He told me that these frauds had been going on for a long time and involved several important executives. Chen Wen paused, seeming to recall the information revealed by his friend.

Qi Lin frowned, realizing that the complexity of this case exceeded his expectations. This is not just an ordinary fraud case, but may involve internal corruption and power struggles throughout the company.

"Did your friend provide any concrete evidence?" Qi Lin asked.

Chen Wen smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"He said there was no direct evidence because he was only indirectly involved in part of the operation. But he knew that the financial statements of Huaxin Group had been manipulated, and he had also seen the existence of some key documents." Chen Wen explained.

Qi Lin thought for a moment and realized that if he wanted to uncover the truth of this criminal network, he would need more clues and evidence. He decided to investigate the Huaxin Group in depth and find more clues that could confirm the information told by Chen Wen's friends.

"Mr. Chen, thank you for the clues you provided. I will investigate the Huaxin Group in depth and try my best to find more evidence to confirm the authenticity of this information. If necessary, I will contact you again at 690." Qi Lin said solemnly .

Chen Wen nodded and smiled to express his understanding.

"I believe in your ability, Mr. Qi. I hope you can completely expose this criminal network and let them get the punishment they deserve." Chen Wen said.

Qi Lin nodded firmly, his desire for justice ignited in his heart. He knew that this case would be a huge challenge in his career, but he was determined to defy the odds and work hard to uncover the truth.

Thus, Qi Lin began his journey of in-depth investigation. He carefully sorted out the clues provided by Chen Wen and launched contacts and investigations with relevant personnel of the Huaxin Group. During the investigation, he encountered various challenging situations, including being followed, threats and unexpected incidents.

However, Detective Qi Lin did not give up. He insisted on using his wisdom and courage to find the truth. After months of hard work, he gradually uncovered the corruption network within the Huaxin Group and collected enough evidence to support the intelligence told by Chen Wen's friends.

Ultimately, Detective Qi Lin submitted the evidence to the relevant law enforcement agencies. (cgee)At his insistence, CEFC executives were prosecuted and justice was served

Detective Qi Lin became a hero for cracking this huge fraud case and was praised as a star in the law enforcement community. His courage, intelligence and perseverance have become a role model for people to learn from.

However, Qi Lin knows that the detective's work will never stop. Even if this case is solved, there will be more crimes waiting for him to uncover. As a detective, Qi Lin knows that he shoulders the responsibility of guarding justice and protecting social security.

Detective Qi Lin scanned the crime scene, which was in chaos. Broken glass, charred wood, and scattered papers left a strange smell in the air. He lowered his head and picked up a broken suitcase, covered with dust and traces of cigarette ash. He opened the suitcase, which was filled with folders, each labeled with a different date.

While he was looking through the documents carefully, a young woman hurriedly walked into the scene. Her eyes were full of anxiety and there was a worried expression on her face. "Sir, are you Detective Qi Lin?" she asked.

Qi Lin put down the document in his hand and replied with a smile: "Yes, I am Qi Lin. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

The woman bit her lip tightly, seeming to be considering her words. "My father, the main victim of this bombing, once told me that only you can solve this mystery." She handed Qi Lin a note tremblingly.

Qi Lin took the note, which read: "Only time can prove everything, but time can also falsify facts." He frowned and thought for a moment. "Please tell me everything you know about your father. Any details may be important to the solution of the case."

The woman sat down and began to tell her father's story. She mentioned that her father, an international businessman, had received a series of threatening letters in the past few months. The letters contained warnings about the bombings but no specific details. She also mentioned that her father had placed an important document in the suitcase but did not know its contents.

Qi Lin noticed that the woman was holding a small package tightly, and he asked: "What is this?"

The woman replied uneasily: "This is my father's laptop. I found it from his office. He seems to care about this computer very much."

Qi Lin turned on the computer, and an encrypted folder list appeared on the screen. He clicked on one of them with the mouse and entered several passwords to try to unlock it. When the contents of a folder appeared on the screen, Qi Lin's eyes widened.

"This is about a huge conspiracy!" he exclaimed. "This case is far more complex than we thought."

The woman asked nervously: "Have you found the answer? Who is the mastermind behind the explosion?"

Qi Lin looked at her, a trace of determination flashed across his face. "I believe I have found a clue. There was an international espionage operation behind this bombing, and your father happened to be involved in it. The threatening letter he received was not just a personal warning to him, but a threat to Let him abandon his own ongoing investigation."

Qi Lin continued to explain: "Based on your father's documents and these threat letters, I speculate that this bombing was to cover up an important secret. I need more time to analyze the content of these documents and the source of the threat letters. However, , we must take action as soon as possible to ensure your safety."

The woman clenched her fists nervously. "Please tell me what to do, Mr. Qi. I am willing to help you solve this mystery."

Qi Lin replied with a smile: "First of all, we need to ensure your safety. You can leave this place temporarily and find a safe place to hide. At the same time, I will contact my partners to jointly investigate and provide the necessary information." Protect."

The woman nodded and seemed slightly relieved. "Okay, I will follow your advice and cooperate with your investigation. As long as I can find the truth, I am willing to do anything."

Qi Lin patted her shoulder encouragingly. "You did a very brave job. We will do our best to protect you and solve this case."

Subsequently, Qi Lin and his partners began an in-depth investigation. They analyzed traces of the explosion site, collected various clues, and coordinated with relevant departments. .

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