Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

926: Association Members Are Awake And Cannot Evade Responsibility.

Qi Lin decided to start with the homeowners association and arranged a meeting with representatives from the association. In the conference room, Qi Lin asked dutifully: "Have you discovered any suspicious people or events that may be related to this arson case?"

The association representative frowned, pondered for a moment and replied: "To tell you the truth, we do have some disputes and dissatisfaction. However, we have never thought of using such extreme means to solve the problem."

Qi Lin noticed that the representative's answer seemed firm and sincere. He realizes there may be a deeper conspiracy in the case. As a result, he began to investigate the relationships, financial records and correspondence records among the association members.

After in-depth investigation, Qi Lin discovered some clues. He found an anonymous letter from within the association implicating ten members in the arson. Qi Lin immediately went to see that association member.

"I know you were involved in that arson case," Qi Lin said firmly, his eyes revealing an unavoidable determination.

Association members looked pale, but still tried to deny their involvement. "What nonsense are you talking about? I know nothing about this arson case!" he claimed.

Qi Lin took a deep breath and took out the lighter he found earlier from his pocket. He placed it on the table and watched the reaction of the association members. "You can continue to hide but the evidence has already pointed to you. This lighter is the key clue you left behind." 1

The faces of the association members became paler and paler, and finally they could no longer deny it.

He sighed and admitted his crime. "Yes, I did that. But I just wanted to bring some attention to our problems. I never thought the fire would spread so quickly and cause so much damage."

Qi Lin understands his anger and dissatisfaction, but he does not accept any violent means to solve problems. He asked calmly: "Why didn't you choose other ways to express your demands? Why did you choose to exterminate?"

The association member smiled bitterly and whispered: "We have raised the issue of the maintenance fund with the management company many times, but they always ignored it. We were ignored and ignored, so I wanted them to see the consequences. But I never thought Things could have gotten this bad. I really regret it.

Qi Lin listened quietly. He understood the pain and anxiety of the association members. He knows that there are often deeper problems that need to be solved.

"Your behavior not only caused great harm to other owners, but also brought irreparable consequences to yourself. I will arrest you and hand you over to the police and let the law judge your behavior. But at the same time, I will also We will work hard to resolve your maintenance fund issues and ensure they are dealt with in a fair and equitable manner.

The association member was speechless, knowing that he could not escape his responsibility. Qi Lin left the conference room and handed over the association members to the waiting police.

A few weeks later, with Qi Lin's efforts, the management company agreed to re-examine the homeowners association's maintenance fund issue and provide the owners with a fair solution. Reconstruction of the apartment building is also well underway.

Qi Lin was sitting in the office, looking at the documents on the table intently. Recently, a trafficking case made him feel extremely uneasy. This case involves many innocent people, and he is determined to seek justice for them.

The office door was knocked several times, and Qi Lin raised his head. Standing at the door was his partner, police detective Liu Peng.

"Team Qi, I found some clues. Regarding this trafficking gang, they may have a secret base somewhere outside the city," Liu Peng said.

Qi Lin smiled and affirmed Liu Peng. "Very good, Liu Peng. We have to take action quickly, otherwise the longer it takes, the greater danger those victims will face.

The two hurriedly left the office and walked towards the police car parked downstairs. They drove to the location where the investigative clues pointed them. Along the way, Qi Lin and Liu Peng discussed how to formulate an action plan.

"We can't act rashly," Qi Lin said. "We need more evidence to find that secret base. We need to protect the victims as much as possible while capturing the entire gang.

"Yes, team. I understand. We will proceed with caution." Liu Peng replied.

A few hours later, they arrived at a seemingly ordinary warehouse. Qi Lin and Liu Peng approached quietly, paying attention to every move around them. Suddenly, they heard a murmur of conversation.

Qi Lin winked at Liu Peng, indicating that he was waiting for instructions. He quietly approached the warehouse door, trying to listen for more information.


"These victims are almost packed. We can start transporting them." A deep voice said.

Qi Lin secretly opened the door and looked inside. There were a large number of boxes in the warehouse, which seemed to be filled with people.

He made up his mind, knowing that now was the critical moment. He pulled up Liu Peng and whispered: "We have to rescue them!"

They quietly walked around to the back of the warehouse, looking for the entrance. Qi Lin noticed a half-open door and they quickly got in.

It was dark inside the warehouse, with only weak lights illuminating the goods. Qi Lin and Liu Peng walked carefully through the corridor, trying to find the location of the victim.


When they came to a hall, they heard more talking. A tall man with a sinister smile was directing the others.

"Transport these people out quickly, we can't delay any longer." He ordered.

Qi Lin watched calmly, his goal determined. He approached quietly, ready to take action.

"Don't move! Police!" Qi Lin suddenly shouted, interrupting the man. He quickly pulled out his police badge and pointed at the gang members.

"Pick up your hands and leave the victims!" Qi Lin's voice was full of majesty, and his eyes were firm and cold.

The gang members were startled, but they quickly recovered and showed a provocative attitude. They began to retreat, and one by one they drew their weapons.

Qi Lin and Liu Peng immediately prepared for battle and maintained a stable posture. They know that this is a life and death battle.

"What do you want to do?" the grinning man roared.

Qi Lin sneered and replied without fear: "We are here to seek justice for these innocent victims! Your crimes will receive the punishment they deserve!"

Liu Peng and Qi Lin cooperated tacitly and quickly surrounded the gang members. They are agile and highly skilled, and they suppress their opponents with absolute advantage.

"Put down your weapons and surrender!" Liu Peng ordered sternly.

The gang members were desperate. Faced with these two ruthless detectives, they knew that any further escape was impossible.

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