During the investigation, Qi Lin discovered some suspicious characters and organizations that seemed to be related to international espionage activities.

A few days later, when Qi Lin and his partners gathered in a safe secret base, they shared their findings with each other.

“I tracked down a company suspected of espionage,” one partner said. “Their headquarters is located on the edge of the city and security is very tight.

Qi Lin frowned. "That's probably where we're looking. We need a precise plan to get in and get more evidence."

After detailed discussion and planning, Qi Lin and his team decided to conduct a sneak operation late at night. Wearing special black detective equipment, they carefully entered the target location.

Inside the building, Qi Lin reminded everyone to stay vigilant. "We must try to avoid being discovered and evacuate only after obtaining enough information."

During the search, they found a seemingly ordinary office. Qi Lin opened the computer and searched for files [Rouran's ten folders caught his attention. It contains detailed information about bombings and espionage.

"This is the evidence we are looking for!" Qi Lin whispered. He copied the files to an encrypted USB drive for further analysis and preservation of evidence. "Now we have to get out of here as fast as possible."

They evacuated quickly, making sure to leave no trace behind. After returning to the safe base, Qi Lin began to carefully analyze these newly discovered evidences.

As more clues are revealed, they dig deeper into the truth about the entire conspiracy. The espionage organization was planned by a senior government official who planned to use the bombing to cover up his illegal trading activities and destroy those who threatened his interests.

Qi Lin decided to submit this evidence to law enforcement agencies and cooperate with them to bring this espionage organization to justice. At the same time, he also contacted the woman and informed her of the important clues he had discovered and the upcoming actions.

Soon after, the police launched an operation and successfully arrested those involved in the case and brought the mastermind to justice. The woman gratefully expressed her admiration and gratitude to Qi Lin.

Weeks passed, and the mystery of the bombing was finally solved. Qi Lin and his team became heroes under the media reports, and the public also knew about their efforts to protect social security.

Detective Qi Lin walked into the dim bar, and his eyes quickly adapted to the surrounding environment. Familiar smells and loud sounds filled his senses. He noticed a broken poster in the corner, which read: "Investigation of smuggling cases, generous bonuses are waiting for you!" This was the opportunity Qi Lin was looking forward to.

He walked to the bar, sat down and ordered a glass of red wine. Suddenly, a stranger approached him, wearing a black hat, and his facial features could not be seen clearly.

"Are you Qi Lin?" the stranger asked in a low voice.

Qi Lin looked at him alertly and nodded.

"I have a task that you need to complete, and I will pay you a handsome reward." The stranger continued, with a hint of excitement in his voice.

"What mission?" Qi Lin asked with a solemn expression.

"There has been a large influx of contraband in this city recently. We suspect there is a huge smuggling network behind it. We need you to sneak into it, find out the mastermind behind it, and destroy the entire smuggling chain. Are you willing to accept this task?"

Qi Lin looked at the stranger intently, thought for a moment and then nodded.

"Okay, I accept the task. But I need more information to start the investigation.

The stranger smiled and handed Qi Lin a notebook.

"This is our preliminary investigation into the smuggling case, with some clues and a list of suspects. You can start here. We will provide you with all the necessary support and resources. But please proceed with caution, this is a dangerous situation battle.11

Qi Lin took the notebook, opened a page, and read it carefully. He recorded every key information and organized his thoughts.

A few days later, Qi Lin found one of the suspicious characters-Li Ming. He is a quiet businessman who, in the name of dealing in second-hand goods, is actually involved in many illegal transactions. Qi Lin decided to sneak into Li Ming's office to look for more evidence. .

In the dead of night, Qi Lin walked through the dark corridor, groped gently, and found the door of Li Ming's office. He opened the door carefully and entered a room filled with documents and archives.

Suddenly, Qi Lin heard a voice, "Who are you?

He turned around and found a security guard standing at the door with alert eyes.

Qi Lin did not hesitate to take out his detective badge and show it to the security guard.

"I am Qi Lin, the detective investigating the smuggling case. I have the right to search this room."

The security guard looked at Qi Lin and frowned.

"I need to confirm your identity, please wait a moment."

Qi Lin's heartbeat accelerated and time was running out. He knew he had to find the evidence quickly. He looked around and found a locked filing cabinet, thinking that this might be the key he needed to find evidence. He quickly took out a slender needle and began trying to pick the lock of the filing cabinet.

The security guard came back and stared at Qi Lin. He asked, "You just said you were Qi Lin. Do you have proof?"


Qi Lin replied calmly: "My detective badge is my identity certificate. You can verify it. Time waits for no one. I am pursuing an important smuggling case.

The security guard hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded, trusting Qi Lin. He took a step back and gave Qi Lin enough space.

Qi Lin relaxed and continued to focus on the unlocking process of the file cabinet. After a few minutes of hard work, he finally successfully opened the filing cabinet, which was filled with various files and documents. One of the folders caught his attention.

He opened the folder, which contained a large number of transaction details and a list of people involved. The evidence clearly points to Li Ming and other smugglers who collaborated with him. Qi Lin copied the key information in the folder to his laptop and carefully restored the filing cabinet to its original state.

Just as Qi Lin was about to leave, he heard footsteps in the distance. He immediately became alert and hid in a dark corner of the room.

The office door was pushed open, and Li Ming walked in, with a hint of anxiety in his eyes. He looked around and found some traces left by Qi Lin.

Li Ming glanced around the room nervously, realizing that his office might have been raided. He hurried to the filing cabinet and opened it. A look of shock flashed across his face, and he discovered that the files in the filing cabinet had been moved. .

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