Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

925: Mark’S Expression Becomes Stiff

Back at the repair shop, Qi Lin worked closely with Li Hao again. Through a detailed investigation of Li Hao's employees and customers, they discovered a young technician named Mark who had been acting very strangely recently.

Mark is a taciturn and unsociable person, but he has become increasingly withdrawn over the past few weeks. His colleagues noticed that he always wore a black hat and black clothes, and that he walked in a manner similar to the man in the surveillance video.

Qi Lin felt that this clue was very important, and he decided to investigate Mark personally. He arranged Li Hao aside and prepared for a pretend visit.

When Qi Lin showed up at the repair shop, Mark seemed a little nervous. He tried to avoid Qi Lin's gaze, but Qi Lin was keenly aware of this. He walked up to Mark and said with a smile: "Hello, I am Qi Lin, a detective. I am investigating a hit-and-run case. Can you help answer some questions?"

Mark was stunned for a moment, then nodded. "Of course, sir. I will try to help you."

Qi Lin began to ask Mark about the car accident case and the situation of the repair shop. Mark's answer was a little hesitant and vague, but it did not arouse Qi Lin's suspicion. However, when Qi Lin mentioned the man in the surveillance video, Mark's 280 expression became stiff and he tried to change the topic.

Qi Lin saw through his mind and said softly: "Mark, I believe you know more things. If you have anything to say, I can guarantee your safety."

Mark's eyes flashed with hesitation and fear, and finally he sighed feebly. "I know something, but I can't tell you. It's too dangerous."

Qi Lin understands Mark's worries, but he also knows that only by revealing the truth can everyone be relieved. "Mark, if we don't find the real criminal, innocent people may be implicated. You are a man of conscience and I believe you will make the right choice."

Mark was silent for a moment, and then said tremblingly: "Okay, Mr. Detective. I will tell you everything, but please keep it secret."

Mark's words shocked Qi Lin. It turned out that Mark was Li Hao's former employee. He had worked in the repair shop for many years, but left because of a dispute. He has always held a grudge against Li Hao and planned to frame him by creating a hit-and-run case.

Mark told Qi Lin that he secretly entered the repair shop the night before the incident and found the password to the safe in Li Hao's office.

He opened the safe, took cash and important documents, and used some of the money to buy a black hat and clothing to disguise himself as a self-attacker on surveillance footage.

After the car accident, he took advantage of the chaos to flee the scene and abandoned Li Hao's vehicle, making him a hit-and-run suspect. He also used his technical knowledge to modify the surveillance video to delete scenes related to him.

After listening to Mark's confession, Qi Lin felt angry and disappointed. He did not expect that behind this case was a complex and personal act of revenge.

Qi Lin immediately recorded Mark's confession and notified the police. Mark was formally arrested and charged with hit-and-run, falsifying evidence and theft.

In the end, the truth emerged and Li Hao's innocence was proved. He expressed his endless gratitude to Qi Lin, and at the same time felt deeply guilty that he had doubted Qi Lin.

Qi Lin did not stop because of this. He decided to pursue the motives behind Mark and whether there was anyone else who was conspired with him. There are more mysteries waiting for him to solve.

During the pre-trial investigation, some background information about Mark was discovered.

It turned out that Mark was once a member of a criminal group and participated in many criminal activities, but he escaped capture during a police operation. The hit-and-run was just part of his revenge plan.

Qi Lin decided to launch further investigation to reveal the truth of the entire conspiracy. He conducted in-depth interviews with Mark's former accomplices (cjea) and collected enough evidence to connect them to the hit-and-run case.

Late one night, Qi Lin and the police raided the secret hiding place of a criminal gang. After a fierce fight, they successfully arrested several members and obtained some important information.

Through interrogation, Qi Lin learned that Mark had provided information about Li Hao to the criminal group.

It turned out that Mark had revealed some secrets about Li Hao to the criminal gang, including the illegal activities he secretly operated in the repair shop and the black market transactions involved.

This information aroused the interest of criminal gangs, who decided to use the hit-and-run case to frame Li Hao and force him out so that they could use his technical knowledge and resources to carry out larger-scale criminal activities.

Qi Lin realized that this case was far more complicated than imagined. He worked closely with the police and obtained more evidence to reveal the full truth of the conspiracy.

After months of hard work and investigation, Qi Lin finally succeeded in dismantling the entire criminal network and arresting those involved. At the same time, he also ensured Li Hao's safety and cleared him of all charges.

This time Qi Lin faced an unprecedented challenge - arson.

The arson occurred in a luxury apartment building late at night. Qi Lin received the report of the case and rushed to the scene immediately.

When he arrived, the entire apartment building had been engulfed in flames, with flames raging and black smoke filling the air. Qi Lin took a deep breath, put on a protective mask, and bravely entered the sea of ​​​​fire.

Inside the building, Qi Lin witnessed a shocking scene. Burnt furniture, scorched walls, and countless panicked figures of residents. He quickly approached the firefighters to inquire about the cause of the fire and possible targets.

"Have you noticed any suspicious people or actions?" Qi Lin asked.

"We are investigating, but we don't have any clues yet. The fire spread too fast, and we can only try our best to control the source of the fire." A firefighter replied.

Qi Lin nodded silently, he understood the rehabilitative nature of this case.

He began to carefully observe the location and traces of the fire. In a corner of the hall, he found a seemingly discarded lighter. Qi Lin immediately picked it up and put it in a plastic bag for storage.

In the next few days, Qi Lin launched a series of investigations. He dug into the history of the apartment building, held detailed interviews with residents, and worked with local police to analyze evidence from the crime scene.

He noted that before the arson, the apartment building's homeowners association had been involved in a heated dispute over maintenance funds.

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