At this moment, Qi Lin walked out of the darkness, holding a folder containing key evidence.

"Mr. Li Ming, it seems that we have finally met. I have obtained enough evidence to kill you and the entire smuggling network. Now, you can choose to cooperate with me

Tell everything, or meet your destiny.

Li Ming's face turned pale, and he understood that he had fallen into a desperate situation. He whispered: "You win, I am willing to cooperate and tell everything."

Qi Lin smiled slightly, knowing that he had made an important breakthrough. He picked up Li Ming and prepared to take him back to the police station and reveal the mastermind behind the entire smuggling case.

Detective Qi Lin walked into the crime scene, where a room full of police and investigators were busy collecting clues. He looked around the room, his eyes resting on a female body lying on the ground. She is a "seven hundred" young and beautiful woman, with a look of fear on her face.

With many years of experience, Qi Lin immediately noticed some details. He walked over and squatted down to carefully observe the marks around the body. Suddenly, he found a fiber stuck to the floor. He carefully removed it and placed it in a sealed bag.

Then, Qi Lin began to question witnesses and related personnel at the crime scene. He first found the deceased's best friend Sun Xiaoting.

"Miss Sun, can you tell me some information about the victim?" Qi Lin asked.

Sun Xiaoting wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and said with a trembling voice: "Her name is Yang Ting, and she is a good friend of mine. We went to college together, and later she married a man named Zhang Xin

But recently, she told me that she suspected that there was another woman outside Zhang Xin. We have been thinking about how to deal with this relationship problem, but we never thought that she would suffer such misfortune!"

Hearing this, Qi Lin felt an undercurrent in his heart, and he decided to find Yang Ting's husband Zhang Bi first.

Qi Lin came to Zhang Xin's office and knocked on the door. A middle-aged man opened the door, looking a little nervous.

"Hello, my name is Qi Lin. I am the detective in charge of this case. I need to ask you a few questions and hope you can cooperate with our investigation." Qi Lin said gently.

Zhang Xin nodded and motioned for Qi Lin to enter the office. Qi Lin noticed that the office was full of documents and seemed to be a busy home.

"How is your relationship with Yang Ting?" Qi Lin asked.

Zhang Xin swallowed his saliva, his eyes flashed, and he replied: "We have been married for five years, and we did have some quarrels recently, but I have never hurt her. I love her and only her. I can't believe it. She's dead, that's terrible!"

Qi Lin observed Zhang Xin's expression and words, secretly guessing his true mood.

"We will verify your words. If you have any important clues, please tell us." Qi Lin finished speaking and left the office.

Next, Qi Lin found Yang Ting's neighbor Wang Xiaoliang. He is a young man who looks a little nervous.

"Hello, do you know anything about Yang Ting's death?" Qi Lin asked.

Wang Xiaoliang wiped the sweat from his forehead and stammered: "I just heard some noise, and then the door was knocked open. I hurried over to see the situation. I found Yang Ting lying on the ground motionless, and I was so scared that I immediately reported Call the police!"

Qi Lin noticed that Wang Xiaoliang's expression was a little unnatural, and he felt that there might be some important information hidden.

"Mr. Wang, do you know anything about the relationship between Yang Ting and her husband? Have they had any quarrels or unpleasant events recently? Qi Lin asked.

After Wang Xiaoliang hesitated for a moment, he finally told the truth: "Actually, I often hear quarrels coming from their home, especially in the past few months. Sometimes I can even hear the sound of items being broken. I once tried to persuade him them, but they can't seem to solve the problem. 21

Qi Lin's heart moved and he began to suspect that there were more problems in the relationship between Yang Ting and Zhang Xin.

Later, Qi Lin found Yang Ting's mother, hoping to get more information from her.

"Aunt Yang, please tell me what you know about Yang Ting and her marital status with Zhang Xin." Qi Lin asked.

Yang Ting's mother said with tears in her eyes and a trembling voice: "I know their marriage has never been harmonious. Yang Ting once confided in me the problems between her and Zhang Xin. Recently, she told me that she decided to divorce because she found out I found evidence of Zhang Xin’s cheating. I supported her decision, but I didn’t expect things to turn out like this..."

Qi Lin pondered for a moment and gradually connected the clues of the case... He felt that this case was not simple, and there might be a bigger conspiracy hidden behind it.

In order to further investigate, Qi Lin began to dig deeper into the background information of Yang Ting and Zhang Xin, and also conducted more detailed questioning of other witnesses and relevant personnel.

After several days of investigation, Qi Lin discovered an important clue. It turned out that there was a cafe not far from the crime scene. According to witnesses, Yang Ting and a strange man had a fierce quarrel there that night.

Qi Lin immediately rushed to the cafe to look for clues. He found Li Li, the waiter that night.

"Ms. Li, did you see a woman and a man arguing here that night?" Qi Lin asked.

Li Li nodded and recalled the scene that night: "Yes, the woman was very angry. She kept accusing the man of being unfaithful to her. Their voices were loud and attracted the attention of me and other customers. Finally, they broke up Left the cafe looking very angry.

Qi Lin feels closer and closer to the truth. He began to sort out every detail of the case and connect the clues together.

During a careful search, Qi Lin found a discarded handbag in a trash can near the crime scene. He carefully opened his handbag, which contained a diary and several photos. 1.1

By reading the diary and observing photos, Qi Lin confirmed that the owner of the handbag was Yang Ting. The diary records her anguish about her marriage and the evidence that she suspects her husband of cheating.

Qi Lin began to re-examine every detail of the case and put together all the clues. He speculated that this murder case may be related to Yang Ting's marital problems, and the murderer is likely to be her husband Fu Lu.

Qi Lin decided to summon all those involved in the case, including Sun Xiaoting, Zhang Xin, Wang Xiaoliang and others, to conduct a comprehensive interrogation at the police station.

In the interrogation room, the atmosphere was tense. Qi Lin sat in the main seat, facing everyone.

"I have collected enough evidence to uncover the truth of this murder case. First of all, I would like to ask Sun Xiaoting, "Can you describe your understanding of the issues between Yang Ting and Zhang Xin?" Qi Lin asked. .

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