"Mr. Li, I understand your dissatisfaction, but the way you chose is not correct. It will only bring greater harm to the company and other employees.

Li Ming lowered his head and said in frustration: "I know I was wrong, but now I have no way out."

Qi Lin stood up and walked to Li Ming. "The matter is not over yet, Mr. Li. I will hand you over to the police and strive to give you a fair trial. Maybe after confessing and repenting, you will have a chance to start over."

A few weeks later, with Qi Lin's full cooperation, Li Ming was arrested by the police and put on trial. He confessed to his crime and expressed his willingness to take responsibility.

Qi Lin testified in court and provided the court with details about the entire investigation process. In the end, Li Ming was sentenced to a certain period of imprisonment and fined a considerable amount. The commercial espionage case was successfully resolved.

This time, Qi Lin received a special task to solve a hit-and-run case. The crime occurred in a quiet town. Qi Lin came to the scene and started investigating.

At the scene, Qi Lin saw a damaged car and messy traces. It was obvious that this was a hit-and-run accident that was artificially made. He carefully observed every detail of the scene, trying to find clues. Suddenly, he noticed a piece of blue cloth stuck on the broken car door. He carefully removed it and continued to search for other clues.

Soon after, Qi Lin discovered a key chain with several keys on it, one of which had a very unique shape. He immediately understood that this must be related to the hit-and-run case. He put the keys in his pocket and turned around to head to a nearby auto repair shop for further investigation.

At the auto repair shop, Qi Lin met a mechanic named Li Hao, who was the owner of the repair shop. Qi Lin introduced himself to Li Hao and expressed his interest in the hit-and-run case. Li Hao hesitated for a moment, and then decided to cooperate with Qi Lin.

"Hello, Mr. Li Hao, I am Qi Lin, a detective. I was investigating a hit-and-run case and found a piece of blue cloth and a uniquely shaped key. "I believe these are related to you."

Li Hao frowned, looking a little nervous. "How did you know? Those things are indeed mine, but I don't know how they appeared at the scene."

"Mr. Li Hao, please calm down. I believe you are a knowledgeable person and understand that concealing the truth will not make things better. If you can cooperate with my investigation, we may be able to find the real criminal and provide a solution for him." You clear away the suspicion." Qi Lin tried to calm Li Hao's emotions.

Li Hao was silent for a moment and finally nodded. "Well, Mr. Detective, I'll tell you the truth.

He took Qi Lin to a quiet office, closed the door and began his narration. "I am the owner of this repair shop, and the business has always been very good, but in recent months

Business is getting worse. In order to make ends meet, I made a bad decision. I decided to fake a hit and run.

Qi Lin's eyes flashed with surprise, but he did not interrupt Li Hao's words.

"I found a beat-up car, staged a fake accident, and deliberately left those clues. My plan was to use this case to attract media attention and thereby increase the reputation and business of the repair shop. I I thought it was just a little lie, but I didn't expect that things would become so complicated.

Qi Lin listened quietly, waiting for Li Hao to continue.

"However, things didn't turn out the way I expected. Everything I did was noticed by someone who used my stuff to create a real hit and run. I had no idea who he was or what he was doing. What is his purpose. But I understand that if the truth comes out, I will become the main suspect."

Qi Lin thought for a moment and then asked: "Do you have any suspects? Or is there anyone who has hatred for you or motives to frame you?"

Li Hao shook his head, "I don't have any disputes or conflicting interpersonal relationships. I live an ordinary life and work most of the time. I really can't understand why someone would frame me."

Qi Lin took a deep breath and realized that this case was more complicated than he thought. "Okay, Mr. Li Hao, I will continue the investigation. First, I need you to provide all the relevant information we can find, whether it is the vehicle or anyone related to the case. At the same time, please rest assured that I will do my best to help you Clear away the suspicion.”

Li Hao nodded, expressing Qi Lin's trust. "Thank you, Mr. Detective. I will provide all possible help."

Qi Lin spent the next few days conducting an in-depth investigation of the environment around the car accident scene and the internal and external conditions of the repair shop. He interviewed some witnesses and analyzed the remaining traces and physical evidence of the vehicle.

By gradually sorting out the investigation results, Qi Lin discovered an important clue.

In the surveillance video near the car accident scene, he found a man wearing a black hat and black clothes appearing near the crime scene and leaving the scene after the accident. The man's behavior aroused Qi Lin's suspicion, and he believed that the man might be related to the real hit-and-run case.

Qi Lin enlarged the surveillance video and carefully observed the man's features. Although it was blurry, he could tell that the man was tall and walked a little strangely. He decided to take this clue to the police and cooperate with them to investigate further.

At the police station, Qi Lin met with Liu Haiyang, the police officer in charge of the case. He introduced his findings to Liu Haiyang and provided a detailed description of the man's life.

(King Nuo’s) Liu Haiyang frowned, “We have similar reports, but so far we haven’t found any clues related to them. This is a complex case.

It's hard to deduce the truth. "

Qi Lin thought for a moment and then said: "I think this man is not a simple witness, he may be one of the perpetrators. He hid our attention and created a real hit-and-run case. He may be a A smart and calculated man, we need to find him to solve this mystery."

Liu Haiyang nodded, "Your point of view makes sense. We will add this clue to our investigation and continue to collect relevant evidence. If there are any new discoveries, we will contact you in time."

Qi Lin thanked Liu Haiyang for his cooperation and left the police station. He realizes that to track down and expose the real suspect, he needs more information and help. .

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