arrange for a police force to be deployed outside the chemical plant to ensure the safety of the site.

That night, Qi Lin and several police officers sneaked into the chemical plant. They carefully walked around various equipment and pipes, and found a secret room in a seemingly abandoned corner. After entering the secret room, they were surprised to find a complete sewage drainage system.

Qi Lin carefully observed every detail, and he realized that this secret sewage drainage system was very carefully designed and could shield the detection of monitoring equipment. At the same time, he also found a secret diary recording the discharge time and the emperor.

Qi Lin patted the police on the shoulder, motioned them to take the evidence back to the police station, and then quickly evacuated the chemical plant. The next day, he presented the collected evidence and logs to Huang Qiang.

Huang Qiang said seriously: "Mr. Qi, your investigation results are very convincing. We will take immediate action to arrest the mastermind behind this.

A few days later, the person in charge of the chemical plant was arrested and prosecuted for allegedly illegally discharging sewage. After a trial of the case, the court ruled that the chemical plant should pay a huge fine and bear the responsibility for environmental restoration.

Detective Qi Lin walked into the office of the Welfare City Police Department with a proud smile on his face. He had just successfully solved a major fraud case and uncovered a huge criminal network. Colleagues in the office congratulated him one after another.

"Qi Lin, you are so awesome!" A young police officer patted Qi Lin's shoulder excitedly, "I have never seen such a complicated case solved so neatly!"

Qi Lin smiled and nodded. Seeing everyone's admiring eyes, he felt very proud. He became a detective because of his love for reasoning and solving puzzles, as well as his never-say-die spirit.

Suddenly, his assistant Xiaoling rushed into the office.

"Qi Lin, there is someone who wants to see you. He said he has clues about the fraud case you just cracked." Xiaoling gasped.

Qi Lin frowned. This news seemed a bit strange. He did not expect that someone would come to him at this time. However, as a detective, he is used to dealing with abundant prosecutions.

"Bring him in, I want to hear what clues he has." Qi Lin ordered.

Soon after, a tall man was led into the office by Xiaoling. Wearing a black suit, he walked into the room slowly, looking very confident.

"You are Mr. Qi Lin, right?" the man asked with a smile.

"Yes, I am Qi Lin. Who are you?" Qi Lin asked.

"I am Chen Wen, an investment consultant. I heard that you just cracked the fraud case, and I also have some clues related to it." Chen Wen said mysteriously.

Qi Lin felt a little confused, but decided to give Chen Wen a chance.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, can you start talking about Zhao?" Qi Lin sat back on his chair and stared at Chen Wen.

Chen Wen took a deep breath and began to tell his clues.

"During the investigation, I discovered that the core figure of this criminal network is a company called Huaxin Group. They make huge profits by forging financial statements, tax evasion and other means. I have a friend who holds a senior financial position in the company , he revealed some inside information to me." Chen Wen spoke faster [obviously very concerned about this matter.

Qi Lin listened attentively, and he began to realize that the case might be much more complicated than he had previously imagined.

"Then what specific information did your friend reveal?" Qi Lin asked.

Chen Wen shook his head, with a hint of bitterness on his face.

He told me that he was forced to participate in the fraud of CEFC Group, and that they used his position to cover up the company's financial operations. .

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